
This MOOC is provided based on the cooperation agreement signed between XuetangX and FUN MOOC.




This MOOC is provided based on the cooperation agreement signed between XuetangX and FUN MOOC.



Week 1: Introduction and TB Epidemiology

--0. Introduction

--1. Presentation of patients

--2. History of TB

--3. TB Epidemiology

--4. IGRA tests or modern tools to identify tuberculosis infection

--5. Pediatric tuberculosis

--6. Tuberculosis, HIV, Diabetes

--Test 1

Week 2: TB Immunology

--0. Introduction

--1. Immunology of TB

--2. Mycobacterium tuberculosis interactions with host cells

--3. Interaction between Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the Host Immune System

--4. BCG vaccination and other vaccines against tuberculosis

--5. Human genetics of tuberculosis

--6. Milieu intérieur: standardized immune-monitoring to define boundaries of a healthy immune respons

--Test 2

Week 3: TB genomes: evolution, molecular epidemiology, drug resistance

--0. Introduction

--1. The evolution of tuberculosis-causing mycobacteria

--2. Whole genome sequencing of MT as an epidemiological marker

--3. History of Drug resistance

--4. The mutations that define XDR-TB

--Test 3

Week 4: Drug Resistance

--0. Introduction

--1. GeneXpert® and Xpert® MTB/RIF case studies

--2. Cultures, Hain, Isoniazid and Rifampicin resistance

--3. Clinical usefulness of while genome sequencing: potential for improved management of MDR and XDR

--4. Drug resistance prediction by genome sequencing

--Test 4

Week 5: Treatment

--0. Introduction

--1. Treatment of tuberculosis including MDR and XDR cases

--2. The short-course treatment for multidrug resistant tuberculosis

--3. New drugs, new regimens and clinical trials Part I: Principles of TB drug discovery, regimen-buil

--4. New drugs, new regimens and clinical trials Part II: Contemporary examples in TB Drug Development

--5. NTM detection and speciation; when to treat?

--Test 5

Week 6: Future Approaches and Challenges

--0. Introduction

--1. Novel strategies for tuberculosis treatment

--2. Tuberculosis Drug Discovery

--3. Microfluidics to study Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Mycobacteria

--4. Tuberculosis in China

--Test 6

Final exam

--Final exam


Howard Takiff-教授-巴斯德研究院-

Howard Takiff是医学博士,主要研究领域为传染病。在研究了腺病毒和疱疹病毒后,他又研究了大肠杆菌的细菌遗传学,后转攻应用遗传学以研究结核病。他于1991年在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯成立了自己的实验室,专注于结核抗药性、毒力决定因素和分子流行病学。他曾在非洲、纽约市和委内瑞拉担任过结核病临床医生。他于2015年起在巴斯德研究院工作,现在于深圳市南山区慢性病防治院(Nanshan CCDC)工作。

Brigitte Gicquel-教授-巴斯德研究院-分枝杆菌遗传学研究组

Brigitte Gicquel (BG)是一名微生物学家。她首度研究了结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium Tuberculosis,简称“MTB”)和宿主细胞之间的分子相互作用,是开发分子诊断探针和鉴定结核杆菌毒力相关基因的先驱,为临床实验下候选疫苗的研发奠定基础。BG协调欧盟委员会努力寻找新的抗结核疫苗,现在是欧洲NAREB纳米技术和传染病项目的协调人。她领导法国巴斯德研究院分枝杆菌遗传学研究组和上海巴斯德研究所新兴细菌病原体研究组。她同时共同领导法国巴斯德研究院和深圳市南山区慢性病防治院(Nanshan CCDC)的合作项目。

Catherine Pierre-Audigier-教授-巴斯德研究院-结核杆菌遗传学研究组

Catherine Pierre-Audigier是急诊室内科医生,后研究传染病,擅长结核病的分子生物学领域。作为医学博士,她同时在医院和巴斯德研究院的分枝杆菌遗传学研究组工作。在该研究院内,她参加了多个亚洲和非洲国家应用结核病诊断新工具以及耐药结核病检测的合作项目。

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