Introducing China in English

Introducing China in English is designed to provide participants with a wide range of areas that best defines Chinese culture.


Introducing China in English课程:前往报名学习

Introducing China in English视频慕课课程简介:

Introducing China in English is designed to provide participants with a wide range of areas that best defines Chinese culture.


Introducing China in English课程列表:


Unit 1 The Wisdom of Confucius

-1.1 Introduction

--1.1 Introduction

-1.2 Confucius and His Conception of ren

--1.2 Confucius and His Conception of Ren

-1.3 From Behavior Cultivation to Social Order

--1.3 From Behavior Cultivation to Social Order

-1.4 Confucian Thought on li

--1.4 Confucian Thought on li

-1.5 Seminar

--1.5 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 2 The Wisdom of Laozi

-2.1 Introduction

--2.1 Introduction

-2.2 Dao: The Origin of Everything

--2.2 Dao: The Origin of Everything

-2.3 Reversion: the fundamental principle in the law of nature

--2.3 Reversion: the fundamental principle in the law of nature

-2.4 Paradoxical expressions

--2.4 Paradoxical expressions

-2.5 Comparison between Laozi and Confucius

--2.5 Comparison between Laozi and Confucius


-Discussion Topics

Unit 3 Chinese Characters

-3.1 Introduction

--3.1 Introduction

-3.2 The Origin of Chinese Characters

--3.2 The Origin of Chinese Characters

-3.3 The Six Major Stages in the Development of Chinese Characters

--3.3 The Six Major Stages in the Development of Chinese Characters

-3.4 The Conformation of Chinese Characters

--3.4 The Conformation of Chinese Characters

-3.5 The Characteristics of Chinese Characters

--3.5 The Characteristics of Chinese Characters

-3.6 Seminar

--3.6 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 4 Chinese Festivals

-4.1 Introduction

--4.1 Introduction

-4.2 Lunar Calendar and Solar Calendar

--4.2 Lunar Calendar and Solar Calendar

-4.3 The First Biggest Festival: Spring Festival

--4.3 The First Biggest Festival: Spring Festival

-4.4 The Second Biggest Festival: Mid-Autumn Day

--4.4 The Second Biggest Festival: Mid-Autumn Day

-4.5 Contrast and Comparison

--4.5 Contrast and Comparison

-4.6 Seminar

--4.6 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 5 Chinese Food

-5.1 Introduction

--5.1 Introduction

-5.2 Rich Chinese Food Culture

--5.2 Rich Chinese Food Culture

-5.3 Balanced Diet

--5.3 Balanced Diet

-5.4 The Chinese Palates

--5.4 The Chinese Palates

-5.5 Eight Cuisines

--5.5 Eight Cuisines

-5.6 Seminar

--5.6 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 6 Traditional Chinese Wedding

-6.1 Introduction

--6.1 Introduction

-6.2 Engagement

--6.2 Engagement

-6.3 Preparation

--6.3 Preparation

-6.4 Wedding Day

--6.4 Wedding Day

-6.5 Post-wedding Ceremonies

--6.5 Post-wedding Ceremonies

-6.6 Seminar

--6.6 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 7 Chinese Cheongsam

-7.1 Introduction

--7.1 Introduction

-7.2 Origin of Cheongsam

--7.2 Origin of Cheongsam

-7.3 Evolution of Cheongsam

--7.3 Evolution of Cheongsam

-7.4 Design of Cheongsam and Its Cultural Connotation and Aesthetic Thoughts

--7.4 Design of Cheongsam and Its Cultural Connotation and Aesthetic Thoughts

-7.5 Seminar

--7.5 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 8 Chinese Paper Cutting

-8.1 Introduction

--8.1 Introduction

-8.2 History of Chinese Paper Cutting

--8.2 History of Chinese Paper Cutting

-8.3 Artistic Features of Chinese Paper Cutting

--8.3 Artistic Features of Chinese Paper Cutting

-8.4 Cultural Values of Chinese Paper Cutting

--8.4 Cultural Values of Chinese Paper Cutting

-8.5 Seminar

--8.5 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 9 Layout and Hierarchy of Traditional Chinese Architecture

-9.1 Introduction

--9.1 Introduction

-9.2 The Literal Meaning

--9.2 Literal Meaning

-9.3 The Architectural Layout: Two Courts

--9.3 The Architectural Layout: Two Courts

-9.4 The Architectural Layout and the Traditional Rituals

--9.4 The Architectural Layout and the Traditional Rituals

-9.5 The Mythological Animals on the Eaves

--9.5 The Mythological Animals on the Eaves

-9.6 Seminar

--9.6 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 10 Cultural Connotations of Traditional Chinese Architecture

