Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology

Introduce basic principle, process, operation characteristics, process calculation method of the main physiochemical (waste)water treatment methods.


Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology课程简介:前往报名学习

Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology课程简介:

Introduce basic principle, process, operation characteristics, process calculation method of the main physiochemical (waste)water treatment methods.


Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology课程目录:

Chapter 0 Introduction

--0-1 Course orientation

--0-2 Water treatment process

--0-3 Wastewater treatment process

Chapter 1 Coagulation and flocculation

--1-1 Introduction

--1-2 Properties of colloids

--1-3 Mechanisms and process of coagulation and flocculation

--1-4 Coagulant and coagulant aids

--1-5 Kinetics of coagulation and flocculation

--1-6 Factors affecting the coagulation performance

--1-7 Facilities for coagulation and flocculation

Chapter 2 Sedimentation and clarification

--2-1 Introduction

--2-2 Discrete particle settling

--2-3 Flocculent settling

--2-4 Zone settling

--2-5 Rectangular settling tank

--2-6 Process calculation of rectangular settling tanks

--2-7 Vertical Flow (up-flow ) and radial flow settling tank

--2-8 Plated sedimentation tank

--2-9 Clarification pool

--3D interactive demonstration for settling tanks

Chapter 3 Air floatation

--3-1 Introduction

--3-2 Theoretical foundation of air floatation

--3-3 Pressurized dissolved air flotation

Chapter 4 Filtration

--4-1 Introduction

--4-2 Structure and process of conventional rapid filter

--4-3 Water head loss of filter

--4-4 Filtration method of filter

--4-5 Filter media

--4-6 Water distribution system

--4-7 Filter backwashing

--4-8 Siphon filter

--4-9 Gravity valveless filter

--4-10 Movable hood filter

--3D interactive demonstration for filtration tanks

Chapter 5 Disinfection

--5-1 Introduction

--5-2 Influence factors of disinfection

--5-3 Chlorine disinfection

--5-4 Chlorine dioxide disinfection

--5-5 Ultraviolet disinfection

Chapter 6 Ion-exchange

--6-1 Ion-exchange resin

--6-2 Properties of ion-exchange reactions

--6-3 Properties of cation exchange resin

--6-4 Properties of anion exchange resin

--6-5 Softening system using ion exchange

--6-6 Desalination system using ion exchange

--6-7 Ion-exchange equipment

--6-8 Treatment of industrial wastewater by ion-exchange method

Chapter 7 Membrane separation

--7-1 Introduction

--7-2 Principle and characteristics of electrodialysis

--7-3 Configuration of electrodialysis unit

--7-4 Operating parameters for electrodialysis unit

--7-5 Principle and process of reverse osmosis

--7-6 Operating parameters for reverse osmosis

--7-7 Principles and characteristics of UF and MF

--7-8 Design of ultrafiltration and microfiltration process

Chapter 8 Redox method

--8-1 Fundamental knowledge and classification

--8-2 Ozonation

--8-3 Photo-catalytic oxidation

--8-4 Supercritical water oxidation

--8-5 Electrolysis

Chapter 9 Adsorption

--9-1 Introduction

--9-2 Adsorption equilibrium and adsorption isotherm

--9-3 Adsorption breakthrough curve

Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology授课教师:


黄霞,博士,清华大学环境学院教授、环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室主任,国家精品课程《水处理工程》负责人、国家精品课程《环境工程原理》主讲教师。主要从事膜法水处理技术、生物电化学水处理技术、污水资源化等方面的研究工作。主著或参编著作/教材4部。曾获宝钢优秀教师特等奖、北京市优秀教师、北京市优秀教学成果一等奖、清华大学教学成果特等奖各1次,国家科技进步二等奖2次,高等学校科技进步奖等省部级一等奖5次,国际期刊Environmental Science and Technology 2009年度十佳论文奖。

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