Appreciation of Symphonic Music

Listen to sounds of nature, understand philosophy, feel harmony, train thinking!


Appreciation of Symphonic Music课程简介:前往报名学习

Appreciation of Symphonic Music课程简介:

Listen to sounds of nature, understand philosophy, feel harmony, train thinking!


Appreciation of Symphonic Music课程目录:

Chapter 1 Introduction

--1.1 Symphony Music of Nature, Great Beauty and Harmony

Chapter 2 Musical Instruments in the Symphony Band

-- 2.1 Heart-Chord Group of the Symphony Band

--2.2 Role Musical Instruments - Woodwind Group

--2.3 Clarity in the Sound of Metal - Copper Tube Set

--2.4 Band Skeleton and Atmosphere Rendering - Percussion Group and Color Function Group

Chapter 3 Language of Music

-- 3.1 Languages of first-time music

--3.2 Composition of musical melodies

--3.3.1 The intensity and density of the melody (Part One)

-- 3.3.2 The intensity and density of the melody (Part Two)

-- 3.4.1 bright and dark —— big and small (Part One)

--3.4.2 bright and dark —— big and small (Part Two)

-- 3.5.1 Changes in colors (Part One)

--3.5.2 Changes in colors (Part Two)

Chapter 4 The Architectural Frame of Music

-- 4.1 Composition of the music

--4.2 Music sentences and paragraphs

--4.3 Comparison and reproduction of music

--4.4 Swing music

--4.5.1 Big and small buildings in music (Part One)

--4.5.2 Big and small buildings in music (Part Two)

--4.6.1 Fun of music change (Part One)

--4.6.2 Fun of music change (Part Two)

--4.7 Symphonic Sonata —— Music and Life

Chapter 5 Film and Television and Animation Music

--5.1 Classical music in movies (Part One)

--5.2 Classical music in movies (Part Two)

--5.3 Classic music in animation (Part One)

--5.4 Classic music in animation (Part Two)

Chapter 6 The World of Suite

--6.1 Wonderful Ballet Music —— Swan Lake Suite (Part One)

--6.2 Wonderful Ballet Music —— Swan Lake Suite (Part Two)

--6.3 Wonderful Ballet Music —— Nutcracker Suite (Part One)

--6.4 Wonderful Ballet Music —— Nutcracker Suite (Part Two)

--6.5 Carnival of Animals —— Orchestra Suite "Animal Carnival " (Part One)

--6.6 Carnival of Animals —— Orchestra Suite "Animal Carnival " (Part Two)

Chapter 7 Concerto

--7.1.1 The Combination of Jazz and classical music —— Piano Concerto Blue Rhapsody (Part One)

--7.1.2 The Combination of jazz and classical music —— Piano Concerto Blue Rhapsody (Part Two)

--7.2.1 Transcend theological Core of Life and Death and Oriental Artistic Conception - The Slow Plate

--7.2.2 Transcend theological Core of Life and Death and Oriental Artistic Conception - The Slow Plate

--7.3.1 perfect combination of "war" and "love "——" warsaw concerto" (Part One)

--7.3.2 perfect combination of "war" and "love "——" warsaw concerto" (Part Two)

Chapter 8 Symphony

--8.1 The Concealment and Emancipation of Human Nature——Taking the Development of Western Music from t

--8.2 The Concealment and Emancipation of Human Nature——Taking the development of Western music from t

--8.3 Tragic Genius —— Mozart's Musical Spirit (Part One)

--8.4 Tragic Genius —— Mozart's musical spirit (Part Two)

--8.5.1 Emotions in the symphony —— lovers' feelings (Part One)

--8.5.2 Emotions in the symphony —— lovers' feelings (Part Two)

--8.6 Emotion in the symphony —— natural feeling

--8.7 Emotion in the symphony —— national sentiment

--8.8.1 Emotion in the symphony —— tragic feelings in the symphony (Part One)

--8.8.2 Emotion in the symphony —— tragic feelings in the symphony (Part Two)

Chapter 9 Symphonic Poetry

--9.1.1 Orchestra of poetry (Part One)

--9.1.2 Orchestra of poetry (Part Two)

--9.2 From Prelude to Symphony

--9.3 The Czech Mother River —— the Voltava River

Chapter 10 Appreciation of Symphonic Music with Chinese Characteristics

--10.1.1 Preface to Symphony Music with Chinese Characteristics (Part One)

--10.1.2 Preface to Symphonic Music with Chinese Characteristics (Part Two)

