Soil Science

Soil is a treasurable asset for the whole humankind. Soil is the foundation of agriculture; it is where food begins. It is an important component of terrestrial ecosystem. In this course, you will learn the importance of soils, the composition of soils, the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils, and soil genesis and classification. The course of soil science is designed not only for college students, but also for people who are engaged in agriculture and forestry-related industries.


Soil Science课程简介:前往报名学习

Soil Science课程简介:

Soil is a treasurable asset for the whole humankind. Soil is the foundation of agriculture; it is where food begins. It is an important component of terrestrial ecosystem. In this course, you will learn the importance of soils, the composition of soils, the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils, and soil genesis and classification. The course of soil science is designed not only for college students, but also for people who are engaged in agriculture and forestry-related industries.


Soil Science课程目录:

Chapter 1 Introduction to Soil Science

--1.1 The Concept of Soil

--1.2 The Importance of Soil

--1.3 The Status and Characteristics of Chinese Soil Resources

--1.4 Problems in the Process of Soil Resource Utilization in China

--1.5 Development of Soil Science

Chapter 2 Rock Weathering and Soil Formation

--2.1 Weathering

--2.2.1 Soil Parent Materials I

--2.2.2 Soil Parent Materials II

--2.3 The Essence of Soil Formation

--2.4.1 Soil Formation Factor: Parent Material

--2.4.2 Soil Forming Factor: Organisms

--2.4.3 Soil Forming Factor: Climate

--2.4.4 Soil Formation Factor: Terrain

--2.4.5 Soil Forming Factors: Time and Human Activity

--2.5.1 Soil Forming Processes I

--2.5.2 Soil Forming Processes II

--2.5.3 Soil Forming Processes III

--2.6 Soil Profile

Chapter 3 Soil Organic Matter and Soil Organisms

--3.1 The Sources and Components of Soil Organic Matter

--3.2 The Decomposition and Transformation of Soil Organic Matter

--3.3 The Impacting Factors of Soil Organic Matter Transformation

--3.4 Soil Humus

--3.5 Functions and Regulations of Soil Organic Matter

--3.6 Soil Organism and Microbial Population Diversity

--3.7 Environmental Factors Affecting Soil Microbial Activity

--3.8 Distribution of Soil Microbes

--3.9 Soil Microbial Activity and Characterization

Chapter 4 The Texture, Structure and Porosity of Soils

--4.1 Soil Particle

--4.2 Soil Texture

--4.3 Soil Texture and Soil Fertility

--4.4 The Types of Soil Structure

--4.5 The Formation of Granular Structure

--4.6 The Significance of Granular Structure to Soil Fertility

--4.7.1 The Quantity of Soil Pores

--4.7.2 The Quality of Soil Pores

--4.7.3 The Factors that Affect Soil Porosity

--4.8 Soil Tilth

Chapter 5 Soil Water

--5.1 Soil Water Types

--5.2 Soil Water Content and Representation

--5.3 Soil Water Constants and Availability

--5.4 Soil Water Potential

--5.5 Soil Water Movement

--5.6 Soil Water Suction and Water Characteristic Curve

--5.7 Field Cycle of Soil Moisture

