Aerospace Technology

Being one of the greatest invention, aerospace technology has turned the huge earth to a global village, and the mysterious veil of the vast universe has also been gradually revealed layer by layer. Aerospace Technology is an important course to motivate your interests on aerospace sciences, broaden your horizons, improve your awareness of aerospace engineering and enhance your creative abilities. Learn more with Aerospace Technology, Fly closer to your dreams.


Aerospace Technology课程:前往报名学习

Aerospace Technology视频慕课课程简介:

Being one of the greatest invention, aerospace technology has turned the huge earth to a global village, and the mysterious veil of the vast universe has also been gradually revealed layer by layer. Aerospace Technology is an important course to motivate your interests on aerospace sciences, broaden your horizons, improve your awareness of aerospace engineering and enhance your creative abilities. Learn more with Aerospace Technology, Fly closer to your dreams.


Aerospace Technology课程列表:


Chapter 1 Classification of Flight Vehicle

-1.1 Concepts of Aviation and Aerospace

--1.1.1 Concepts of Aviation and Aerospace

--1.1.2 Homework

-1.2 Aircraft Lighter than Air

--1.2.1 Aircraft Lighter than Air

--1.2.2 Homework

-1.3 Aircraft Heavier than Air

--1.3.1 Aircraft Heavier than Air

--1.3.2 Homework

-1.4 Unmanned Spacecraft

--1.4.1 Unmanned Spacecraft

--1.4.2 Homework

-1.5 Manned Spacecraft

--1.5.1 Manned Spacecraft

--1.5.2 Homework

Chapter 2 Take-off And Landing Technology

-2.1 Take-off and Landing Device

--2.1.1 Take-off and Landing Device

--2.1.2 Homework

-2.2 Take-off of Aircraft

--2.2.1 Take-off of Aircraft

--2.2.2 Homework

-2.3 Landing of Aircraft

--2.3.1 Landing of Aircraft

--2.3.2 Homework

-2.4 Take-off and Launch of UAV

--2.4.1 Take-off and Launch of UAV

--2.4.2 Homework

-2.5 Landing and Recovery of UAV

--2.5.1 Landing and Recovery of UAV

--2.5.2 Homework

-2.6 Discussion

Chapter 3 Launch and Recovery Technology

-3.1 Launch Window of Spacecraft

--3.1.1 Launch Window of Spacecraft

--3.1.2 Homework

-3.2 Launch of Spacecraft

--3.2.1 Launch of Spacecraft

--3.2.2 Homework

-3.3 Return Trajectory of Spacecraft

--3.3.1 Return Trajectory of Spacecraft

--3.3.2 Homework

-3.4 Re-entry Mode of Spacecraft

--3.4.1 Re-entry Mode of Spacecraft

--3.4.2 Homework

-3.5 Soft Landing of Spacecraft

--3.5.1 Soft Landing of Spacecraft

--3.5.2 Homework

-3.6 Discussion

Chapter 4 Aerodynamic Technology

-4.1 Aerodynamic Advanced Technology

--4.1.1 Aerodynamic Advanced Technology

--4.1.2 Homework

-4.2 Aerodynamic Design Method and Process

--4.2.1 Aerodynamic Design Method and Process

--4.2.2 Homework

-4.3 Technology of High lift and Drag Reduction

--4.3.1 Technology of High lift and Drag Reduction

--4.3.2 Homework

-4.4 Airflow Separation Suppression

--4.4.1 Airflow Separation Suppression

--4.4.2 Homework

-4.5 Vortex Control Technology

--4.5.1 Vortex Control Technology

--4.5.2 Homework

-4.6 Aerodynamic Noise Reduction Technology

--4.6.1 Aerodynamic Noise Reduction Technology

--4.6.2 Homework

-4.7 Discussion

Chapter 5 Aero Propulsion Technology

-5.1 Status and Role of Aeroengine

--5.1.1 Status and Role of Aeroengine

--5.1.2 Homework

-5.2 Early Aeroengine.

