








Week1: Word Meaning and Word Choice

-Lesson 1 How to Choose Word Accurately: Understand Word Meaning- Denotation and Connotation

--Lesson 1 How to Choose Word Accurately: Understand Word Meaning- Denotation and Connotation

-Lesson 2 How to Use Words Appropriately – Formal and Informal

--Lesson 2 How to Use Words Appropriately – Formal and Informal

-Lesson 3 How to Use Words Compellingly – Specific and General

--Lesson 3 How to Use Words Compellingly – Specific and General

-Lesson 4 Some Don’ts in Word Choice

--Lesson 4 Some Don’ts in Word Choice



Week2: How to Write Effective Sentence

-Lesson 1-Sentence Variety

--Lesson 1-Sentence Variety

-Lesson 2-Common Problematic Sentences I

--Lesson 2-Common Problematic Sentences I

-Lesson 3-Common Problematic Sentences II

--Lesson 3-Common Problematic Sentences II



Week3: Effective Paragraphs I

-Lesson 1-Structure of a Paragraph

--Lesson 1-Structure of a Paragraph

-Lesson 2-Principles for an Effective Paragraph: unity and coherence

--Lesson 2-Principles for an Effective Paragraph: unity and coherence



Week4: Effective Paragraphs II

-Lesson 1- Developing a Paragraph by process analysis

--Lesson 1- Developing a Paragraph by process analysis

-Lesson 2- Developing a Paragraph by classification

--Lesson 2- Developing a Paragraph by classification



Week5: Practical writing I

-Lesson 1- summary

--Lesson 1- summary

-Lesson 2- application letters

--Lesson 2- application letters

-Lesson 3- resume

--Lesson 3- resume

-Lesson 4- business emails

--Lesson 4- business emails

-Lesson 5 memo

--Lesson 5 memo



Week6: Practical writing II

-Lesson 1-types of graphs

--Lesson 1-types of graphs

-Lesson 2- line graph

--Lesson 2- line graph

-Lesson 3- pie graph

--Lesson 3- pie graph

-Lesson 4-bar graph

--Lesson 4-bar graph



Week7: Essays writing I

-Lesson 1- What Makes An Essay Effective

--Lesson 1- What Makes An Essay Effective

-Lesson 2-Effective Introduction and Conclusion

--Lesson 2-Effective Introduction and Conclusion



Week8: Essays writing II

-Lesson1-What Is a Descriptive Essay

--Lesson1-What Is a Descriptive Essay

-Lesson 2-What Is a Narrative Essay

--Lesson 2-What Is a Narrative Essay



Week9: Essays writing III

-Lesson 1-What Is a Cause and Effect Essay

--Lesson 1-What Is a Cause and Effect Essay

-Lesson 2-How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay

--Lesson 2-How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay

-Lesson 3- Analyzing a Sample Essay

--Lesson 3- Analyzing a Sample Essay

-Lesson 4-Useful Expressions

--Lesson 4-Useful Expressions



Week10: Essays writing IV

-Lesson 1-What Is a Comparison and Contrast Essay

--Lesson 1-What Is a Comparison and Contrast Essay

-Lesson 2-How to Write a Comparison and Contrast Essay

--Lesson 2-How to Write a Comparison and Contrast Essay

-Lesson3-How to Avoid a “So-what” Thesis Statement

--Lesson3-How to Avoid a “So-what” Thesis Statement

-Lesson4-Useful Expression

--Lesson4-Useful Expression



Week11: Essays writing V

-Lesson 1-Overview of Definition

--Lesson 1-Overview of Definition