-10.1 Introduction

--10.1 Introduction

-10.2 Roof Styles

--10.2 Roof Styles

-10.3 Width and Depth

--10.3 Width and Depth

-10.4 Eight Trigrams

--10.4 Eight Trigrams

-10.5 Five Elements

--10.5 Five Elements

-10.6 Yin and Yang

--10.6 Yin and Yang

-10.7 Chinese Architectural Wisdom

--10.7 Chinese Architectural Wisdom

-10.8 Dragon as a Cultural Symbol

--10.8 Dragon as a Cultural Symbol

-10.9 Seminar

--10.9 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 11 Peking Opera

-11.1 Introduction

--11.1 Introduction

-11.2 The Historical Development of Peking Opera

--11.2 The Historical Development of Peking Opera

-11.3 The Four Major Roles of Peking Opera

--11.3 The Four Major Roles of Peking Opera

-11.4 The Facial Makeup of Peking Opera

--11.4 The Facial Makeup of Peking Opera

-11.5 Seminar

--11.5 Seminar


-Discussion Topics

Unit 12 Traditional Chinese Medicine

-12.1 Introduction

--12.1 Introduction

-12.2 Principles and Philosophical Bases of TCM Treatment

--12.2 Principles and Philosophical Bases of TCM Treatment

-12.3 Qi and Meridians

--12.3 Qi and Meridians

-12.4 TCM Healing Modalities

--12.4 TCM Healing Modalities


-Discussion Topics

Unit 13 Chinese Painting

-13.1 Introduction

--13.1 Introduction

-13.2 The Historical Development of Chinese Painting

--13.2 The Historical Development of Chinese painting

-13.3 The Characteristics of Chinese Painting

--13.3 The Characteristics of Chinese Painting

-13.4 The Influential Painters and Their Masterpieces

--13.4 The Influential Painters and Their Masterpieces


-Discussion Topics

Unit 14 Chinese Kung Fu

-14.1 Introduction

--14.1 Introduction

-14.2 The Principles and Characteristics of Chinese Kung Fu

--14.2 The Principles and Characteristics of Chinese Kung Fu

-14.3 The Schools of Chinese Kung Fu

--14.3 The Schools of Chinese Kung Fu

-14.4 The Fist Fighting Techniques of Chinese Kung Fu

--14.4 The Fist Fighting Techniques of Chinese Kung Fu


-Discussion Topics

Introducing China in English开设学校:湖北大学

Introducing China in English授课教师:

王志茹-教授 -湖北大学-

王志茹, 湖北大学外国语学院教授,全国模范教师,湖北名师,湖北大学名师,硕士生导师。主讲课程有《大学英语》、《语言学习原理与策略》、《课程设计与教材分析》,曾先后在澳大利亚南昆士兰大学和乌龙岗大学教授《汉语》。湖北省省级精品视频公开课《英语畅谈中国》课程负责人。先后在《外语界》、《电化教育研究》等各类期刊发表学术论文22篇,主编和副主编教材4部,主持国家级、省部级等科研和教学项目21项,其中三项获得“湖北省高等学校教学成果奖”。获得全国模范教师、湖北名师、湖北大学名师荣誉称号。主要研究方向:教师教育、数字化英语教学、第二语言习得以及个体差异。



万莎-讲师 -湖北大学-



周赟赟,湖北大学外国语学院讲师。主要讲授的课程有《大学英语》, 《演讲与辩论》, 《口译》, 《西方文化》等。在CSSCI刊物《外语界》发表论文。2016年应邀在英国莱斯特大学访问学者。研究兴趣:跨文化交际,中国绘画。

吴红-副教授 -湖北大学-



杨慧, 湖北大学外国语学院副教授,2010年获得该校文学硕士学位,毕业后留校教学至今,主讲课程有《大学英语》,《创意写作》,《商务英语》2014年至2015年应邀在美国孟菲斯大学访问学者,并参与该校孔子学院工作。至今发表论文十余篇,主持省级、校级教学研究项目3项。

陆小丽-讲师 -湖北大学-


王瑰-讲师 -湖北大学-

王瑰,湖北大学外语学院大学英语部讲师,硕士。从事大学英语教学研究工作十余年,讲授《大学英语》、《英语口译》、《英语高级口语》和《英美国家社会与文化》等课程。湖北省省级精品视频公开课《英语畅谈中国》主讲教师之一。曾在美国西弗吉尼亚州Morgantown High School & Suncrest Middle School从事对外汉语教学工作,同时,还在课外举办各种中国文化宣传活动。研究领域为语言与文化和课堂教学。主持并参与了省级校级研究项目多项, 公开发表相关学术文章多篇。

Josh Skarratts--湖北大学-

Josh Skarratts, 外籍教师,主讲课程为《英语写作》。

张路-讲师 -湖北大学-



  1. 批判性思维(2021秋)

  2. 国际贸易理论与实务(2021秋)

  3. 油画创作(2021秋)

  4. 网页设计与地图应用(2021秋)

  5. 社区护理(Community Health Nursing)(2021暑假班)

  6. 高级英语1(2021秋)

  7. 高等代数 I(2021秋)

  8. 医药英语词汇学(2021秋)

  9. 日语写作之实用篇(2021暑假班)

  10. 伦理学概论(2021秋)

  11. Introducing China In English(Round 2)

  12. 管理运筹学(2021秋)

  13. 数学博弈论(2021秋)

  14. 基础会计学(2021秋)

  15. 智能网联车的原理及应用(2021秋)

  16. 数学建模与竞赛案例选讲(2021秋)

  17. 数字电影制作技术(2021秋)

  18. 国际金融(2021秋)

  19. 房屋建筑学(2021秋)

  20. 制药设备与车间设计(2021秋)
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