Signals and Systems

The future is here: we have entered the era characterized with informationization and intelligentization, for which Signals and Systems provides the fundamental theories and analytical methods. The course paves the way for the students in relevant majors by establishing the crucial concepts of spectrum and transfer functions, fitting better in the future. The teaching group of the course is led by Dr. Houjin CHEN, a national distinguished teacher.


Signals and Systems课程:前往报名学习

Signals and Systems视频慕课课程简介:

The future is here: we have entered the era characterized with informationization and intelligentization, for which Signals and Systems provides the fundamental theories and analytical methods. The course paves the way for the students in relevant majors by establishing the crucial concepts of spectrum and transfer functions, fitting better in the future. The teaching group of the course is led by Dr. Houjin CHEN, a national distinguished teacher.


Signals and Systems课程列表:


Chapter 1 Overview

-1.1 Introduction to signals and sytems

--1.1 Introduction to signals and systems

-1.2 Classification of signals

--1.2 Classification of signals

-1.3 Classification of systems

--1.3 Classification of systems I

--1.3 Classification of systems II


--Exercise for Chapter 1

-Homework for Chapter 1

-Discussion topics for Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Signal Analysis in the Time Domain

-2.1 Elementary continuous-time signals

--2.1 Elementary continuous-time signals: regular

--2.1 Elementary continuous-time signals: singularity

-2.2 Basic operations on continuous-time signals

--2.2 Basic operations on continuous-time signals I

--2.2 Basic operations on continuous-time signals II

-2.3 Elementary discrete-time signals

--2.3 Elementary discrete-time signals I

--2.3 Elementary discrete-time signals II

-2.4 Basic operations on discrete-time signals

--2.4 Basic operations on discrete-time signals

-2.5 Signal decomposition

--2.5 Signal decompositions

-2.6 Tutorial

--2.6 Tutorial

-2.7 Signal analysis in time with MATLAB

--2.7 Signal analysis in the time domain with MATLAB


--Exercise for Chapter 2

-Homework for Chapter 2

-Discussion topics for Chapter 2

Chapter 3 System Analysis in the Time Domain

-3.1 Description of linear time-invariant systems in the time domain

--3.1 Description of linear time-invariant systems in the time domain

-3.2 Response analysis of continuous-time LTI systems in the time domain

--3.2 Response analysis of continuous-time LTI systems

-3.3 Response evaluation of continuous-time LTI systems

--3.3 Response evaluation of continuous-time LTI systems I

--3.3 Response evaluation of continuous-time LTI systems II

--3.3 Response evaluation of continuous-time LTI systems III

--3.3 Response evaluation of continuous-time LTI systems IV

-3.4 Impulse response for continuous-time LTI system characterization

--3.4 Impulse response for continuous-time LTI system characterization

-3.5 Tutorial for response evaluation of continuous-time LTI systems

--3.5 Tutorial for response evaluation of continuous-time LTI systems

-3.6 Response analysis of discrete-time LTI systems in the time domain

--3.6 Response analysis of discrete-time LTI systems in the time domain

-3.7 Response evaluation of discrete-time LTI systems

--3.7 Response evaluation of discrete-time LTI systems I

--3.7 Response evaluation of discrete-time LTI systems II

-3.8 Impulse response of discrete-time LTI system characterization

--3.8 Impulse response of discrete-time LTI system characterization

-3.9 Tutorial for response evaluation of discrete-time LTI systems

--3.9 Tutorial for response evaluation of discrete-time LTI systems

-3.10 Analysis of systems in the time domain with MATLAB

--3.10 Analysis of systems in the time domain with MATLAB


--Exercise for Chapter 3

-Homework for Chapter 3

-Discussion topics for Chapter 3

Midterm Exam: Chapters 1-3

-Exam for Chapters 1-3

Chapter 4 Signal Analysis in the Frequency Domain

-4.1 Fourier analysis of periodic C-T signals

--4.1 Why analyze signals in the frequency domain

--4.1 Fourier representation of periodic C-T signals

--4.1 Spectrum of periodic C-T signals

--4.1 Properties of Fourier series for periodic C-T signals

-4.2 Frequency analysis of nonperiodic C-T signals

--4.2 Fourier representation of nonperiodic C-T signals

--4.2 Spectra of common nonperiodic C-T signals

--4.2 Properties of Fourier transform I

--4.2 Properties of Fourier transform II

--4.2 Applications of the properties of Fourier transform

-4.3 Fourier analysis of periodic D-T sequences

--4.3 Fourier representation of periodic D-T sequence

--4.3 Spectra of common periodic D-T sequences

