Transcending Culture: Culture Studies and Intercultural Communication

Through comparisons between Chinese culture and other cultures, this course will help you expand your communication possibilities by overcoming the frustrations caused by cultural differences, understand our culture and others culture better, and offer insightful reflections on the principle of “constructing a community of common destiny for all mankind”.


Transcending Culture: Culture Studies and Intercultural Communication课程简介:前往报名学习

Transcending Culture: Culture Studies and Intercultural Communication课程简介:

Through comparisons between Chinese culture and other cultures, this course will help you expand your communication possibilities by overcoming the frustrations caused by cultural differences, understand our culture and others culture better, and offer insightful reflections on the principle of “constructing a community of common destiny for all mankind”.


Transcending Culture: Culture Studies and Intercultural Communication课程目录:

Chapter 1 Why do We Need to Communicate Interculturally?

--1.1 Globalization

--1.2 Global Competence---Being a Global Citizen

--1.3 Understanding Others---Intercultural Communication

--1.4 Understanding Ourselves---To Have China' Stories Retold

Chapter 2 How Do We Understand Culture?

--2.1 What is Culture?

--2.2 Metaphors of Culture

--2.3 Characteristics of Culture

Chapter 3 How Do We Perceive the World?

--3.1 Perception: Definition and Process

--3.2 Six Barriers in Interculture Communication

--3.3 Cultural Conflicts and Integration

--3.4 Cultural Diversity, Inclusivity and Cultural Translation

Chapter 4 Language, Thought and Culture: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

--4.1 Language, Thought and Culture

--4.2 Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis: Linguistic Determinism

--4.3 Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis: Linguistic Relativity

Chapter 5 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

--5.1 Communication Overview

--5.2 Verbal Communication

--5.3 Non-verbal Communication

Chapter 6 How to Understand Cultural Diversity?

--6.1 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations Theory

--6.2 Edward Hall’s High Context and Low Context Cultures

--6.3 Hofstede's Six Dimensional Model of Values

Chapter 7 Roots and Origins of Chinese Culture

--7.1 Geographical and Economic Background of Chinese People

--7.2 The Concept of He (Harmony) in Chinese Culture

--7.3 Confucius’ Thought of He (harmony) between Individuals: Ren (benevolence)

--7.4 Confucius’ Thought of He (harmony) between Individuals: How to Practice Ren (benevolence)

--7.5 The Concept of Tianrenheyi (the unity of Heaven and Man)

--7.6 Reversal is the Movement of Tao

Chapter 8 Virtues in Cultures

--8.1 Virtues

--8.2 Core Values in Western Cultures

Chapter 9 Literature and Paintings

--9.1 Chinese Literature

--9.2 Western Literature Orientation

--9.3 Chinese painting: Ink-and-wash painting

Transcending Culture: Culture Studies and Intercultural Communication授课教师:


李霞,南开大学外国语学院副院长公共英语教学部主任,副教授 博士。 国家级视频公开课 "圣经与欧洲文明"课程 主讲教师 国家级精品课,国家级精品资源共享课 大学英语 主讲教师 南开大学教学名师 天津市优秀教学团队"国际化人才培养教学团队"带头人 天津市第八届高等教育教学成果一等奖 第一完成人 天津市第七届高等教育教学成果一等奖 第二完成人 南开大学"魅力课堂" 主讲教师 第十届天津市高校青年教师教学基本功竞赛英语类一等奖 南开大学观摩课主讲教师 南开有效教学工作坊(NKET)有效教学系列课程 总负责人 主要研究方向: 高等教育课程设计与教学实施,跨文化交际教学






英语语言文学硕士,南开大学外国语学院讲师。研究方向:应用语言学、跨文化交际。基金:南开大学“基于新型教学模式的大学英语教师自主学习研究”(2010)。教授课程: 英语读写,英语听说,英语文体学概论。





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