Elements of Structures

An introduction to the subject “strength of materials."


Elements of Structures课程简介:前往报名学习

Elements of Structures课程简介:

An introduction to the subject “strength of materials."


Elements of Structures课程目录:

Entrance Survey

--Important Preliminary Survey

Introduction and Preliminaries

--Weekly Overview

--Introduction to edX (Optional)

--Introduction to Elements of Structures

--Review: Forces and Moments

--Review: Integration

--Introduction to MATLAB: Part 1

Axial Loading I

--Weekly Overview

--Introduction to Axial Loading

Axial Loading II

--Weekly Overview

--Introduction to MATLAB: Part 2

--Statically Determinate Bars in Axial Loading


Axial Loading III

--Weekly Overview

--Advanced Topics in Axial Loading


Axial Loading IV

--Weekly Overview

--Introduction to MATLAB: Part 3


--Introduction to the Finite Element Method: Part 1


Torsion I

--Weekly Overview

--Introduction to Torsion

Torsion II

--Weekly Overview

--Torsion of Axisymmetric Shafts

--Introduction to the Finite Element Method: Part 2


Bending I

--Weekly Overview

--Introduction to Bending


Bending II

--Weekly Overview

--Bending of Symmetric Beams

--Introduction to the Finite Element Method: Part 3



--Weekly Overview

--The stress and strain tensor; Hooke's Law in 3D

--Stress transformation and Mohr's Circle (Optional)

--Introduction to failure criteria; Invariants for 3D stress states (Optional but strongly recommended

--Introduction to Energy Methods



Elements of Structures授课教师:


Simona 是 MIT/ISN 机械工程系高级讲师兼首席研究科学家。她在罗马大学获得核工程博士学位,并在 MIT 拿到机械工程博士学位。她在 MIT 教授结构力学已有十年之久。她的研究方向是织物、合成材料和生物软组织的力学行为。她所感兴趣的领域包括生物组织高应变率特性的测量和建模,以防止损伤,以及研究怀孕机理以降低早产风险。

Alexie M. Kolpak-副教授-麻省理工学院-机械工程系

Alexie M. Kolpak 是 MIT 机械工程系的助理教授。她在宾夕法尼亚大学获得生物化学的学士学位和物理化学的博士学位。她的研究方向是通过使用第一性原理计算设计新材料和异质结构,用于可持续能源和纳米电子。

Martin Segado--麻省理工学院-机械工程系

Martin Segado is a graduate student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. He has served as a teaching assistant for several MIT courses, including both the residential and online versions of 2.01. While his research so far has focused on modeling and simulation of high-efficiency cryocoolers, he is also interested in audio production, digital hardware design, programming, and singing a cappella.

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