--10.2 The Love of Traveller —— The homesickness of Inner Mongolia Suite

--10.3 The jubilation of the festival ——" The prelude to Spring Festival "

--10.4.1 A Model for the Exchange of Chinese and Western Music Arts - Violin Concerto "Liang Shanbo an

--10.4.2 A Model for the Exchange of Chinese and Western Music Arts - Violin Concerto "Liang Shanbo an

--10.5.1 Presentation of the Characteristics of Ethnical Music —— Piano Concerto "Yellow River " (Part

--10.5.2 Presentation of the Characteristics of Ethnical Music —— Piano Concerto "Yellow River " (Part

--10.5.3 Presentation of the Characteristics of Ethnical Music —— Piano Concerto "Yellow River " (Par

--10.6.1 The Rhyme of the Nation —— Erhu Concerto "The Great Wall Followings " (Part One)

--10.6.2 The Rhyme of the Nation —— Erhu Concerto "The Great Wall Followings " (Part Two)

--10.7.1 Magnificent epic —— Psalms of Heroes (Part One)

--10.7.2 Magnificent epic —— Psalms of Heroes (Part Two)

--10.8.1 Essence of the Nation —— Zhu Jianer, The Tenth Symphony "Jiang Xue " (Part One)

--10.8.2 Essence of the Nation —— Zhu Jianer, The Tenth Symphony "Jiang Xue " (Part Two)

--10.8.3 Essence of the Nation —— Zhu Jianer, The Tenth Symphony "Jiang Xue "(Part Three)

--10.9.1 Rendering and Contrasting —— Red Classic Music in Chinese Films (Part One)

--10.9.2 Rendering and Contrasting —— Red Classic Music in Chinese Films (Part Two)

Final test

Appreciation of Symphonic Music授课教师:






文茹,2008年毕业于西安音乐学院音乐学系民族音乐学方向,硕士研究生,现任教于西安交通大学人文学院艺术系。自工作以来担任《钢琴演奏艺术实践》、《音乐鉴赏》、《中外名曲赏析》、《音乐的律动与创造》等课程的教学工作;主持和参与省、市、校级课题12余项,其中主持西安交通大学基本科研项目“基于暗示-实现理论的音乐风格特征动态分析——以维也纳古典乐派为例”,2017.3;主持西安市社会科学规划基金项目“西安鼓乐之庙会民俗传承研究”,2014.6;主持陕西省艺术规划课题“西安鼓乐社及其民俗活动考察研究”,2010.4;主持西安交通大学科研基金(人文社科类)项目——“西安鼓乐社及其民俗活动研究”,2009.7。公开发表学术论文8篇(包括CSSCI论文2篇,EI论文2篇);正式出版教材7部:《钢琴艺术理论与实践》、《钢琴艺术理论与音乐欣赏研究》、《中外名曲赏析》、《交响音乐赏析》、《西北民族音乐鉴赏》、《中国传统音乐普修教程》、《音乐鉴赏》。《西安鼓乐之庙会民俗研究》、《非物质文化遗产进入地方高校公共艺术课堂的构想—以陕西普通高校公共艺术教育为例》获中国高等教育学会音乐教育专业委员会第十四次学术论文评审,一等奖、三等奖。2014.7;“陕西省普通高校公共艺术课展评”《音乐鉴赏》授课比赛二等奖,陕西省文化厅2010.3;《Music style analysis among haydn、Mozart and Beethoven:an unsupervised machine learning approach》入选2017第43届国际计算机音乐会议论文集,2017.10。 2016年7月15—21日受英国坎特伯雷基督教会大学音乐与表演艺术学院邀请,做短期访问交流。




刘俊峰,博士在读,研究领域:音乐心理学。 2016年硕士毕业于意大利特兰托国立音乐学院,萨克斯管演奏专业, 师从于意大利著名萨克斯管演奏家Marco Albonetti。曾以重奏与独奏的形式于中国、意大利、芬兰、哥斯达黎加等地举办多场音乐会,并广受好评。 获奖:意大利第十届Città di Bardolino“Jan Langosz”国际音乐比赛重奏组满分及一等奖、意大利第七届Antonio Salieri国际音乐比赛重奏组一等奖 、 意大利第一届Rizzardo Bino国际音乐比赛重奏组二等奖、意大利第五届Val Di Sole音乐大赛重奏组满分及一等奖、意大利第九届Città di Piove di Saccco音乐大赛重奏组一等奖。

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