Basic Molecular Biology

Molecular biology reveals the gene structure and function, which also provides us powerful tools to explore the mystery of life science.


Basic Molecular Biology 课程简介:前往报名学习

Basic Molecular Biology 课程简介:

Molecular biology reveals the gene structure and function, which also provides us powerful tools to explore the mystery of life science.


Basic Molecular Biology 课程目录:

Chapter 1 The material basis of genetic information

-- C1-Lecture 1 The past and present journey of molecular biology

--C1-Lecture 2 The nature of genetic material

--C1-Lecture 3 Amazing DNA double helix

--C1-Lecture 4 Supercoiled DNA

--C1-Lecture 5 Denaturation, renaturation and hybridization

--C1-Lecture 6 Nucleic acids extraction and gel electrophoresis

--Chapter 1 Test

--Learning resources

Chapter 2 From gene to chromosome

--C2-Lecture 1 Genome does not equal to chromosome

--C2-Lecture 2 Nucleosomes and their Assembly

--C2-Lecture 3 Higher order chromatin structure

--C2-Lecture 4 Chromatin modification and remodeling

-- Chapter 2 Test

--Learning resources

Chapter 3 Who is in pairs? DNA replication

--C3-Lecture 1 Semiconservative DNA replication

--C3-Lecture 2 The mechanism of DNA polymerase

--C3-Lecture 3 Process of DNA replication

--C3-Lecture 4 Regulation of DNA replication initiation

--C3-Lecture 5 The end replication problem and telomere

--C3-Lecture 6 Let’s “cook” DNA

-- Chapter 3 Test

--Learning resources

Chapter 4 DNA mutation and repair

--C4-Lecture 1 Replication errors and the mismatch repair system

--C4-Lecture 2 DNA damage

--C4-Lecture 3 DNA Repair

--C4-Lecture 4 DNA Homologous Recombination

--C4-Lecture 5 Changing the natural gene sequences

-- Learning resources

Chapter 5 Transcription in prokaryotes

--C5-Lecture 1 RNA polymerase

--C5-Lecture 2 Transcription process in prokaryotes

--C5-Lecture 3 Transcriptional regulation in bacterial I: Lac operon

--C5-Lecture 4 Transcriptional regulation in bacterial II: Tryptophan operon

--Chapter 5 Test

--Learning resources

Chapter 6 Transcription in eukaryotes

--Lecture 1 Eukaryotic RNA polymerase and promoter

--Lecture 2 Transcription process in eukaryotic cell

--Lecture 3 Transcription factors of eukaryotic cell

--Lecture 4 Epigenetic Regulation of gene expression

--Chapter 6 Test

--Learning resources

Chapter 7 RNA Processing

--Lecture 1 RNA splicing

--Lecture 2 Cotranscriptional processing of nuclear pre-mRNA

--Lecture 3 One gene one protein? Alternative RNA splicing

--Lecture 4 “Seeing” RNA

--Chapter 7 Test

--Learning Resources

Chapter 8 Protein Synthesis, translation

--Lecture 1 Genetic codons and ribosome

--Lecture 2 Process of translation

--Lecture 3 Regulation of gene expression at Translational level

--Lecture 4 Looking for your protein

--Learning resources

Final Exam

Basic Molecular Biology 授课教师:




博士,讲师。1995年于西北大学获学士学位、2003年于西安交通大学获硕士学位、2010年于西安交通大学获博士学位。2006年-2007年在美国密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校医学院访问交流。长期从事本科生教学工作,主讲普通生物学、生物学基础Fundamental Biology、生命科学基础I、生命科学基础II、遗传学Genetics、生物(少年班)、分子生物学实验等。2013年荣获西安交通大学授课竞赛三等奖、2019年荣获西安交通大学授课竞赛一等奖。普通生物学课程在学生评教中连续5年均获评优秀。主要从事复杂疾病的分子遗传学与基因组学的研究,主持国家自然科学基金1项,陕西省科技项目1项,发表期刊学术论文13篇(SCI收录12篇)。


冯怡,博士,副教授,博导,斯坦福大学访问学者。2010年3月至今就职于西安交通大学生物医学工程系,承担西安交通大学生物医学工程系本科生《分子生物学》(双语),《生物化学》和《分子细胞生物学》、西安交通大学全校本科生《生命科学基础II》和生物医学工程系研究生英文专业课《Functional and Molecular Imaging》的教学工作,教学效果广受好评。主要从事生物医学超声诊疗及其生物学效应研究,主持国家自然科学基金2项,省部级自然科学基金2项。参与国家973计划,国科金重点项目和国家科研仪器专项等3项。发表学术论文20多篇,作为副主编出版英文专著1本,中文专著1本,参编中文教材两本。



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