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3.10 The Clouds

sophist: n.pre-Socratic philosophers who were professional teachers of oratory and argument 诡辩家;智术者

on trial: ph. 受审判

accusation:n. 指控

humiliating:adj.causing awareness of your shortcomings 羞辱性的

circulation:n.the dissemination of copies  流通,传播

sophistry:n. a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone 诡辩

outwit:v. beat through cleverness and wit 瞒骗,以智取胜

pompously:adv. in a pompous manner  傲慢地

traverse:v. travel across or pass over 穿行

contemplate:v. look at thoughtfully 凝视,注视

suspend:v. to officially stop something from continuing for a short time 暂停

bear witness: ph. 作证

orator:n. someone who is good at making speeches and persuading people 演说家

inability:n. the fact of being unable to do something 没有能力

rhetorical: adj. 修辞的

verbal duel: ph. 辩论对决

truce:n. a state of peace 休战

expound:v. to explain or talk about something in detail 阐述

lament: v. to express feelings of great sadness about something 哀叹

decline: n. a decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance of something下降

veneration:v. to honour or respect someone or something 崇拜,尊崇

dismantle:v. 瓦解,拆除

promising:adj. showing signs of being successful or good in the future 有前途的

creditor:n. a person, bank, or company that you owe money to 债权人

tactic: n. a method that you use to achieve something 策略

construct:n. 编造

concede:v. to admit that something is true or correct 承认

legislator:n. someone who has the power to make laws 立法者

turn on: ph. 攻击

seductive:adj.tending to entice into a desired action or state 有诱惑力的

take revenge on: ph. 报复

triumph over: ph.战胜

anthropology:n. the scientific study of people, their societies, cultures etc 人类学

rhetoric:n. language that is used to persuade or influence people 修辞

Peitho: n. goddess who personifies persuasion, seduction and Charming Speech 珀托(劝说女神)

obtainable:adj. able to be obtained 能得到的

Protagoras:n. Greek philosopher and sophist 普罗塔哥拉

prosper: v. 繁荣,成功

scepticism: n. the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge 怀疑论,怀疑主义
self-promotion: n.自我营销

hedonism: n. the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle 享乐主义

evaluative:adj. exercising or involving careful evaluations 评价的

disvalue: n.轻视

profit-driven:adj. 利益驱动的

atheistic: adj. rejecting any belief in gods无神论的

opponent:n. a contestant that you are matched against 对手

unsophisticated:adj. not wise in the ways of the world 未经世故的

radical thoughts: ph. 激进思想

slippery thinker: ph. 圆滑的思想家

Plutarch:n. Greek biographer and philosopher 普鲁塔克

Parallel Lives: ph.《希腊罗马名人传》

taken for granted: ph. 认为是理所当然的

shabby:adj.showing signs of wear and tear 破旧的

distinctive:adj. of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing独特的

wilful distortion: ph. 故意歪曲

exaggeration:n. the act of making something more noticeable than usual 夸大

conservative:adj. not liking changes or new ideas 保守的


lustful:adj. feeling or showing strong sexual desire 欲望的

sound educational system: ph. 健全的教育体系

rigidness:n. the physical property of being stiff and resisting bending 僵化

out of touch with: ph. ……脱节

alternative:adj.allowing a choice 替代的

worldly success: ph.世俗的成功

undesirable:adj. not desirable不受欢迎的;不利的

reconcile with: ph. 使一致;使和解

civil education: ph.公民教育

portrayal: n. a word picture of a person's appearance and character  描绘

execute:v. to kill someone, especially legally as a punishment处决

impiety: n unrighteousness by virtue of lacking respect for a god  亵渎神灵

下一节:3.11 UCL Talk:Greek Comedy

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希腊文明初探 / A Journey to Greek Culture and Civilization课程列表:


-Why Greeks

--Why Greeks



--Why Greeks-A preface by Professor Phiroze Vasunia

--The recommended reading list

Chapter 1: Greek Mythology

-1.1Why Greek Myths Matter

--1.1 Why Greek Myths Matter



-1.2 The Quest for Origins

--1.2 The Quest for Origins



-1.3 The Succession Myth

--1.3 The Succession Myth



-1.4 Creation of Mankind

--1.4 Creation of Mankind



-Topic 1:Pandora and our risky curiosity

-1.5 Zeus and Olympia

--1.5 Zeus and Olympia



-1.6 Aphrodite and Eros

--1.6 Aphrodite and Eros



-1.7 Athena and Parthenon

--1.7 Athena and Parthenon



-1.8 Apollo and Delphi

--1.8 Apollo and Delphi



-1.9 Hades and the Underworld

--1.9 Hades and the Underworld



-1.10 Demeter and Persephone

--1.10 Demeter and Persephone



-1.11 Dionysus(Bacchus)

