
Let's learn, know and change the world of economics together!




Let's learn, know and change the world of economics together!




Chapter 1: Introduction

-1.1 What are we going to learn in Macroeconomics?

--What are we going to learn in this course?

--What are we going to learn in Macroeconomics

-1.2 How to study this course?

--How to study this course?

--How to study this course?

Chapter 2: National Income Accounting

-2.1 The Measurement of GDP and GNP

--The measurement of GDP and GNP

--The measurement of GDP and GNP

-2.2 Nominal and real GDP

--Nominal and real GDP

--Nominal and real GDP

-2.3 Measuring the cost of living, CPI

--Measuring the cost of living, CPI

--Measuring the cost of living, CPI

--Quiz for Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Income Distribution and the Loanable Funds Maket

-3.1 Production function and the demand for factors of production

--Production function and the demand for factors of production

--Marginal product and the demand for factors of production

-3.2 Classical theories of income distribution

--Classical theories of income distribution

--Classical theories of income distribution

--Quiz A for Chapter 3

-3.3 The equilibrium of goods market

--The equilibrium of goods market

--The equilibrium of goods market

-3.4 Equilibrium of the loanable funds market

--Equilibrium of the loanable funds market

--Equilibrium of loanable funds market

--Quiz B for Chapter 3

Chapter 4: Money and Inflation

-4.1 Central bank and the monetary system

--Central bank and the monetary system

--Central bank and the monetary system

-4.2 Quantity theory and the classical cause of inflation

--Quantity theory and the classical cause of inflation

--Quantity theory and the classical cause of inflation

-4.3 Nominal interest rate and the demand for money

--Nominal interest rate and the demand for money

--Nominal Interest rate and the demand for money

-4.4 The unexpected inflation and income redistribution

--The unexpected inflation and income redistribution

--The unexpected inflation and income redistribution

--Quiz for Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Labor Market and Unemployment in the Long Run

-5.1 Labor force and unemployment rate

--Labor force and unemployment rate

--Labor force and Unemployment rate

-5.2 Job search and frictional unemployment

--Job search and frictional unemployment

--Job search and frictional unemployment

-5.3 Wage rigidity and structural unemployment

--Wage rigidity and structural unemployment

--Wage rigidity and structural unemployment

--Quiz for Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Open Economy in the Long Run

