Introducing China in English is designed to provide participants with a wide range of areas that best defines Chinese culture.
Introducing China in English is designed to provide participants with a wide range of areas that best defines Chinese culture.
-1.1 Introduction
-1.2 Confucius and His Conception of ren
--1.2 Confucius and His Conception of Ren
-1.3 From Behavior Cultivation to Social Order
--1.3 From Behavior Cultivation to Social Order
-1.4 Confucian Thought on li
-1.5 Seminar
-2.1 Introduction
-2.2 Dao: The Origin of Everything
--2.2 Dao: The Origin of Everything
-2.3 Reversion: the fundamental principle in the law of nature
--2.3 Reversion: the fundamental principle in the law of nature
-2.4 Paradoxical expressions
-2.5 Comparison between Laozi and Confucius
--2.5 Comparison between Laozi and Confucius
-3.1 Introduction
-3.2 The Origin of Chinese Characters
--3.2 The Origin of Chinese Characters
-3.3 The Six Major Stages in the Development of Chinese Characters
--3.3 The Six Major Stages in the Development of Chinese Characters
-3.4 The Conformation of Chinese Characters
--3.4 The Conformation of Chinese Characters
-3.5 The Characteristics of Chinese Characters
--3.5 The Characteristics of Chinese Characters
-3.6 Seminar
-4.1 Introduction
-4.2 Lunar Calendar and Solar Calendar
--4.2 Lunar Calendar and Solar Calendar
-4.3 The First Biggest Festival: Spring Festival
--4.3 The First Biggest Festival: Spring Festival
-4.4 The Second Biggest Festival: Mid-Autumn Day
--4.4 The Second Biggest Festival: Mid-Autumn Day
-4.5 Contrast and Comparison
-4.6 Seminar
-5.1 Introduction
-5.2 Rich Chinese Food Culture
--5.2 Rich Chinese Food Culture
-5.3 Balanced Diet
-5.4 The Chinese Palates
-5.5 Eight Cuisines
-5.6 Seminar
-6.1 Introduction
-6.2 Engagement
-6.3 Preparation
-6.4 Wedding Day
-6.5 Post-wedding Ceremonies
-6.6 Seminar
-7.1 Introduction
-7.2 Origin of Cheongsam
-7.3 Evolution of Cheongsam
-7.4 Design of Cheongsam and Its Cultural Connotation and Aesthetic Thoughts
--7.4 Design of Cheongsam and Its Cultural Connotation and Aesthetic Thoughts
-7.5 Seminar
-8.1 Introduction
-8.2 History of Chinese Paper Cutting
--8.2 History of Chinese Paper Cutting
-8.3 Artistic Features of Chinese Paper Cutting
--8.3 Artistic Features of Chinese Paper Cutting
-8.4 Cultural Values of Chinese Paper Cutting
--8.4 Cultural Values of Chinese Paper Cutting
-8.5 Seminar
-9.1 Introduction
-9.2 The Literal Meaning
-9.3 The Architectural Layout: Two Courts
--9.3 The Architectural Layout: Two Courts
-9.4 The Architectural Layout and the Traditional Rituals
--9.4 The Architectural Layout and the Traditional Rituals
-9.5 The Mythological Animals on the Eaves
--9.5 The Mythological Animals on the Eaves
-9.6 Seminar
-10.1 Introduction
-10.2 Roof Styles
-10.3 Width and Depth
-10.4 Eight Trigrams
-10.5 Five Elements
-10.6 Yin and Yang
-10.7 Chinese Architectural Wisdom
--10.7 Chinese Architectural Wisdom
-10.8 Dragon as a Cultural Symbol
--10.8 Dragon as a Cultural Symbol
-10.9 Seminar
-11.1 Introduction
-11.2 The Historical Development of Peking Opera
--11.2 The Historical Development of Peking Opera
-11.3 The Four Major Roles of Peking Opera
--11.3 The Four Major Roles of Peking Opera
-11.4 The Facial Makeup of Peking Opera
--11.4 The Facial Makeup of Peking Opera
-11.5 Seminar
-12.1 Introduction
-12.2 Principles and Philosophical Bases of TCM Treatment
--12.2 Principles and Philosophical Bases of TCM Treatment
-12.3 Qi and Meridians
-12.4 TCM Healing Modalities
-13.1 Introduction
-13.2 The Historical Development of Chinese Painting
--13.2 The Historical Development of Chinese painting
-13.3 The Characteristics of Chinese Painting
--13.3 The Characteristics of Chinese Painting
-13.4 The Influential Painters and Their Masterpieces
--13.4 The Influential Painters and Their Masterpieces
-14.1 Introduction
-14.2 The Principles and Characteristics of Chinese Kung Fu
--14.2 The Principles and Characteristics of Chinese Kung Fu
-14.3 The Schools of Chinese Kung Fu
--14.3 The Schools of Chinese Kung Fu
-14.4 The Fist Fighting Techniques of Chinese Kung Fu
--14.4 The Fist Fighting Techniques of Chinese Kung Fu
王志茹, 湖北大学外国语学院教授,全国模范教师,湖北名师,湖北大学名师,硕士生导师。主讲课程有《大学英语》、《语言学习原理与策略》、《课程设计与教材分析》,曾先后在澳大利亚南昆士兰大学和乌龙岗大学教授《汉语》。湖北省省级精品视频公开课《英语畅谈中国》课程负责人。先后在《外语界》、《电化教育研究》等各类期刊发表学术论文22篇,主编和副主编教材4部,主持国家级、省部级等科研和教学项目21项,其中三项获得“湖北省高等学校教学成果奖”。获得全国模范教师、湖北名师、湖北大学名师荣誉称号。主要研究方向:教师教育、数字化英语教学、第二语言习得以及个体差异。
周赟赟,湖北大学外国语学院讲师。主要讲授的课程有《大学英语》, 《演讲与辩论》, 《口译》, 《西方文化》等。在CSSCI刊物《外语界》发表论文。2016年应邀在英国莱斯特大学访问学者。研究兴趣:跨文化交际,中国绘画。
杨慧, 湖北大学外国语学院副教授,2010年获得该校文学硕士学位,毕业后留校教学至今,主讲课程有《大学英语》,《创意写作》,《商务英语》2014年至2015年应邀在美国孟菲斯大学访问学者,并参与该校孔子学院工作。至今发表论文十余篇,主持省级、校级教学研究项目3项。
王瑰,湖北大学外语学院大学英语部讲师,硕士。从事大学英语教学研究工作十余年,讲授《大学英语》、《英语口译》、《英语高级口语》和《英美国家社会与文化》等课程。湖北省省级精品视频公开课《英语畅谈中国》主讲教师之一。曾在美国西弗吉尼亚州Morgantown High School & Suncrest Middle School从事对外汉语教学工作,同时,还在课外举办各种中国文化宣传活动。研究领域为语言与文化和课堂教学。主持并参与了省级校级研究项目多项, 公开发表相关学术文章多篇。
Josh Skarratts, 外籍教师,主讲课程为《英语写作》。