Modern Aesthetics:Mechanism and Laws

In this world, all living things are born of nature. Why do beauty and ugliness exist? People often say: “Different strokes for different folks.” Why would one person like one thing while another like something else? Why was one thing in fashion yesterday but is out of fashion today? Why does wonderful art works make people really obsessed? Our course, Modern Aesthetics, will reveal the mysteries of these issues and take you to the wonderland of aesthetics with keys to explore.


Modern Aesthetics:Mechanism and Laws课程简介:前往报名学习

Modern Aesthetics:Mechanism and Laws课程简介:

In this world, all living things are born of nature. Why do beauty and ugliness exist? People often say: “Different strokes for different folks.” Why would one person like one thing while another like something else? Why was one thing in fashion yesterday but is out of fashion today? Why does wonderful art works make people really obsessed? Our course, Modern Aesthetics, will reveal the mysteries of these issues and take you to the wonderland of aesthetics with keys to explore.


Modern Aesthetics:Mechanism and Laws课程目录:

Chapter1 Introduction to Aesthetics

Chapter2 The Origin and Development of Aesthetics

--2.1 The Origin of Aesthetics

--2.2 The Findings of "Beauty" in Traditional Aesthetics

--2.3 The End of Traditional Aesthetics

--2.4 The Rise of Modern Aesthetics

Chapter3 The Research Purpose of Modern Aesthetics

Chapter4 Research Object of Aesthetics

--4.1 Research Object of Aesthetics

--4.2 The Composition of Aesthetic Phenomena

--4.3 Classification of the Aesthetic Phenomena

Chapter5 Mechanisms of Aesthetic Phenomena

--5.1 The Causes of Aesthetic Sense of the Manifest Utilitarian Aesthetic Objects

--5.2 Reasons for Aesthetic Sense in the Hidden Utilitarian Aesthetic Objects

--5.3 Mechanisms of Aesthetic Phenomena

Chapter6 The laws of Aaesthetic Psychology Formed by Social Life

--6.1 Interpersonal Influence Forms of Aesthetic Psychology Law

--6.2 Social Status Forming the Aesthetic Psychological Law

--6.3 The Level of Social Development Forms the Law of Aesthetic Psychology

--6.4 The Pursuit of Utility Forms the Law of Aesthetic Psychology

Chapter7 The Laws of Aesthetic Psychology Formed by Physiological Instincts

--7.1 The Instinct of Curiosity Forms the Aesthetic Psychological Law

--7.2 The Sexual Instinct Forms the Aesthetic Psychological Law

--7.3 The Creative Instinct Forms the Aesthetic Psychological Law

--7.4 The Life Instinct Forms the Aesthetic Psychological Law

Chapter8 The Laws of Aesthetic Psychology Formed by Sensory Organs

--8.1 The Role of Vision in Aesthetic Activities

--8.2 The Role of Vision in Aesthetic Activities

--8.3 The Role of Smell in Aesthetic Activities

--8.4 The Role of Tactile Sense in Aesthetic Activities

--8.5 The Role of Temperature Sense in Aesthetic Activities

--8.6 The Role of Spatial Sense in Aesthetic Activities

Chapter9 The Law of Aesthetic Psychological Change

--9.1 The Law of Aesthetic Psychological Enhancement

--9.2 The Law of Aesthetic Psychological Decline

Chapter10 The Mechanism and Law of Artistic Aesthetics

--10.1 The Formation of Basic Forms of Art

--10.2 Mechanism by which the Basic Form of Art Causes Aesthetic Feelings

--10.3 Mechanisms in which Artistic Content Arouses Aesthetics

--10.4 The Special Law of Artistic Aesthetics

Discussion: Modern Aesthetics and Moral Education

Chapter11 the Mechanism and Route of Aesthetic Education

--11.1 Function and Mechanism of Aesthetic Education

--11.2 Approaches to Aestheticization Education

--11.3 Approaches to Pure Aesthetic Education

--11.4 Method of Aesthetic Self-Cultivation

Modern Aesthetics:Mechanism and Laws授课教师:


赵惠霞,二级教授,研究生导师,长期从事美学美育理论研究与教学工作。现任西安思源学院副校长;担任陕西省高等学校教学指导委员会(中国语言文学类工作委员会)委员;历任文学院院长、中文系主任、美学美育研究中心主任、校级学术带头人、学科带头人等。2020年中国国际MOOC教学平台首批“金课”——《现代美学》MOOC主讲教师。 运用现实思维方法,构建了以审美现象为研究对象,以揭示审美现象发生机理和规律为研究目的现代美学理论体系;构建了以审美化教育、纯粹审美教育和审美自我修养为主体的现代审美教育体系,提出了以美储善、以美启智、以美兴体、以美育情的美育理论;运用现代美学理论,通过典型的爱情案例分析,研究爱情发生、发展的科学规律,给人们以智慧的启迪。 主持完成国家社科基金项目3项、省社科基金项目5项、省部级研究基地2个及省级各类教改项目近40多项;出版《现代美学》《爱情美学》《广告美学》等学术著作和教材13部,发表论文80余篇;教科研成果获得省级以上奖励15项。





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