C Programming

Program design is an important basic course for information major and other science and engineering subjects. It includes basic sstructured programming, array, function etc. If you want to cultivate computational thinking to solve and deal with practical problems of your major, and have the basic ability of using C language to develop application software, master the method of computer programming, and lay a solid foundation for the follow-up professional courses, then welcome to join our course


C Programming课程简介:前往报名学习

C Programming课程简介:

Program design is an important basic course for information major and other science and engineering subjects. It includes basic sstructured programming, array, function etc. If you want to cultivate computational thinking to solve and deal with practical problems of your major, and have the basic ability of using C language to develop application software, master the method of computer programming, and lay a solid foundation for the follow-up professional courses, then welcome to join our course


C Programming课程目录:

Chapter 1 Introduction

--1.1 The development and characteristics of C language

--1.2 A simple C Language program

--1.3 Program, Programming Language and C Program Running Steps

Chapter 2 Algorithm

--2.1 The Concept and Description of Algorithms

--2.2 Examples of Simple Algorithms, Computational Thinking and Structured Programming

Chapter 3 Programming in C

--3.1 Simple Structure and Identifier of C Language Program

--3.2 Constants, Variables and Assignments

--3.3 Arithmetic, assignment, increment and decrement operators

--3.4 Conditions, commas, addresses, byte operators, and mixed operations among various numerical data

--3.5 Input and Output Examples and Character Input and Output

--3.6 Formatted output printf function

--3.7 Formatted input scanf function

--3.8 Basic Data Types of C Language

Chapter 4 Selection Structure

--4.1 Relational operators, logical operators, and if statements

--4.2 Switch Statement

--4.3 Examples of Selection Structural Programs

Chapter 5 Loop Structure

--5.1 While and Do-While Statement

--5.2 For Statement

--5.3 Change the State of Loop Execution and Nested Loop

--5.4 Loop Structure Program example 1

--5.5 Loop Structure Program example 2

Chapter 6 Batch Data Processing with Array

--6.1 Definition, Reference and Initialization of One-Dimensional Arrays

--6.2 One-Dimensional Array Programming

--6.3 Definition, Reference and Initialization of Two-Dimensional Arrays

--6.4 Two-Dimensional Array Programming

--6.5 Definition, initialization and input and output of character arrays

--6.6 String Processing Function

--6.7 Character Array Programming

Chapter 7 Modular Programming with Functions

--7.1 Function Concept and How to Define and Call Functions

--7.2 Data Transfer in Function Call, Call Procedure and Function Return Value

--7.3 Declarations of called functions and nested calls to functions

--7.4 Recursive call to function

--7.5 Array as function parameter (1)

--7.6 Array as function parameter (2)

--7.7 Local and global variables, internal and external functions

--7.8 The Survival Period of Variables and the Storage Mode of Local Variables

--7.9 Storage Categories of Global Variables

Chapter 8 Pointer

--8.1 Pointer Concept, Definition and Reference of Pointer Variables

--8.2 Pointer variables as function parameters

--8.3 Pointer of array element, operation of pointer and reference of array element by pointer

--8.4 Using Array Name as Function Parameter

--8.5 Reference to multidimensional arrays by pointers

--8.6 Referencing strings through pointers

--8.7 Character pointer as function parameter

--8.8 Pointer pointing to function

--8.9 Functions that return pointer values

--8.10 Pointer arrays and multiple pointers

--8.11 Dynamic memory allocation and pointer variables pointing to it

Chapter 9 Structure

--9.1 Define and use structural variables

--9.2 Using structure arrays

--9.3 Structure pointer

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Final Exam

--Final Exam

C Programming授课教师:


丁海燕(主讲教师),现任云南大学信息学院计科系教师,副教授、硕士生导师,长期从事计算机程序设计、网页设计与Web前端开发、计算机基础等教学工作。主要教授C语言程序设计、VB程序设计、计算机基础、网页设计与制作、专业英语等课程。 从事计算机应用技术领域的教学和科研工作,主持云南省教学改革项目2项、云南大学教学改革项目2项等,主持省级科研项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金和云南应用基础研究计划等。 2010,2014年2次独立获得云南大学教学成果二等奖,2011,2015年分别获云南大学伍达观教育基金优秀教师奖,获云南大学教师课堂教学竞赛优秀奖。获云南省多媒体教育软件大赛二等奖1项,三等奖3项,优秀奖6项。 第一作者发表40余篇学术与教学研究论文,出版6部计算机教材,指导学生获得全国信息技术应用水平竞赛全国特等奖、二等奖、三等奖。加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学访问学者,日本东京工业大学访问学者。


胡盛,云南大学软件学院教师,理学硕士(软件工程方向) ,从事教学近18年,主讲《C语言程序设计课程》多次,曾荣获过云南大学青年教师课堂比赛二等奖,并承担过《Java程序设计》、《Python语言程序实践》、《软件工程》、《软件专业实训》等十几门不同的计算机相关的专业必修课、选修课,具有较丰富的教学经验和一定的科研基础。

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