








1-Introduction of Human Factors HCI and Human-Centered Design

-1.0-Course Introduction


-1.1-Early History of Human Factors/Ergonomics


-1.1-Early History of Human Factors/Ergonomics--作业

-1.2-Physical Ergonomics


-1.2-Physical Ergonomics--作业

-1.3-Ergonomics in Ancient China


-1.3-Ergonomics in Ancient China--作业

-1.4-Cognitive Ergonomics


-1.4-Cognitive Ergonomics--作业

-1.5-Human Information Processing


-1.5-Human Information Processing--作业

-1.6-Organizational Ergonomics and Human-Centered Design


-1.6-Organizational Ergonomics and Human-Centered Design--作业


--Week 1

2-Chinese User Experience Design: Observation of Chinese

-2.1-Examples of Culture Differences


-2.1-Examples of Culture Differences--作业

-2.2-Culture Differences and Design


-2.2-Culture Differences and Design--作业

-2.3.1-Culture Theories


-2.3.1-Culture Theories--作业

-2.3.2-Culture Theories


-2.3.2-Culture Theories--作业

-2.3.3-Culture Theories


-2.3.3-Culture Theories--作业


--Week 2

3-Chinese User Experience Design: Design Implications

-3.1.1-Trust on Technology


-3.1.1-Trust on Technology--作业

-3.1.2-Trust on Technology


-3.1.2-Trust on Technology--作业

-3.2-Time management and Time orientation


-3.2-Time management and Time orientation--作业

-3.3.1-Cognitive Styles and Decision Making


-3.3.1-Cognitive Styles and Decision Making--作业

-3.3.2-Cognitive Styles and Decision Making


-3.3.2-Cognitive Styles and Decision Making--作业

-3.4 Homework

--Week 3

The mid-term examination

-Midterm Report

4-Chinese User Experience Design: A Case study

-4.1.1-Information Visualization


-4.1.1-Information Visualization--作业

-4.1.2-Information Visualization


-4.1.2-Information Visualization--作业

-4.2-Control of Interaction


-4.2-Control of Interaction--作业

-4.3.1-Case: Rural Chinese Users


-4.3.1-Case: Rural Chinese Users--作业

-4.3.2-Case: Rural Chinese Users


-4.3.2-Case: Rural Chinese Users--作业

-4.3.3-Case: Rural Chinese Users


-4.3.3-Case: Rural Chinese Users--作业


--Week 4

5-Human-Robot Interaction

-5.1-Development of Robot


-5.1-Development of Robot--作业

-5.2.1-How to design a culturally adaptive robot?


-5.2.1-How to design a culturally adaptive robot?--作业

-5.2.2-How to design a culturally adaptive robot?


-5.2.2-How to design a culturally adaptive robot?--作业

-5.3-Communication styles and recommendations acceptance from robots


-5.3-Communication styles and recommendations acceptance from robots--作业


--Week 5

6-Human Factors in Manufacturing and Health Care

-6.1-Group decision making


-6.2-Culturally normative communication style


-6.3.1- Senior Experience Suit


-6.3.2- Senior Experience Suit


-6.4- Lab of Usability and HCI


-6.5- Homework

--Week 6

Final-report examination

-Final Report

--Final Report




饶培伦,清华大学工业工程系教授,博导,人因与工效学研究所所长,清华信息技术可用性实验室负责人,参与编撰 Handbook of Standards and Guidelines in Ergonomics and Human Factors和Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design。现任Safety Science副主编,International Journal of Mobile Communication, Human Factors, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Universal Access与Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science期刊编辑委员。担任国际人机交互会议(HCI International 2007)中国地区主席。研究方向:人因工程,人机交互,跨文化设计,为老年人的设计,用户体验,移动设备交互,游戏研究,人与机器人交互,客户体验管理,服务设计与评估等。 Research themes: Human Factors Engineering, Human-computer interaction, cross-cultural design, Design for Elderly, User experience, Mobile Interaction, Game Study, Human-Robot Interaction, Customer Experience Management,Design and evaluation of Service Honors & Awards: 1. Excellent course: Ergonomics and Work Organization, Tsinghua University. (2010) 2. Excellent course: Human Factors Engineering, Beijing. (2009) 3. Presidents Medal, Ergonomics Society, UK. (2008) 4. Award for New Academics, Tsinghua University. (2008) 5.


  1. Calculus Ⅱ(Round 2)

  2. Internal medicine - cardiovascular disease(Round 2)

  3. 护理伦理学Nursine Ethics(2021秋)

  4. 国际营销(英文)(2021秋)

  5. 大学生创业与就业(2021秋)

  6. How to be an Effective Learner : Academic Skills for University Success(Round 2)

  7. Pathophysiology(Round 2)

  8. 《学记》导读(2021秋)

  9. 高分子化学(2021秋)

  10. 有机化学实验(2021秋)

  11. 设计的人因与文化(2021秋)

  12. 医学寄生虫学(2021秋)

  13. 创业基础(2021秋)

  14. Web前端攻城狮(2021秋)

  15. 运动与减脂塑形(2021秋)

  16. 大学计算机教程(2021秋)

  17. 现代生活美学——花香茶之道(2021秋)

  18. 大学物理2 (电磁学、光学和量子物理)(2021秋)

  19. 积极心理学(下)自强不息篇(2021秋)

  20. 高职实用综合英语(2021秋)
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