--4.3 Properties of discrete Fourier series

-4.4 Fourier analysis of nonperiodic D-T sequences

--4.4 Fourier representation of nonperiodic D-T sequences

--4.4 Spectra of common nonperiodic D-T sequences

--4.4 Properties of DTFT

-4.5 Sampling of signals in the time domain

--4.5 Why sampling signals in the time domain

--4.5 How to sample signals in the time domain

--4.5 Sampling theory in the time domain

--4.5 Applications of sampling theory

-4.6 An example of signal analysis in the frequency domain

--4.6 An example of signal analysis in the frequency domain

-Homework for Chapter 4

-Discussion topics for Chapter 4

Chapter 5 System Analysis in the Frequency Domain

-5.1 Frequency response of a C-T LTI system

--5.1 Frequency response of a C-T LTI system

-5.2 Evaluation of the frequency response of a C-T LTI systems

--5.2 Evaluation of the frequency response of a C-T LTI systems

-5.3 Zero-state response of a C-T LTI system to signals

--5.3 Zero-state response of a C-T LTI system to signals

-5.4 Ideal analog filters

--5.4 Ideal analog filters

-5.5 Frequency response of a D-T LTI system

--5.5 Frequency response of a D-T LTI system

--5.5 Zero-state response of a D-T LTI system to D-T sequences

-5.6 Ideal digital filters

--5.6 Ideal digital filters

-5.7 Amplitude modulation and demodulation

--5.7 Amplitude modulation and demodulation

-Homework for Chapter 5

-Discussion topics for Chapter 5

Midterm Exam: Chapters 4-5

-Exam for Chapters 4-5

Chapter 6 Complex Frequency Analysis of Continuous-Time Signals and Systems

-6.1 C-T signal representation in the complex frequency domain

--6.1 C-T signal representation in the complex frequency domain

-6.2 Unilateral Laplace transform of common C-T signals

--6.2 Unilateral Laplace transform of common C-T signals

-6.3 Properties of unilateral Laplace transform

--6.3 Properties of unilateral Laplace transform

-6.4 Evaluation of inverse Laplace transform

--6.4 Evaluation of inverse Laplace transform

-6.5 Bilateral Laplace transform and its inverse

--6.5 Bilateral Laplace transform and its inverse

-6.6 Description of C-T LTI systems in the complex frequency domain

--6.6 Description of C-T LTI systems in the complex frequency domain

-6.7 Transfer function and system properties

--6.7 Transform function and system properties

-6.8 Implementation of C-T LTI systems

--6.8 Implementation of C-T LTI systems

-6.9 Complex frequency analysis of C-T LTI system response

--6.9 Complex frequency analysis of C-T signals and systems

-6.10 Complex frequency analysis of signals and systems in MATLAB

--6.10 Complex frequency analysis of signals and systems in MATLAB

-Homework for Chapter 6

-Discussion topics for Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Complex Frequency Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

-7.1 Representation of D-T signals in z-domain

--7.1 Representation of D-T sequences in z-domain

-7.2 Unilateral z-transform of common D-T sequences

--7.2 Unilateral z-transform of common D-T sequences

-7.3 Properties of unilateral z-transform

--7.3 Properties of unilateral z-transform

-7.4 Evaluation of unilateral z-transform

--7.4 Evaluation of inverse unilateral z-transform

-7.5 Bilateral z-transform and its inverse

--7.5 Bilateral z-transform and its inverse

-7.6 Description of D-T LTI systems in z-domain

--7.6 Description of D-T LTI systems in z-domain

-7.7 Transfer function and system properties

--7.7 Transfer function and system's properties

-7.8 Implementation of D-T LTI systems

--7.8 Implementation of D-T LTI systems

-7.9 z-domain analysis of system's responses

--7.9 z-domain analysis of system's responses

-7.10 Complex analysis of D-T signals and systems in MATLAB

--7.10 Complex analysis of D-T signals and systems in MATLAB

-Homework for Chapter 7

-Discussion topics for Chapter 7

Final Exam: Chapters 6-7

-Exam for Chapters 6-7

Signals and Systems开设学校:北京交通大学

Signals and Systems授课教师:








李居朋,博士,副教授 2009毕业于北京交通大学,2019年在美国UNC研修一年。主要从事模式识别和人工智能、医学图像处理等方面的科研工作。 主要讲授《信号与系统》,《数字图像处理》等课程。在本MOOC课程中主要承担维护与答疑工作。




  1. Signals and Systems(Round 1)

  2. 城市景观艺术设计(2021秋)

  3. Forensic Medicine(Round 2)

  4. Cell Death and Diseases of Central Nervous Systerm(Round1)

  5. 系统科学导论(2021暑假班)

  6. Histology and Embryology(组织学与胚胎学)(2021暑假班)

  7. 网络营销(2021秋)

  8. Vernacular Landscapes(Round 1)

  9. 台词训练-寻找属于你自己的自然之声(2021秋)

  10. 商务俄语(四)(2021秋)

  11. 电力系统继电保护(2021秋)

  12. 财政学(2021秋)

  13. ACCA F2 管理会计(2021秋)

  14. 服饰艺术传播与创新设计(2021秋)

  15. 制药过程检测与控制(化工自动化及仪表)(2021秋)

  16. 基础护理与技术(2021秋)

  17. 基础医学概论(2021秋)

  18. 走近手风琴(2021暑假班)

  19. 一画一课:红色美术经典作品赏析之革命历史篇(2021秋)

  20. 矿井通风(2021秋)
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