International Shipping Practice’(CH/ENG)

Welcome to ‘International Shipping Practice’, lets stare at the stars and be down to earth. This is a professional training course with international visions, which aims to broaden students’ horizon and mind. This is also a course combining theories and practices, which is a co-operation result among industries, enterprises, and governments to assist students growing professional knowledge to quickly adapting new working environment and achieve faster promotion.


International Shipping Practice’(CH/ENG)课程简介:前往报名学习

International Shipping Practice’(CH/ENG)课程简介:

Welcome to ‘International Shipping Practice’, lets stare at the stars and be down to earth. This is a professional training course with international visions, which aims to broaden students’ horizon and mind. This is also a course combining theories and practices, which is a co-operation result among industries, enterprises, and governments to assist students growing professional knowledge to quickly adapting new working environment and achieve faster promotion.


International Shipping Practice’(CH/ENG)课程目录:

Moduel 1 Staring at the stars – knowing shipping industry

--Competition – International shipping past, now and future

--Compete for price – Shipping alliance

--A journey to famous ports

--International shipping line -main shipping routes

--Unit testing

Moduel 2 down to earth - Positions

--Holding the money bag – sales positions in international shipping companies

--Position analysis: differences between marketing and sales

--Case study 1: African shipping lines

--Case study 2: becoming a successful sales

--Case study 3: how to deal issues like a senior sales

--Knowledge expansion: container changed the world

--Senior sales to solve your questions

--Students presentation videos

--Satisfaction rate – CS position in international shipping companies

--Position analysis: detailed CS

--Case study 1: knowing DG

--Case study 2: DG booking

--Case study 3: reefer container booking

--Knowledge expansion: cold chain

--Memorizing flow chart – OP in international shipping companies

--OP position analysis: detailed OP

--Case study: OP working process

--Nowledge expansion: how to read container stowage plan

--Knowledge expansion: stowage plan

--Professionals solve your questions

--Standardization – documentation at international shipping companies

--Position analysis: detailed B/L making person

--Case study: making B/L

--Unit testing

Module 3 facing future – Career development

--We want you – what do companies need from you

--Finding matching point – what should job seeker look for

--Prepare to get employed 1 – getting employed in intentional shipping companies

--Prepare to get employed 2 – getting employed in container port

--Unit testing

Module 4achieving your dream – Have your own startup company

--Big data logic – Shenzhen port development and practice

--Startup company 1 – cross boarder e-commerce, shipping cost control to gain competitive advantage

--Startup company 2 – how did I get the first pot of gold

--Unit testing

Term final examination

International Shipping Practice’(CH/ENG)授课教师:


深圳市政协委员,深圳港口协会理事,深圳海运协会理事,中国交通运输协会共享交通专家委员会专家。 深圳市交警局顾问、深圳市交通局政策咨询专家,深圳市普泰科技有限公司董事长 深圳职业技术学院物流系副教授、交通运输研究所主任,深圳市市级优秀教师。 (1)主持广东省精品开放课程《国际航运英语》,国家交通教指委精品课程《港航专业英语》负责人,指导学生获广东省大学生挑战杯大赛一等奖1项,二等奖1项。2005年作为专业主任,带领港航专业成功申报国家级示范专业立项。 (2)主持参与研究课题53项,发表论文15篇,编著教材1部。撰写政协提案58篇,主持研究多项交通运输行业研究报告,均被政府采纳实施。其中《深圳港集装箱班轮运输现状及发展政策研究》、《深圳港驳船运输发展政策研究》,研究成果已纳入深圳市人民政府文件《深圳市人民政府关于进一步促进深圳港发展的若干意见》;主持论证开通深圳蛇口至香港机场航线,实现深圳市民香港起飞、蛇口办理登机托运手续,获得良好社会效益与经济效益。 (3)招商局21世纪海上丝绸之路优才计划”主讲老师。此项目旨在为全球各地求知若渴的港航优秀人才创造学习机会,进而为“一带一路”沿线国家培养一批有影响力、带动力的“一带一路”港航领军人才。学员包括来自意大利、立陶宛、埃塞俄比亚、俄罗斯等13个国家的29位港航企业高管、交通部领导。




本硕博均毕业于University of Plymouth(英国普利茅斯大学),先后获得BA Operation Management和MSc International SC and Logistics Management学位,并于2018年获得International Shipping(航运)方向博士学位。研究方向主要是港口可持续性发展和绿色港口。曾于2016年担任IMO research intern,并多次观摩国际海事会议。




深圳职业技术学院港口与航运管理专业99级优秀毕业生 毕业后一直在世界顶级船公司CMA CGM(达飞轮船)的Operation Department(操作部)工作,17年坚守专注、精益求精,不忘初心,出色地完成公司合并操作部工作的顺利交接,带领团队顺利完成华南区港口操作的统一,成为这个领域当中的佼佼者。



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