Numerical Analysis

This course is to understand and explain how, why and when numerical approaches for solving methematical problems can be expected and worked


Numerical Analysis课程简介:前往报名学习

Numerical Analysis课程简介:

This course is to understand and explain how, why and when numerical approaches for solving methematical problems can be expected and worked


Numerical Analysis课程目录:

[Week 1] 数值分析简介(수치해석학의 소개)

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] 前言(들어가는 말)

--3. [Lecture] What is Mathematics?

--4. [Lecture] What is Numerical Analysis?

--5. [Lecture] 数值分析的领域(수치해석의 영역)

--6. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 2] 非线性方程式(비선형 방정식)

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] Introduction & Bisection Method

--3. [Lecture] Fixed Point Iteration

--4. [Lecture] Newton's Method

--5. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 3] Error Analysis

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] Introduction & Bisection Method

--3. [Lecture] Fixed Point Iteration

--4. [Lecture] Newton's Method

--5. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 4] Interpolation

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] Introduction & Lagrange Polynomial

--3. [Lecture] Divided Difference

--4. [Lecture] Binomial Theorem

--5. [Lecture] Spline

--6. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 5] 积分,微分(적분, 미분)

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] 积分,微分简介(적분, 미분 소개)

--3. [Lecture] Newton Cotes Formula

--4. [Lecture] Simpson's Rule

--5. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 6] Linear Algebra

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] Polynomial Version

--3. [Lecture] Matrix Version (Gauss Elimination)

--4. [Lecture] Numerical Version

--5. [Lecture] Determinant

--6. [Lecture] Example

--7. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 7] LU Factorization

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] LU Factorization

--3. [Lecture] 计算方法(계산법)

--4. [Lecture] Existence and Uniqueness

--5. [Lecture] Cholesky Factorization

--6. [Activity] QUIZ



[Week 8] QR Factorization

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] Proof

--3. [Lecture] Gram-Schmidt Process

--4. [Lecture] Example

--5. [Lecture] Matrix Norms

--6. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 9] Iterative Method

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] Jacobi Iterative Method

--3. [Lecture] Gauss Seidel Iterative Method

--4. [Lecture] Convergence Theorem

--5. [Lecture] Example

--6. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 10] Positive Definite

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] Definition

--3. [Lecture] Theorem & Example 1

--4. [Lecture] Theorem & Example 2

--5. [Lecture] Theorem & Example 3

--6. [Lecture] Theorem & Example 4

--7. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 11] Ordinary Differential Equation

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] First Order Equation

--3. [Lecture] Euler's Method

--4. [Lecture] Error Analysis

--5. [Lecture] Euler Method

--6. [Activity] QUIZ

[Week 12] Runge-Kutta Methods

--1. [Warming up]

--1. [Lecture] Introduction

--2. [Lecture] n-th Runge-Kutta Methods

--3. [Lecture] Multi Step Method

--4. [Lecture] Explicit

--5. [Lecture] Example


[Week 13] O.D.E. and P.D.E.

--1. [Warming up]

--2. [Lecture] Boundary Value Problem With O.D.E.

--3. [Lecture] Partial Differential Equations

--4. [Activity] QUIZ



Numerical Analysis授课教师:

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