--5.8 Soil Moisture Status and Adjustment

Chapter 6 Soil Air and Heat

--6.1 Soil Air Composition and Characteristics

--6.2 Soil Aeration and Adjustment

--6.3 Soil Heat Sources and Balance

--6.4 Soil Thermal Properties

--6.5 Soil Temperature and Adjustment

Chapter 7 Soil Nutrient Cycling

--7.1 The Sources, Content and Forms of Soil Nitrogen

--7.2 Transformation and Regulation of Soil Nitrogen Cycle

--7.3 Soil Phosphorus

--7.4 Soil Potassium

Chapter 8 Soil Colloid

--8.1 The Definition and Structure of Soil Colloids

--8.2 Types of Soil Colloids

--8.3 Crystal Structure of Phyllosilicate Clay Minerals

--8.4 Types and Properties of Phyllosilicate Clay Minerals

--8.5 The Fundamental Properties of Soil Colloids

--8.6 The Adsorption and Exchange of Cations

--8.7 Cation Exchange Capacity and Base Saturation Percentage

Chapter 9 Soil Solution and Reactions

--9.1 Soil Solution and Compositions

--9.2 Sources, Forms and Influencing Factors of Soil Acid and Alkali

--9.3 Soil Acid-Alkaline Regulation and Its Relationship with Soil Quality

--9.4 Redox Reaction in Soil Solution

Chapter 10 Soil Classification and Distribution

--10.1 Brief Introduction to Soil Classification

--10.2 Chinese Genetic Soil Classification System

--10.3 Chinese Soil Taxonomy

--10.4 Soil Distribution Patterns

--10.5.1 Main Soil Types in Northwestern China I

--10.5.2 Main Soil Types in Northwestern China II

Final exam

--Final Exam

Soil Science授课教师:


耿增超,男, 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院教授、博士生导师。兼任《林业世界》编委、宜君县核桃栽培平衡施肥专家、国家自然基金及国家科技奖评审专家。 三十多年来,一直从事土壤学相关的教学与科研工作。先后为本科生和研究生主讲《土壤学》、《土壤与植物营养》、《森林土壤学》、《园林土壤学》等课程。主持完成科技部、国家林业和草原局、农业农村部、 陕西省科技厅等项目16项;目前主持国家农业农村部第二次全国污染源普查项目(陕西省农业污染普查畜禽养殖业污染物产排量原位监测)、陕西省重点研发计划项目、农业农村部农业生态环境保护项目及农业农村部农业环境重点实验室开放基金等项目4项。先后获陕西省科学技术一等奖1项、教育部自然科学一等奖2项、梁希林业科学技术二等奖1项和陕西省农业技术推广二等奖1项。主编和参编教材3部、专著3部;发表科研论文90余篇(SCI收录15篇、EI收录7篇)。




张建国,博士,副教授,博士生导师,西北农林科技大学资源科学系主任、党支部书记。国际生态学会会员,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,国务院学位通讯评审专家。Land Degradation & Development、Water Resources Management、Plos One、Journal of Arid Environments、Water、Journal of Arid Land、Achieves of Agronomy and Soil Science、Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science、Arid Land Research and Management、农业工程学报、自然资源学报、生态学杂志等国内外学术期刊审稿人。 主要承担本科生土壤学、生态学、土壤与植物营养,研究生土壤物理等课程教学。 长期致力于荒漠化防治与土壤溶质运移方面的研究。参与的项目先后获中国石油天然气股份有限公司技术创新特等奖、国家科技进步二等奖、新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步二等奖。先后主持国家自然科学基金3项,主持和参与各类科研项目多项,发表学术论文60余篇(SCI/EI收录20余篇);授权国家专利3项。先后获西北农林科技大学优秀教师、优秀共产党员、优秀党务工作者、本科教学评估先进个人等荣誉称号。


张阿凤,女,目前任职西北农林科技大学,资源科学系,副教授。 1、工作经历:2017年12月-至今, 西北农林科技大学 副教授 2012年6月-2017年12月,西北农林科技大学 讲师   教育经历:2007/09-2012/06,南京农业大学,土壤学,硕士-博士    2003/09-2007/06,河南农业大学,资源与环境系,学士 2、教学与科研   目前的研究兴趣为农田生态系统碳氮循环,生物质炭的农田应用。微观方面,结合分子生物学技术,探讨不同管理措施对农田碳、氮循环的过程研究;宏观方面,运用不同的评价方法(“碳足迹”或是“生命周期”的方法),量化不同的农田管理措施在固碳减排中的效应。讲授本科生的土壤学、土壤与植物营养学课程。主持国家自然科学基金1项、省部级2项、横向课题2项。近5年以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文6篇(中科院一区 2篇,二区1篇)。 联系方式:[email protected]





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