--1.11 Dionysus(Bacchus)



-Topic 2: Dionysian vs. Apollonian

-1.12 Perseus and Medusa

--1.12 Perseus and Medusa



-1.13 Jason and Medea

--1.13 Jason and Medea



-1.14 Heracles: the Greatest Hero of All

--1.14 Heracles: the Greatest Hero of All



-1.15 UCL Talk: Women in Greek Mythology

--1.15 UCL Talk: Women in Greek Mythology



-1.16 UCL Talk: Greek Myths in Ancients and Moderns

--1.16 UCL Talk: Greek Myths in Ancients and Moderns



-Topic 3: Why are we fascinated by myths?

Chapter 2:Homeric Epics

-2.1 Why Homer Matters

--2.1 Why Homer Matters



-2.2 The Trojan War

--2.2 The Trojan War



-2.3 The Iliad

--2.3 The Iliad



-2.4 The Embassy to Achilles

--2.4 The Embassy to Achilles



-Topic 4: If all life is a battle...

-2.5 The Odyssey

--2.5 The Odyssey



-2.6 Odysseus and Polyphemus

--2.6 Odysseus and Polyphemus



-2.7UCL Talk: Homeric Heroism

--2.7 UCL Talk: Homeric Heroism



-2.8UCL Talk: Homeric Epics in Ancients and Moderns

--2.8 UCL Talk: Homeric Epics in Ancients and Moderns



-Topic 5: If all life is a journey...

Chapter 3: Greek Theatre

-3.1 Why Greek Theatre Matters

--3.1 Why Greek Theatre Matters



-3.2 Aeschylus

--3.2 Aeschylus



-3.3 Prometheus Bound

--3.3 Prometheus Bound



-3.4 Sophocles

--3.4 Sophocles



-3.5 Oedipus the King

--3.5 Oedipus the King



-3.6 UCL Talk: Aristotle and Greek Tragedy

--3.6 UCL Talk-Aristotle and Greek Tragedy



-3.7 UCL Talk: Fate and Free Will

--3.7 UCL Talk-Fate and Free Will



-Topic 6: Can we "take fate by the throat" (Beethoven)?

-3.8 Euripides

--3.8 Euripides



-3.9 Aristophanes

--3.9 Aristophanes



-3.10 The Clouds

--3.10 The Clouds



-3.11 UCL Talk: Greek Comedy

--3.11 UCL Talk:Greek Comedy



-Topic 7: What makes a good education?

Chapter 4: Greek Philosophers

-4.1 Why Greek Philosophers Matter

--4.1 Why Greek philosophers Matter



-4.2 Socrates

--4.2 Socrates



-4.3 The Trial of Socrates

--4.3 The Trial of Socrates



-4.4 Socrates' Apology

--4.4 Socrates’ Apology



-4.5 UCL Talk: The Death of Socrates

--4.5 UCL Talk: The Death of Socrates



-Topic 8: To live an examined life?

-4.6 Plato

--4.6 Plato



-4.7 The Republic

--4.7 The Republic



-4.8 Plato's Cave

--4.8 Plato's Cave



-4.9 Philosopher-Rulers

--4.9 Philosopher-Rulers



-4.10 UCL Talk: Plato's Republic

--4.10 UCL Talk: Plato's Republic



-Topic 9: If nobody came...

-4.11 Aristotle

--4.11 Aristotle



-4.12 Aristotle's Rhetoric

--4.12 Aristotle's Rhetoric



-4.13 Understand Human Emotions

--4.13 Understand Human Emotions



-4.14 Understand Human Characters

--4.14 Understand Human Characters



-4.15 UCL Talk: The Power of Rhetoric

--4.15 UCL Talk: The Power of Rhetoric



-Topic 10: Is rhetorical game all around?


-The Greek Legacy

--The Greek Legacy




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