Introduction to Cancer Biology

This course is expected to enhance students' understanding of oncology knowledge and increase their awareness of cancer prevention.


Introduction to Cancer Biology课程简介:前往报名学习

Introduction to Cancer Biology课程简介:

This course is expected to enhance students' understanding of oncology knowledge and increase their awareness of cancer prevention.


Introduction to Cancer Biology课程目录:

Chapter 1: Introduction to oncology

--1. History of TCM oncology

--2. History of Western Medicine oncology——Part of basic medicine

--3. History of Western Medicine oncology——Part of clinical medicine

Chapter 2: Regulation of tumorigenesis and apoptosis

--1. Discovery and function of p53

--2. Regulation of apoptosis signal

Chapter 3:Viruses and tumors

--1. Oncogenic virus and cell transformation

--2. Pathogenesis of oncogenic virus

Chapter 4: Tumor diagnosis

--1. Pathological diagnosis of tumor 1-- definition, history, and terminology of tumor pathology

--2. Pathological diagnosis of tumor 2- diagnosis basis and overview of tumor

--3. Pathological diagnosis of tumor 3- Common techniques for pathological diagnosis

--4. Molecular diagnosis of tumor markers

Chapter 5: Cell signaling pathway and tumors

--1. Overview of tumor cell signaling pathways

--2. NF-kB signal pathway

--3. JAK-STAT signal pathway

--4. Wnt signal pathway

--5. TGF-β signal pathway

--6. Nuclear receptor signal pathway

Chapter 6: Multistep tumorigenesis and genomic integrity

--1. Multistep mechanism of tumorigenesis

--2. Tumor stem cells

--3. Non-genetic mutations and tumor

Chapter 7: Clinical common tumor

--1. Colorectal cancer

--2. Breast cancer

--3. Lung cancer

Chapter 8: Oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes

--1. Oncogenes

--2. Tumor-suppressor genes

Chapter 9: Cell proliferation and tumor growth

--1. Patterns and Dynamics of tumor growth

--2. Cell cycle and tumors

--3. Tumor angiogenesis

Chapter 10: Tumor and immunity

--1. Tumor antigens

--2. Immune effect mechanism against tumor

--3. Immune escape mechanism of tumor

Chapter 11: Tumor and minimally invasive medicine

--1. Overview of minimally invasive medicine

--2. Application of minimally invasive medicine for tumor therapy

Chapter 12: Personalized medicine for tumor treatments

--1. Overview of Personalized medicine

--2. Application of personalized medicine for tumor therapy

Introduction to Cancer Biology授课教师:

王大亮 -副教授-清华大学-医学院

清华大学医学院副教授,曾获日本东京大学博士学位,目前从事肿瘤表观遗传调控的研究,先后发表SCI论文20余篇,参编或主编多部书籍。教学工作中主要教授组织学、病理学、肿瘤生物学等课程。曾获北京市高等教育教学成果奖一等奖及二等奖、教育部在线教育“智慧教学之星”、入选2018年全国高校创新创业教育“精彩一课”等奖项。 作为课程的主要负责人,讲解“绪论、肿瘤诊断、细胞增殖与肿瘤生长、临床常见肿瘤”四个章节的内容。 Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University

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