Nonlinear Dynamical System and Application

This world is full of chaos but there still exists order. Why? Do you want to know the most famous theorems in the nonlinear dynamical system, such as Li-Yorke theorem, Smale horseshoe. Do you want to know what is the butterfly effect? If you are interested in these items in this course, come to this course you will be able to know them.


Nonlinear Dynamical System and Application课程:前往报名学习

Nonlinear Dynamical System and Application视频慕课课程简介:

This world is full of chaos but there still exists order. Why? Do you want to know the most famous theorems in the nonlinear dynamical system, such as Li-Yorke theorem, Smale horseshoe. Do you want to know what is the butterfly effect? If you are interested in these items in this course, come to this course you will be able to know them.


Nonlinear Dynamical System and Application课程列表:


Chapter I Dynamical system

-1.2 Linearization


-1.3 Phase space

--Phase space

Chapter II Stability

-2.1 Lyapunov stability

--Lyapunov stability

--Lyapunov function

-2.2 Lyapunov function 1

--Lyapunov function 1

--Lyapunov function

-2.3 Lyapunov function 2

--Lyapunov function 2

--Lyapunov function 2

Chapter III Local bifurcation

-3.1 Saddle-node bifurcation 1

--Saddle-node bifurcation 1

--Saddle-node bifurcation

-3.2 Saddle-node bifurcation 2

--Saddle-node bifurcation 2

-3.3 Trancritical bifurcation 1

--Transcritical bifurcation 1

--Transcritical bifurcation

-3.4 Transcritical bifurcation 2

--Transcritical bifurcation 2

-3.5 Pitchfork bifurcation 1

--Pitchfork bifurcation 1

--Pitchfork bifurcation

-3.6 Pitchfork bifurcation 2

--Pitchfork bifurcation 2

-3.7 Hopf bifurcation 1

--Hopf bifurcation 1

-3.8 Hopf bifurcation 2

--Hopf bifurcation 2

--Hopf bifurcation

Chapter IV Center manifold

-4.1 Center manifold theory 1

--Center manifold theory 1

-4.2 Center manifold theory 2

--Center manifold theory 2

-4.3 Center manifold theory 3

--Center manifold theory 3

-4.4 Center manifold theory 4

--Center manifold theory 4

-4.5 Center manifold theory 5

--Center manifold theory 5

-4.6 Center manifold theory 6

--Center manifold theory 6

-Center manifold

Chapter V Normal form

-5.1 Normal form 1

--Normal form 1

-5.2 Normal form 2

--Normal form 2

-5.3 Normal form 3

--Normal form 3

-5.4 Normal form 4

--Normal form 4

-Normal form

Chapter VI Melnikov method

-6.1 Melnikov method 1

--Melnikov method 1

-6.2 Melnikov method 2

--Melnikov method 2

-6.3 Melnikov method 3

--Melnikov method 3

-6.4 Melnikov method 4

--Melnikov method 4

-6.5 Melnikov method 5

--Melnikov method 5

-6.6 Melnikov method 6

--Melnikov method 6

-Melnikov function

Chapter VII Li-Yorke theorem

-7.1 Li-Yorke theorem 1

--Li-Yorke theorem 1

-7.2 Li-Yorke theorem 2

--Li-Yorke theorem 2

-7.3 Li-Yorke theorem 3

--Li-Yorke theorem 3

-7.4 Li-Yorke theorem 4

--Li-Yorke theorem 4

-7.5 Li-Yorke theorem 5

--Li-Yorke theorem 5

-7.6 Li-Yorke theorem 6

--Li-Yorke theorem 6

-Li-Yorke theorem

Chapter VIII Marotto theorem

-8.1 Marotto theorem 1

--8.1 Marotoo theorem

-8.2 Marotto theorem 2

--8.2 Marotoo theorem

-Marotto theorem

Chapter VIIII Smale horseshoe and symbolic dynamics

-9.1 Smale Horseshoe 1

--9.1 Smale Horseshoe

-9.2 Smale Horseshoe 2

--9.2 Smale Horseshoe

-9.3 Symbolic dynamics

--9.3 Symbolic dynamics

-Smale horseshoe and symbolic dynamics

Chapter X Henon map

-10.1 Henon map 1

--Henon map 1

-10.2 Henon map 2

--Henon map 2

-Henon map

Chapter X! Application

-11.1 Bursting of a neuron model

--Bursting of a neuron model

-11.2 Bifurcation of a railway wheelset model

--Bifurcation of a wheelset model


Chapter 0 Introduction


-The final test

Nonlinear Dynamical System and Application开设学校:北京交通大学

Nonlinear Dynamical System and Application授课教师:


曹鸿钧,北京交通大学理学院数学系教授,博士生导师。2001年7月获中科院数学所理学博士;2001年8月至2003年7月,在中科院软件所从事并行计算与并行软件博士后工作;2003年7月起至今,北京交通大学理学院数学系工作;2005年11月至2007年7月,在西班牙马德里国王大学数学物理系做博士后;研究非线性动力系统及应用。先后访问过美国马里兰大学,约翰霍普金斯大学,加州大学尔湾分校,得克萨斯阿灵顿分校,日本东京大学等高校。主要从事非线性动力系统分岔与混沌方向应用研究,先后主持多项国家自然基金面上项目和北京市自然基金面上项目,在Nonlinear Analysis,Nonlinear Dynamics, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A,Physical Review E, Int.J.Bifurcation and Chaos等国际学术同行评审期刊上发表论文近40篇。


  1. Nonlinear Dynamical System and Application(Round 2)

  2. 辐射剂量学与辐射防护(2021秋)

  3. English and American Literature(Round 2)

  4. Veterinary Parasitology(Round 2)

  5. 数据统计与分析(2021秋)

  6. 学术英语写作(2021秋)

  7. 宽带接入组网与维护(2021秋)

  8. System Engineering(Round 2)

  9. 设计艺术史论(2021秋)

  10. 基础医学概论(2021秋)

  11. Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis(Round 2)

  12. Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)(2021秋)

  13. 西方哲学经典赏析(2021秋)

  14. 摩擦学理论(2021秋)

  15. 计算机网络工程实践(2021秋)

  16. 对外汉语教学概论(2021秋)

  17. 关于长笛演奏与教学的基本问题(2021秋)

  18. 基础工程学(2021秋)

  19. 烧伤外科学(2021秋)

  20. 西语国家国情文化概况(2021秋)
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