English writing instruction -- Introduction to Writing

An introduction to academic writing for English Language Learners, focusing on essay development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing.


English writing instruction -- Introduction to Writing课程简介:前往报名学习

English writing instruction -- Introduction to Writing课程简介:

An introduction to academic writing for English Language Learners, focusing on essay development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing.


English writing instruction -- Introduction to Writing课程目录:

Week 1: Grammar Review

--Welcome to the Course

--Grammar Terminology

--Parts of Speech/Parts of Writing

--Parts of the Sentence

--Week 1 Additional Homework

--Featuring our Moderators 1

--Where Are We?

Week 2: Sentences and Paragraphs

--Parts of the Sentence: Review

--Writing Effective Sentences

--Introduction to the Paragraph

--Parts of the Paragraph

--Choosing an Essay Topic

--Week 2 Additional Homework

--Featuring our Moderators 2

Week 3: Thesis Statements

--Thesis Statements

--Academic Writing: A Brief Introduction

--Finding the Argument

--Beginning Your Draft

--Week 3 Additional Homework

Week 4: The Essay

--The Essay

--Outlining Techniques

--Finding Information

--Developing Your Essay

--Self Assessment

--Week 4 Additional Homework

Week 5: Revision Practices

--Revising Your Draft

--Proofreading and Editing

--Creating Strong Introductions and Conclusions

--Submit Your Final Essay

--Week 5 Additional Homework

Final Exam

Preview of 2.2x

--Preview of 2.2x

English writing instruction -- Introduction to Writing授课教师:

Maggie Sokolik-教师-加州大学伯克利分校-应用语言学

Maggie Sokolik 博士在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得了应用语言学博士学位。在读博之后,她在法国巴黎进行了博士后工作,并曾担任哈佛大学,麻省理工学院,德州农工大学和北亚利桑那大学的教师。自1992年起她就开始在 UBC 教授写作和技术沟通课程。她著有20余本ESL(英语作为第二语言) 和写作方面的教科书,并频繁访问各地进行语法、写作和教师培训方面的演讲,最近演讲地包括中国、土耳其、墨西哥和印度。她还写作了一些小说,她的第一本小说《为时已晚休斯顿》 (Too Late for Houston) 将由Wayzgoose出版社于2013年末或2014年初出版。

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