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4.5 被子植物基部群 (4.5: Basal Groups of Angiosperms)在线视频

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An Introduction for Life Science课程列表:

第一章 绪论 (Chapter I: Introduction)

-1.1 关于通识教育与课程简介 (1.1: Introduction to General Education and the Curriculum)

-1.2 生物学与生命活动 (1.2Biology and Life Activities)

-1.3 生物学发展史(上)(1.3: History of Biological Development (I) )

-1.4 生物学发展史(下)及生物学与人类生活 (1.4: History of Biological Development (II) and Biology and Human Life)

-第一章小测 (Test for Chapter One)

第二章 细胞的遗传信息流 (Chapter II : Genetic Information Flow in Cells)

-2.1 分子生物学发展简史 (2.1: A Brief History of Molecular Biology)

--2.1.1人类对生命现象和本质的探究 (2.1.1: Human Exploration of "what is Life?")

--2.1.2 遗传物质的发现 (2.1.2: Discovery of Genetic Materials)

--2.1.3 基因工程和基因组 (2.1.3: Genetic Engineering and Genome)

-2.2 基因的结构与功能 (2.2: Structure and Functions of Genes)

--2.2.1 DNA结构 (2.2.1: DNA Structure)

--2.2.2 DNA复制 (2.2.2: DNA Replication)

--2.2.3 基因的表达-转录 (2.2.3: Gene Expression-Transcription)

--2.2.4 基因的表达-翻译 (2.2.4: Gene Expression-Translation)

--2.2.5 原核基因的表达调控 (2.2.5: Gene Expression Regulation in Prokaryotes)

--2.2.6 真核生物基因的表达调控 (2.2.6: Gene Expression Regulation in Eukaryotes)

-2.3 基因组 (2.3: Genome)

--2.3.1 基因组 (2.3.1: Genome)

--2.3.2 非编码序列 (2.3.2: Non-coding Sequences)

-第二章小测 (Test for Chapter Two)

第三章 微生物类群与应用 (Chapter III: Groups and Their Applications of Microorganisms)

-3.1 微生物和我们 (3.1: Microorganisms and Humans)

--3.1.1 微生物的特点和主要类群 (3.1.1: Characteristics and Main Groups of Microorganisms)

--3.1.2 微生物与人类的关系 (3.1.2: Relationship Between Microorganisms and Humans)

--3.1.3 微生物在生物中的地位 (3.1.3: Position of Microorganisms in Organisms)

-3.2 细菌 (3.2: Bacteria)

--3.2.1 细菌的形态和繁殖 (3.2.1: Morphology and Reproduction of Bacteria)

--3.2.2 细菌的结构 (3.2.2: Structure of Bacteria)

--3.2.3 放线菌和蓝细菌 (3.2.3: Actinobacteria and Cyanobacteria)

--3.2.4 其它细菌类群(螺旋体、黏细菌、鞘细菌、立克次氏体、支原体、衣原体)(3.2.4: Other Bacterial Groups (Spirochaetes, Myxobacteria, Sheathed Bacteria, Rickettsia, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia))

-3.3 古菌 (3.3: Archaea)

--3.3 古菌的特点及其主要类群 (3.3: Characteristics and Main Groups of Archaea)

-3.4 真菌 (3.4: Fungi)

--3.4 真菌的形态、繁殖及其与人类的关系 (3.4: Morphology and Reproduction of Fungi and Their Relationship with Humans)

-3.5 病毒和亚病毒 (3.5: Viruses and Sub-viruses)

--3.5.1 病毒的形态结构 (3.5.1: Morphology and Structure of Viruses)

--3.5.2 病毒的生活周期与亚病毒 (3.5.2: Life Cycle of Viruses and Subviral Agents)

-第三章小测 (Test for Chapter Three)

第四章 植物生活史与多样性 (Chapter IV: Life Cycle and Diversity of Plants)

-4.1 植物生活史与多样性简介 (4.1: Introduction to Life Cycle and Diversity of Plants)

-4.2 植物界 (4.2: Kingdom Plantae)

-4.3 蕨类生活史 (4.3: The Life Cycle of Pteridophyte)

-4.4 植物生活史类型 (4.4: Types of the Life Cycle in Plants)

-4.5 被子植物基部群 (4.5: Basal Groups of Angiosperms)

-4.6 真双子叶植物 (4.6: Eudicots)

-4.7 真单子叶植物 (4.7: Monocots)

-4.8 植物的变异 (4.8: Variation of Plants)

-4.9 选择 (4.9: Selection)

-4.10 隔离 (4.10: Isolation)

-4.11 植物个体发育与茎结构 (4.11: Ontogeny and Stem Structure of Plants)

-4.12 营养器官的进化 (4.12: Evolution of Vegetative Organs)

-4.13 生殖器官特征 (4.13: Characteristics of Reproductive Organs)

-4.14 传粉生物学 (4.14: Pollination Biology)

-第四章小测 (Test for Chapter Four)

第五章 生物与环境 (Chapter V : Biology and Environment)

-5.1 环境与生物关系 (5.1: Relationship Between Environment and Biology)

-5.2 群落结构 (5.2: Community Structure)

-5.3 全球生态问题 (5.3: Global Ecological Issues)

-5.4 外来生物 (5.4: Alien Organisms)

-第五章小测 (Test for Chapter Five)

第六章 动物个体发育与遗传操作 (Chapter VI: Animal Ontogeny and Genetic Manipulation)

-6.1 动物个体发育与遗传操作概况 (6.1: Overview of Animal Ontogeny and Genetic Manipulation)

-6.2 动物的进化与分类 (6.2: Evolution and Classification of Animals)

-6.3 生殖细胞与精子的发生 (6.3: Germ Cells and Spermatogenesis)

-6.4 卵子的发生 (6.4: Oogenesis)

-6.5 受精与早期胚胎发育 (6.5: Fertilization and Early Embryo Development)

-6.6 胎儿组织器官发育 (6.6: Development of Fetal Tissues and Organs)

-6.7 代谢与衰老 (6.7: Metabolism and Aging)

-6.8 单性生殖 (6.8: Parthenogenesis)

-6.9 体外受精 (6.9: In Vitro Fertilization)

-6.10 胚胎移植 (6.10: Embryo Transfer)

-6.11 性别控制、胚胎分割及嵌合体技术 (6.11: Sex Control, Embryo Splitting and Chimeric Technology)

-6.12 动物克隆 (6.12: Animal Cloning)

-6.13 胚胎干细胞技术 (6.13: Embryonic Stem Cell Technology)

-6.14 诱导多能干细胞 (6.14: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells)

-6.15 Tbx3的故事 (6.15: Story of Tbx3)

-6.16 囊胚来源三种干细胞“人造胚胎” (6.16: Artificial Embryos from Three Types of Blastocyst-derived Stem Cells)

-6.17 基因结构与动物转基因 (6.17: Gene Structure and Animal Transgenosis Technology)

-6.18 魔剪-CRISPR基因编辑 (6.18: Magic Scissors - CRISPR Gene Editing)

-6.19 转基因克隆 (6.19: Transgenic Cloning)

-第六章小测 (Test for Chapter Six)

期末考试 (Final Exam)

-期末考试 (Final Exam)

4.5 被子植物基部群 (4.5: Basal Groups of Angiosperms)笔记与讨论


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