--5.2.1 Early Aeroengine

--5.2.2 Homework

-5.3 Turbojet Engine

--5.3.1 Turbojet Engine

--5.3.2 Homework

-5.4 Turbofan Engine

--5.4.1 Turbofan Engine

--5.4.2 Homework

-5.5 Thrust Vector Engine

--5.5.1 Thrust Vector Engine

--5.5.2 Homework

-5.6 Turboprop and Turboshaft Engines

--5.6.1 Turboprop and Turboshaft Engines

--5.6.2 Homework

-5.7 Ramjet

--5.7.1 Ramjet

--5.7.2 Homework

-5.8 Aviation Power Plant of New Energy

--5.8.1 Aeropropulsion system of New Energy

--5.8.2 Homework

-5.9 Discussion

Chapter 6 Space Propulsion Technology

-6.1 Characteristics of Space Propulsion System

--6.1.1 Characteristics of Space Propulsion System

--6.1.2 Homework

-6.2 Classification of Rocket Engines

--6.2.1 Classification of Rocket Engines

--6.2.2 Homework

-6.3 Liquid Rocket Engine

--6.3.1 Liquid Rocket Engine

--6.3.2 Homework

-6.4 Solid Rocket Engine

--6.4.1 Solid Rocket Engine

--6.4.2 Homework

-6.5 Thrust Vector Technology

--6.5.1 Thrust Vector Technology

--6.5.2 Homework

-6.6 Applications of Rocket Engine

--6.6.1 Applications of Rocket Engine

--6.6.2 Homework

-6.7 Performance of Rocket Engine

--6.7.1 Performance of Rocket Engine

--6.7.2 Homework

-6.8 Unconventional Rocket Engine

--6.8.1 Unconventional Rocket Engine

--6.8.2 Homework

-6.9 Discussion

Chapter 7 Navigation, Guidance, Telemetry and Control

-7.1 Concepts of Navigation, Guidance, Measurement and Control

--7.1.1 Concepts of Navigation, Guidance, Measurement and Control

--7.1.2 Homework

-7.2 Radio Navigation and Inertial Navigation

--7.2.1 Radio Navigation and Inertial Navigation

--7.2.2 Homework

-7.3 Satellite Navigation

--7.3.1 Satellite Navigation

--7.3.2 Homework

-7.4 Image Matching Navigation

--7.4.1 Image Matching Navigation

--7.4.2 Homework

-7.5 Remote Control Guidance

--7.5.1 Remote Control Guidance

--7.5.2 Homework

-7.6 Homing Guidance and Autonomous guidance

--7.6.1 Homing Guidance and Autonomous guidance

--7.6.2 Homework

-7.7 Space Tracking, Telemetry and Control Technology

--7.7.1 Space Tracking, Telemetry and Control Technology

--7.7.2 Homework

-7.8 Discussion

Chapter 8 Advanced Structure Technology

-8.1 Requirements on Design of Aircraft Structure

--8.1.1 Requirements on Design of Aircraft Structure

--8.1.2 Homework

-8.2 Application of Composite Materials in Aircraft

--8.2.1 Application of Composite Materials in Aircraft

--8.2.2 Homework

-8.3 Technology in Structural Design of Composite Materials

--8.3.1 Technology in Structural Design of Composite Materials

--8.3.2 Homework

-8.4 Manufacturing Technology of Composite Materials

--8.4.1 Manufacturing Technology of Composite Materials

--8.4.2 Homework

-8.5 Prospect on Design of Structure of Composite Materials

--8.5.1 Prospect on Design of Structure of Composite Materials

--8.5.2 Homework

-8.6 Discussion

Chapter 9 Space Flight Platform

-9.1 Satellite and Space Probe

--9.1.1 Satellite and Space Probe

--9.1.2 Homework

-9.2 Spaceship

--9.2.1 Spaceship

--9.2.2 Homework

-9.3 Space Station

--9.3.1 Space Station

--9.3.2 Homework

-9.4 Space Shuttle

--9.4.1 Space Shuttle

--9.4.2 Homework

-9.5 Discussion

Chapter 10 Aeromedical Rescue Systems Exploration and Design

-Aeromedical Rescue Systems Exploration and Design

-Aeromedical Rescue Systems Exploration and Design



Aerospace Technology开设学校:北京航空航天大学

Aerospace Technology授课教师:


贾玉红,女,北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院飞机系教授,博士生导师,北京市教学名师。1999年获北京航空航天大学飞行器设计专业博士学位,2006年在英国The University of Manchester进修,获双语教学硕士证书。 1993年以来一直在航空科学与工程学院飞机系任教,主讲《航空航天概论》、《飞行器工艺》和《航空工程大型通用软件应用》等课程,国家级视频公开课、中国大学MOOC主讲教师。从教20余年来一直在教学一线从事基础课程的教学工作,获“北京市教学成果”一等奖、“校教学优秀奖”一等奖、“校级教学成果”一等奖、“成飞奖教金”一等奖、“校教学贡献奖”、我爱我师“十佳教师”、我爱我师“特色教师”和“优秀主讲教师”等多项荣誉。 主要从事飞行器设计领域科研工作,主要研究方向为飞机起落架设计、机械设计等,获得国家发明专利及其他类型专利11项,在国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文60余篇,主编《航空航天概论》、《现代飞行器制造工艺学》等教材/专著10余本,总字数在300万字以上,主编教材被评为普通高等教育国家级规划教材。


刘虎,研究员,博士生导师。现任航空科学与工程学院飞机系主任、国家级精品课《飞机总体设计》负责人、“航空器先进设计技术工业和信息化部重点实验室”综合办主任、《航空学报》及《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》青年编委、中国系统工程学会应急管理系统工程专业委员会副主任委员。 2000年以全系第一的成绩毕业于北京航空航天大学飞行器设计与应用力学系(现航空科学与工程学院),获工学学士学位;2004年在北京航空航天大学取得飞行器设计专业工学博士学位;2006年完成在北航“虚拟现实技术与系统国家重点实验室”博士后流动站的博士后研究工作,并于同年留校在航空科学与工程学院任教。 主要研究领域为飞行器总体设计支持技术,包括基于体系化效能评估的多任务优化技术、基于虚拟现实的训练与决策支持技术等。 负责国家级精品课《飞机总体设计》建设,两次获得北航校级教学成果一等奖。发起并组织 “北航-美国普渡大学飞机设计联合课程”(2011-2013年)、“航空航天设计联合课程”(2014年起,已有国内外近10所高校的飞机设计课程参与)等计划,推动本科飞行器设计专业人才培养模式的改革和创新。




崔德刚,研究员,中航工业科技委顾问, 北航兼职教授、博士生导师。 1963年毕业于北京航空航天大学,后在沈阳飞机设计研究所工作28年,任结构强度副总设计师,曾参加多个型号的研制。1984-1988期间曾在英国宇航公司参与A310飞机机翼设计、在德国MBB公司参加科技合作等。兼任北京航空航天大学教授至今,培养十多名博士生、硕士生,现任北航“大飞机班”校外班主任。出版著作“结构稳定性设计手册”,发表SCI/EI检索文章20余篇。






  1. Aerospace Technology(Round 2)

  2. 中国农村健康及备灾培训(2021秋)

  3. A Guide to English-speaking Countries(Round 2)

  4. 多民族文化符号与传播(2021秋)

  5. Critical Thinking and Critical Writing(Round 2)

  6. English Public Speaking(Round 2)

  7. 轮滑高级教程(2021秋)

  8. Physiological System Engineering(Round 2)

  9. 康复功能评定学(2021秋)

  10. 社会学概论(2021秋)

  11. 融合新闻学(2021秋)

  12. 3D游戏引擎架构设计基础(2021秋)

  13. 临床思维与人际沟通(2021秋)

  14. 服装大师的设计历程(2021秋)

  15. 渗流力学(2021秋)

  16. 内科护理学(2021秋)

  17. 物理化学(上)(2021秋)

  18. 数据化企业(2021暑假班)

  19. 电子商务概论(2021秋)

  20. 毒理学基础(2021秋)
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