Clinical Physiology

What one function of the body interests you the most? Could it be how the brain integrates learning or how we make babies? Whatever your answer is, most likely you’d want to explore it in detail by studying clinical physiology. Such an exploration should be coupled with an unquenchable yet science-based curiosity. Such curiosity is what we intend to develop in this course. Furthermore, we intend to make your learning in an integrated way with you at the center. If you’re interested, sign in and join us.


Clinical Physiology课程简介:前往报名学习

Clinical Physiology课程简介:

What one function of the body interests you the most? Could it be how the brain integrates learning or how we make babies? Whatever your answer is, most likely you’d want to explore it in detail by studying clinical physiology. Such an exploration should be coupled with an unquenchable yet science-based curiosity. Such curiosity is what we intend to develop in this course. Furthermore, we intend to make your learning in an integrated way with you at the center. If you’re interested, sign in and join us.


Clinical Physiology课程目录:

Chapter 1 Basic concepts and principles

--  Course introduction

-- Internal environment and homeostasis

--Regulation of body functions

--Control systems of the body

Chapter 2 The Cells

--Transport across cell membrane

--Ion channels

--Resting potentials

-- Action potentials

-- Excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle

Chapter 3 Neurophysiology

--1.Organization of the nervous system

--2.Conduction and transmisssion in nerves

--3.Synaptic transmission


--5.Basalt ganglia

--6.Autonomic nervous system

Chapter 4 The Blood

--Overview of Blood

--Formed Elements, PART1: Erythrocytes

--Formed Elements, PART2: Leukocytes

--Formed Elements, PART3: Platelets

--Blood Group and Transfusion

Chapter 5 Cardiovascular system

--Electrical Events of the heart

--Cardiac cycle

--Regulation of cardiac function

--Hormonal regulation of the cardiac function

--Arterial Blood Pressure

--Integrative regulation of cardiovascular function

Chapter 6 Respiratory system

-- The Mechanisms of breathing

--The evaluation of pulmonary function

-- Gas exchange in the lungs and tissues

--The transport of gases in the blood

--The regulation of breathing

Chapter 7 Renal physiology

--Glomerular filtration-part I

-- Glomerular filtration-part II

-- Tubular reabsorption and secretion-part I

-- Tubular reabsorption and secretion-part II

-- Concentration and dilution of urine

Chapter 8 Fluid-electrolytes and acid-base balance

-- Body fluids and their distribution

--Electrolyte balance

-- Acid-base balance

Chapter 9 Gastrointestinal system

--9.1 GI structures and functions

--9.2 Digestive juices

--9.3 Neural and hormonal control of GI system

--9.4 Mechanical digestion

--9.5 Chemical digestion and absorption

Chapter 10 Metabolism and temperature regulation

--The Source and Utilization of Energy

--Energy Metabolic Rate

Chapter 11 Endocrine physiology

-- Hormones and feedback control of hormone secretion

--Hypothalamus and pituitary gland

--Thyroid gland

--Parathyroid gland

--Adrenal cortex

--Adrenal medulla


Chapter 12 Reproductive physiology

--The hypothalamus-pituitary-gonads axis

--Male reproductive physiology

--Female reproductive physiology, PART 1: Folliculogenesis and hormones

--Female reproductive physiology, PART 2: The menstrual cycle

Clinical Physiology授课教师:


生理学副教授,课程负责人。负责课程的整体设计、开发及管理 汕头大学医学院教务处副处长,PBL 亚太联盟中国区域代表,美国医学教育研究与发展基金会(FAIMER)全球培训教师。 长期从事基础医学教学、医学教育管理与教师发展工作。年均授课超过100学时,年均培训50余工作坊。




现任汕头大学医学院第一附属医院,血液内科,医师。汕头大学医学院临床兼聘教师,全英资格教师。 从教时间:2017年9月至今 年均学时:30学时/年 参与课程:医学英语(医学基础导读)课程、《人体结构》模块、《老年医学》模块、留学生《临床汉语沟通课》






何昕华,生理学专业博士,汕头大学医学院生理学教研室讲师,生理学教研室教学秘书。 长期从事生理学专业本科生、研究生教学和科研一线工作,曾获得汕头大学医学院青年教师授课比赛二等奖、三等奖和最佳教案奖。近年来,为本科生授课年均160余学时;作为编者,参编生理学专科教材1部;作为指导教师,指导本科生参与大学生创新实验项目一项。 科研方向是神经生理学,现主持国家自然科学基金项目(青年基金)一项,广东省自然科学基金项目一项,曾主持教育部高校博士点基金(新教师类)一项,中国博士后科学基金会第 49 批面上项目一项和广东省医学科研基金一项,参加国家自然基金面上项目两项和广东省自然科学基金两项,已发表SCI收录科研论文多篇,指导硕士研究生4名,目前指导在读硕士研究生2名。





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