







什么是人类学?什么是进化?Week 1: What is anthropology? What is evolution?

--Anth207.00团队介绍 An Introduction to Anth 207.00

--人类学与相关问题 Anthropology and the questions we ask

--什么是进化? What is evolution?

--进化演变的基本动力 The basic forces of evolutionary change

--发生着的进化 Evolution in action

--本周思考题 Thought question for the weekend

现存猿类与人类的生物多样性 Week 2: Biological variation in the living apes and humans

--人类在灵长类世界中的地位 The place of humans in the primate world

--猿类与人类的解剖 Ape and Human Anatomy

--猿类与人类的骨骼解剖 Ape and Human Skeletal Anatomy

--猿类与人类的生命史 Ape and Human Life History

--猿类与人类的行为特征 Ape and Human Behavior

--猿类与人类:练习题 Apes and Humans: Review exercises

--本周思考题 Thought question for the weekend

化石记录研究 Week 3: Studying the fossil record

--什么是化石? What is a fossil?

--确定化石记录的年代 Dating the fossil record

--模拟挖掘:“再挖深一些” Virtual Excavation: "Gone digging"

--这是什么?从化石中识别功能 What is it? Identifying function from fossils

--这是什么?生物变异化石分类 What is it? Categorizing biological variation in fossils

--建立正常变异 Establishing normality

--本周思考题 Thought question for the weekend

人类的起源 Week 4: The origin of hominins

--中新纪:类人猿时代 The Miocene soup: The age of apes

--是什么特征让人类成为人类?What makes a hominin a hominin?

--灵长类动物的齿序 Primate dentition

--可能的最早人类 The earliest possible hominins

--复习回顾:早期人类 Early hominins: review

早期的南猿 Week 5: The early Australopithecines

--只能双足行走特征与早期南猿 Obligate bipedality and the earliest Australopithecines

--关于“露西” All about "Lucy"

--阿法南猿 Australopithecus afarensis

--运动解剖学 Locomotor anatomy

--南猿生物学 Australopithecine biology

--复习回顾:早期的南猿 Early Australopithecine: Review

后期的南猿 Week 6: The later Australopithecines

--原始南猿-阿法南猿 The original Australopithecine - Australopithecus africanus

--南猿的行为方式 Australopithecine behavior

--实验室:南猿的性二态 Lab: Sexual dimorphism in the Australopithecines

--最新的南猿-源泉南猿 The newest Australopithecine - Australopithecus sediba

--回顾:南猿研究中缺失的一环 Review: Australopithecines as the missing link

期中考试(第一周-第六周)MIDTERM (Weeks 1-6)

--进化理论、早期人类与南猿 Evolutionary theory, early hominins, and the Australopithecines

粗壮型南猿的兴衰 Week 7: The rise and fall of the "robust" Australopithecines

--一个新家系的开始?-粗壮型南猿 The beginning of a new lineage? - The Robust Australopithecines

--优先发展咀嚼结构:粗壮南猿-鲍氏南猿 Prioritizing mastication - A. robust and A. boisei

--东部vs南部,种vs属 East vs. South, Species vs. Genera

--实验室-咀嚼差异 Lab - Masticatory divergence

--特化与这一家系的终结 Specialization and the end of a lineage

早期的人类 Week 8: The beginnings of humanity - the origin of Homo

--我们这一支系的开始 The beginning of our lineage

--早期人类生态学 A new adaptive plan: early Homo ecology

--鸡和蛋:大脑,工具与饮食 The chicken and the egg: Brain, tools, and diet

--早期人类的化石证据 The fossil evidence for early Homo

--多分支还是单分支 Multiple or single lineages?

--复习回顾:化石 Fossil review

--本周思考题 Thought question for the weekend

下更新纪和中更新纪的人类进化 Week 9: Lower and Middle Pleistocene human evolution

--直立人 Homo erectus

--更新纪的生命 Life in the Pleistocene

--实验室:考古学和行为 Lab: Archaeology and behavior

--地域差异 Regional variation

--文化,认知和人类进化 Culture, cognition, and human evolution

--化石回顾:直立人 Fossil Review: Homo erectus

晚更新纪和现代式视野 Week 10: The Late Pleistocene and the horizon of modernity

--定义“现代性” Defining modernity

--不断变化的前现代人类 Pre-modern humans in a changing world

--进化与文化 Evolution and culture

--尼安德特人 The Neandertals

--实验室:几何形态测量 Lab: geometric morphometrics

--复习回顾:前现代 Pre-modern review

“现代”人类起源 Week 11: "Modern" human origins

--遗传学与人类起源 Genetics and human origins

--是置换还是混合?Replacement or admixture?

--行为变革 Behavioral "revolutions"

--什么是人类物种? What is the human species?

--复习回顾:现代人类化石 Modern human fossil review

人类进化-昨天、今天和明天 Week 12: Human evolution - past, present, and future

--进化从未停止:弗洛里岛上的特例 Evolution did not stop: The strange case of H. florisiensis

--进化从未停止:人口扩张与进化加速 Evolution did not stop: Population expansion and evolutionary acceleration

--实验室:现代人类起源的遗传学 Lab: Genetics of modern human origins

--进化从未停止:强化与驯化 Evolution did not stop: Intensification and domestication

--用进化的视角看当下 Evolutionary perspectives on the present

--复习回顾:后更新纪 Post-Pleistocene review

期末考试:南猿的最后与人类的开始 Final Exam: The end of the Australopiths and the evolution of Homo


Adam Van Arsdale-助理教授-韦尔斯利学院-人类学系


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