Structural Mechanics



Structural Mechanics课程简介:前往报名学习

Structural Mechanics课程简介:



Structural Mechanics课程目录:

Chapter 1 Introduction

--1.1 Structures and structural mechanics

--1.2 Computing models and principles

--1.3 Classification of framed structures

--1.4 Classification of loads

Chapter 2 Geometric Construction Analysis of Systems

--2.1 Basic concepts

--2.2 The Calculating Degrees of Freedom

--2.3 Geometric Construction Rules

--2.4 Relationship between Geometric Construction and Equilibrium Equations

--Unit testing

Chapter 3 Statically Determinate Beams

--3.1 Review the analysis of single span beams

--3.2 Construction of internal force diagrams by principle of superposition

--3.3 Analysis of statically determinate multi-span beams

Chapter 4 Plane Statically Determinate Rigid Frames

--4.1 Classification and characteristic of plane statically determinate rigid frames

--4.2 Calculation of statically determinate plane frames

--Unit testing

Chapter 5 Three Hinged Arches

--5.1 Classification and characteristic of plane arches

--5.2 Calculation of flat arches

--5.3 Calculation of arches with ties

--5.4 Rational axial line

Chapter 6 Plane Statically Determinate Trusses and Composite Structures

--6.1 Calculation of trusses

--6.2 Calculation of composite structures

Chapter 7 General Remarks on Statically Determinate Structures

--7.1 General remarks on statically determinate structures

--7.2 Principle of virtual work for rigid bodies

--Unit testing

Chapter 8 Principle of Virtual Work and Displacement of Structures

--8.1 Introduction

--8.2 Calculation of displacements for rigid body systems

--8.3 Principle of virtual work for deformable bodies and general equation of displacements

--8.4 Displacements calculation of various types of structures due to external loads

--8.5 The graph-multiplication method

--8.6 Calculation of displacements caused by other factors

--8.7 Reciprocal laws for linear elastic system

Midterm Exam

Chapter 9 Force Method

--9.1 Determination of degrees of indeterminacy

--9.2 Basic concepts of force method

--9.3 Calculation of internal forces for statically indeterminate beams, rigid frames and bent frames

--9.4 Calculation of internal forces for statically indeterminate trusses and composite structures

--9.5 Calculation of statically indeterminate structures cause by other factors

--9.6 Calculation of symmetric structures

Chapter 10 Displacement Method

--10.1 Basic concepts of displacement method

--10.2 Primary unknowns of displacement method

--10.3 Slope-deflection equations of uniform beams

--10.4 The primary methods

--10.5 Analysis of structures without sidesway due to external loads

--10.6 Analysis of structures with sidesway due to external loads

Chapter 11 Method of Successive Approximations

--11.1 Basic concepts of moment distribution method

--11.2 Moment distribution at multi-joints

--11.3 No-shear moment distribution method

讨论题 Discussion Question

Final exam

--Final exam

Structural Mechanics授课教师:

Qu Jiting-Associate Professor-大连理工大学-建设工程学部

硕士生导师,慕课《结构力学》主讲教师,辽宁省教学团队工程力学团队成员,2014年获得全国结构力学与弹性力学课程青年教师讲课竞赛第一名,2010-2016年,获得过国家、协会及市、校级讲课竞赛一等及二等奖多次, 2012年被评为建设工程学部中国路桥—榜样在身边“我最喜爱的老师”称号。

Chen Tingguo-Professor-大连理工大学-建设工程学部



黄丽华,大连理工大学建设工程学部教授,工程力学研究所所长,辽宁省教学团队“工程力学”主要成员,辽宁省精品课程“工程力学”课程主要完成人。主讲过理论力学(中英文)、材料力学(中英文)、工程力学、高等材料力学等课程。曾获宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖,辽宁省优秀青年骨干教师,大连理工大学教学名师,教学质量优秀奖等荣誉。 她主持省部及校级教改项目20余项,她带领团队多次获省部及校级教学成果奖。主编教材5部,发表教学、科研论文60余篇。



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