International Finance

International Finance has played a very important role in the current process of globalization. How should we learn the course? Lecturers of international finance curriculum from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics will provide useful tips for this learning journey, so as to consolidate the theoretical and knowledge base of international finance, and to improve the international vision and professional knowledge level. Welcome to learn the International Finance !


International Finance课程简介:前往报名学习

International Finance课程简介:

International Finance has played a very important role in the current process of globalization. How should we learn the course? Lecturers of international finance curriculum from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics will provide useful tips for this learning journey, so as to consolidate the theoretical and knowledge base of international finance, and to improve the international vision and professional knowledge level. Welcome to learn the International Finance !


International Finance课程目录:

Chapter 0.Introduction

Chapter 1. Foreign Exchange Markets and Foreign Exchange Transactions

--1.1 Foreign Exchange

--1.2 Foreign Exchange Market

--1.3 Spot and Forward Transations

--1.4 Futures Transaction

--1.5 Foreign Currency Swaps

--1.6 Foreign Currency Options

--1.7 Exchange Arbitrage

--1.8 Hedging and Speculation

--Discussion 1

--Unit Test 1

Chapter 2. Exchange Rate Determination

--2.1 What Determines Exchange Rates?

--2.2 Purchasing-power parity theory

--2.3 Asset market approach

--2.4 Exchange rate overshooting

--2.5 Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rate

--2.6 International Comparisons of GDP PPP

--Discussion 2

--Unit Test 2

Chapter 3. Balance of Payments

--3.1 Introduction

--3.2 Double-Entry Accounting

--3.3 Current Account

--3.4 Capital and Financial Account

--3.5 Recording of Transaction in the Balance of Payments

--3.6 What is Meant by a Deficit or Surplus?

--3.7 Adjustment Mechanisms to the Balance of Payments

--3.8 Elasticity Approach to the Balance of Payments

--3.9 Absorption Approach to Balance of Payments

--Discussion 3


--Unit Test 3

Chapter 4. International Capital Flows

--4.1 International Capital Flow Definition

--4.2 Gains and losses from international lending

--4.3 Theoretical benefits and problems

--4.4 Capital flows Push vs Pull factors

--Discussion 4

--Unit Test 4

Chapter 5. Financial Crises

--5.1 International Lending to Developing Countries

--5.2 Financial crisis -What can and does go wrong

--5.3 Resolving financial crisis and reducing the frequency

--5.4 Case study: ​the financial crisis of 2008

--Discussion 5

--Unit Test 5

Chapter 6. International Monetary Systems

--6.1 The Gold Standard 1

--6.2 The Gold Standard 2

--6.3 Bretton woods system

--6.4 Jamaica system

--6.5 The European experience in currency 1

--6.6 The European experience in currency 2

--6.7 International reserve1

--6.8 International reserve2

--Case 6

--Discussion 6

--Unit Test 6

Chapter 7. Exchange Rate Systems

--7.1 Choosing an Exchange Rate System

--7.2 Fixed Rate System

--7.3 Floating Rate System

--7.4 Managed Floating Rate

--Case 7

--Discussion 7

--Unit Test 7

Chapter 8. Macroeconomic Policy in an Open Economy

--8.1 Economic Objectives and Instrument

--8.2 IS-LM-BP Model

--8.3 Effect of Monetary and Fiscal Policy

--8.4 International Economic Policy Coordination

--Discussion 8

--Case 8

--Unit Test 8

Final Exam

International Finance授课教师:


路妍,教授,博士生导师。中国国际金融学会理事,中国美国经济学会理事,国家级金融学教学团队成员。曾在美国密苏里大学从事金融学博士后研究。主要从事国际金融与国际银行管理、货币理论和货币政策方向研究。 主讲《国际金融学》、《国际信贷》、《国际金融管理》、《国际银行管理》和《货币银行学》等课程。 先后在《管理世界》、《经济学动态》、《经济管理》等杂志发表论文近70篇;出版学术专著3部;主持或参与国家社科基金项目、国家自然基金项目、教育部项目和省级项目10余项;主编或参编教材近10部;科研论文获奖30余次。


崔艳娟,博士后,教授。澳大利亚艾迪斯科文大学国家留学基金委公派访问学者。主要从事国际金融、金融发展与科技金融方向研究。 主讲《国际金融》、《国际金融管理》、《金融法规与金融职业道德》、《货币银行学》等课程。 先后在《金融研究》、《南开管理评论》等国内外重要学术期发表论文30余篇。主持国家、省部级、市级项目10余项;主编或参编教材10余部;获省哲学社会科学成果奖、省自然科学学术成果奖等多项。




张琦,博士生,讲师,硕士生导师,国家级金融学教学团队成员。2003年毕业于英国米德赛克斯大学获经济学硕士学位。主要从事金融学、金融市场和国际金融研究 。先后参与国家社科基金项目、教育部项目和省级项目5项,出版教材3部,在国内重要期刊发表论文3篇。




李培志,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。加拿大女皇大学联合培养博士。主要从事金融统计分析、固定收益证券方向研究。主讲《固定收益证券》、《Python金融建模与数据分析》和《多元统计分析》等课程。先后在《Science of The Total Environment》、《Journal of Energy Engineering》、《Computational Statistics》、《Environmental Pollution》等杂志发表论文9篇;主持或参与国家社科基金项目、国家自然基金项目、教育部项目和省级项目5项。



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