-Lesson 2-How to Make a Definition

--Lesson 2-How to Make a Definition

-Lesson 3-Pre-writing a Definition Essay

--Lesson 3-Pre-writing a Definition Essay

-Lesson 4-Writing a Definition Essay

--Lesson 4-Writing a Definition Essay



Week12: Essays writing VI

-Lesson 1-What Is Argumentation

--Lesson 1-What Is Argumentation

-Lesson 2-How to Present Argument

--Lesson 2-How to Present Argument

-Lesson 3-Pre-writing an Argumentative Essay

--Lesson 3-Pre-writing an Argumentative Essay

-Lesson 4-Writing an Argumentative Essay

--Lesson 4-Writing an Argumentative Essay



Week13-14: Academic Writing

-Lesson 1-Overview of Academic Writing

--Lesson 1-Overview of Academic Writing

-Lesson 2-How to Prepare the Title and Thesis Statement

--Lesson 2-How to Prepare the Title and Thesis Statement

-Lesson 3-How to Present a Literature Review

--Lesson 3-How to Present a Literature Review

-Lesson 4-How to Make a Thesis Proposal

--Lesson 4-ow to Make a Thesis Proposal

-Lesson 5-How to Write the Introduction

--Lesson 5-How to Write the Introduction

-Lesson 6-How to Describe Material and Methods Used in Research

--Lesson 6-How to Describe Material and Methods Used in Research

-Lesson 7-How to Report and Discuss the Results of Reasearch

--Lesson 7-How to Report and Discuss the Results of Reasearch

-Lesson 8-How to Write the Conclusion

--Lesson 8-How to Write the Conclusion

-Lesson 9-How to Write the Abstract

--Lesson 9-How to Write the Abstract

-Lesson 10-How to Cite the References

--Lesson 10-How to Cite the References1

--Lesson 10-How to Cite the References2



Week15: International Conference

-Lesson 1-Introduction to Course and Instructor’s Name

--Lesson 1-Introduction to Course and Instructor’s Name

-Lesson 2-Lecture Two Getting started: Which Paper Should You Send and Where? The call for Papers

--Lesson 2-Lecture Two Getting started: Which Paper Should You Send and Where? The call for Papers

-Lecture 3-Writing the Abstract

--Lecture 3-Writing the Abstract

-Lecture 4-How to Craft the Oral Presentation

--Lecture 4-How to Craft the Oral Presentation

-Lecture 5-Tips on Attending a Conference, Presenting the Conference Paper, and Taking Question

--Lecture 5-Tips on Attending a Conference, Presenting the Conference Paper, and Taking Question














陈星,讲师,北京化工大学第十五届优秀青年主讲教师 和 第十届青年教师基本功大赛二等奖。“外教社"全国高校外语教学大赛“北京赛区三等奖。







Jean Alvares-教授-蒙特克莱尔州立大学-

Jean Alvares,美国蒙特克莱尔大学人文学院,教授,曾担任古典与人文系主任。研究方向:古希腊-罗马小说和人文传统。开设的主要课程为希腊语,拉丁语以及古希腊-罗马小说以及同步的网络课程。发表论文五十余篇,出版著作1部,“Classical Myth and the New Millennium” Oxford University Press. (2017)。


  1. 高级综合英语写作(2021秋)

  2. 新媒体运营(2021秋)

  3. 蛋白质表达纯化与功能研究(2021秋)

  4. 从新冠疫情看人类命运共同体(2021秋)

  5. 局部解剖学(2021秋)

  6. 影像史学研究(2021秋)

  7. Python程序设计:从通用基础到前沿应用(2021秋)

  8. 材料学概论(2021秋)

  9. 中药药理学-学做自己的调理师(2021秋)

  10. 学前儿童发展(2021秋)

  11. C语言程序设计基础(2021秋)

  12. 渗流力学(2021秋)

  13. 跟我学如何挑选服装(2021秋)

  14. 外贸函电(2021秋)

  15. 创业管理(2021秋)

  16. 舰载机概论(2021秋)

  17. 创业失败:原因与出路(2021秋)

  18. 新媒体英语(2021秋)

  19. 西方哲学I:古代部分(2021秋)

  20. 大学物理——振动、波动与光学(2021秋)
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