
教学数字化,让华文学习更有趣、更有效!(Digital teaching makes Chinese learning more interesting and effective. )




教学数字化,让华文学习更有趣、更有效!(Digital teaching makes Chinese learning more interesting and effective. )



1. 华文教育技术概述( The Application of Chinese Educational Technology)

--1.1 华文教育技术应用现状和发展趋势(The Application Status and Development Tendency of Chinese Educational Technology)

--1.2 华文教师的教育技术素养(The Educational Technology Literacy of Chinese Teachers)

--1.3 课程内容和学习方法(Course Contents and Learning Methods)

2. 网络华文教学资源的获取( Access To Online Chinese Educational Resources)

--2.1 网络华文教学资源现状概述(An Overview of the Status of Online Chinese Educational Resources )

--2.2 网络华文教学资源特点和甄别原则(The Characteristics and Distinguishing Principles of Chinese Educational Resources)

--2.3 高效检索网上华文教学资源的方法(Methods to Obtain Chinese Teaching Resources)

3. 数字化华文教学素材的设计与制作( Design and Making of Multimedia Teaching Materials on Chinese Linguistic Elements )

--3.1 理论基础(The Theoretical Basis)

--3.2 多媒体元素的特点和功能(The Characteristics and Functions of Multimedia Elements)

--3.3 汉语拼音自动标注方法及应用示例(Automatic Annotation Method and Demonstration Application of Chinese Pinyin)

--3.4 数字化语音处理方法及应用示例(Processing Method of Digital Voice and Its Application Examples)

--3.5 汉字图像化处理方法及应用示例(Image Processing Method of Chinese Characters and and Its Application Examples)

--3.6 图解词义的处理方法及应用示例(The Processing Method of Illustrating the Meaning of Words in Diagram and Its Application Examples)

--3.7 汉语知识可视化的处理方法及应用示例(The Method of Chinese Knowledge Visualization and Its Application Examples)

4. 华文课件的设计与制作(Design and Making of Chinese Course-ware)

--4.1 华文课件概述(Overview of Chinese Course-ware)

--4.2 华文课件的教学设计(Instructional Design of Chinese Course-ware)

--4.3 华文课件的系统设计(System Design of Chinese Course-ware)

--4.4 华文课件的多媒体集成

--4.5 华文课件的人机交互设计(Multimedia Integration of Chinese Course-ware)

--4.6 语音课件的设计与制作示例( Examples of Designing and Making Phonetic Course-ware)

--4.7 汉字课件的设计与制作示例( Examples of Designing and Making Chinese Character Course-ware)

--4.8 词语课件的设计与制作示例(Examples of Designing and Making Words Course-ware)

--4.9 语法点课件的设计与制作示例(Examples of Designing and Making Grammar Point Course-ware)

5. 华文教育技术在课堂教学中的应用(The Application of Chinese Educational Technology in Classroom Teaching)

--5.1 华文教育技术与华文课堂教学融合的一般方法(General Method of the Integration of Chinese Educational Technology and Chinese Classroom Teaching)

--5.2 华文教学专家谈教育技术的运用1(Expert in Chinese Language Teaching on the Application of Educational Technology 1)

--5.3 华文教学专家谈教育技术的运用2(Expert in Chinese Language Teaching on the Application of Educational Technology 2)

--5.4 案例1——综合课(Comprehensive Class)

--5.5 案例2——口语课(Oral Class )

--5.6 案例3——阅读课(Culture Class)

6. 云端环境下华文教育技术的应用(Application of Chinese Educational Technology in Cloud Environment)

--6.1 云端华文数字教材(Chinese Digital Textbooks on the Cloud)

--6.2 华文学习APP(APPs for Chinese Learning)







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