-6.1 International trade and capital flow

--International trade and capital flow

--International trade and capital flow

-6.2 The loanable funds market for a small open economy

--The loanable funds market for a small open economy

--The small open economy model of saving and investment

-6.3 Nominal and real exchange rates

--Nominal and real exchange rates

--Nominal and real exchange rates

-6.4 Determinants of real exchange rate and purchasing power parity

--Determinants of real exchange rate and purchasing power parity

--Determinants of real exchange rate and purchasing power parity

-6.5 The large open economy model

--The large open economy model

--The Large open economy model

--Quiz for Chapter 6

Chapter 7: The Solow Model with Capital Accumulation and Population Growth

-7.1 The Solow Model with capital accumulation

--The Solow Model with capital accumulation

--The Solow Model with capital accumulation

-7.2 The Golden Rule steady state

--The Golden Rule steady state

--The Golden Rule steady state

-7.3 The Solow Model with population growth

--The Solow Model with population growth

--The Solow Model with population growth

--Quiz for Chapter 7

Chapter 8: Economic Growth with Technological progress and Endogenous Models

-8.1 The Solow Model with technological progress

--The Solow Model with technological progress

--The Solow Model with technological progress

-8.2 Policies in pomoting economic growth

--Policies in promoting economic growth

--Policies in promoting economic growth

-8.3 Endogenous growth models and technological progress

--Endogenous gowth models and technological progress

--Endogenous growth models and technological progress

--Quiz for Chapter 8

Chapter 9: Economic Fluctuations

-9.1 Indicators for the business cycle

--Indicators for the business cycle

--Indicators for the business cycle

-9.2 The aggregate demand and aggregate supply model

--The aggregate demand and aggregate supply model

--The aggregate demand and aggregate supply model

-9.3 Demand and supply shocks to the economy

--Demand and supply shocks to the economy

--Demand and supply shocks to the economy

--Quiz for Chapter 9

Chapter 10: Deriving the IS-LM Model

-10.1 The Keynesian Cross and the IS curve

--The Keynesian Cross and the IS curve

--The Keynesian Cross and the IS curve

--Quiz A for Chapter 10

-10.2 The Liquidity Theory and the LM curve

--The liquidity theory and the LM curve

--The Liquidity Theory and the LM curve

--Quiz B for Chapter 10

Chapter 11: Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand

-11.1 Monetary and fiscal policies' effects on the IS-LM model

--Monetary and fiscal policies' effects on the IS-LM model

--Monetary and fiscal policies’ effects on the IS-LM model

-11.2 Economic shocks and policy instruments used by the central bank

--Economic shocks and policy instruments used by the central bank

--Economic shocks and policy instruments used by the central bank

-11.3 Deriving the aggregate demand and the long run equilibrium

--Deriving the aggregate demand and the long run equilibrium

--Deriving the aggregate demand and the long run equilibrium

-11.4 Explaining the great depression, the spending hypothesis and the money hypothesis

--Exlaining the great depression, the spending hypothesis and the money hypothesis

--Explaining the great depression: the spending hypothesis and the money hypothesis

--Quiz for Chapter 11

Chapter 12: The Mundel-Fleming Model, Open Economy in the Short Run

-12.1 The Mundell-Fleming Model

--The Mundell-Fleming model

--The Mundell-Fleming Model

-12.2 Interest rate differentials and capital flights

--Interest rate differentials and capital flights

--Interest rate differentials and capital flights

-12.3 The large open economomy model in the short run

--The large open economy model in the short run

--The large open economy model in the short run

--Quiz for Chapter 12

Chapter 13: The phillips Curve and Aggregate Supply

-13.1 The sticky price model and aggregate supply

--The sticky price model and aggregate supply

--The sticky price model and aggregate supply

-13.2 From the aggregate supply to the Phillips Curve

--From the aggregate supply to the Phillips Curve

--From the aggregate supply to the Phillips Curve

-13.3 Rational expectation vs painless disinflation

--Rational expectation vs painless disinflation

--Rational expectation vs painless disinflation

--Quiz for Chapter 13

-13.4 A dynamic model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply

--A dynamic model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply

--A Dynamic Model of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

-13.5 Experiments on the dynamic model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply

--Experiments on the dynamic model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply

--Experiments on the dynamic model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply




刘羽帆 经济学博士,就职于暨南大学国际学院,研究方向是宏观经济政策。刘老师曾留学美国,并在美国公司工作多年,英语纯正流利。她从2003年开始讲授宏观经济学(全英),至今已有超过2300多本科生学习了该门课程,取得了良好的课堂教学效果。她曾获得教学竞赛奖,本科教学校长奖,课程建设优秀奖等奖项,也主持了多项教学改革研究项目,发表多篇教学改革论文。刘老师所教学生来自世界各地,有着多元的教育背景和学习能力,她在利用网络教学平台进行多元化教学资源建设方面进行了大量研究和尝试,帮助学生实现自主学习和互助学习,满足学生的多元化学习需求。


  1. Macroeconomics(Round 2)

  2. 国际经济法学(2021秋)

  3. 免疫学(2021秋)

  4. Occlusion(Round 2)

  5. Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty(Round 3)

  6. 游泳——仰泳泳姿(2021秋)

  7. 信息对抗技术专业方向设计(2021秋)

  8. Overview of China(Round 1)

  9. 生态文明讲论(2021秋)

  10. Thai on Campus(2021秋)

  11. 风景园林艺术原理(2021秋)

  12. 政治经济学(2021秋)

  13. 体育课程与教学论(2021秋)

  14. 西方哲学II:近代部分(2021秋)

  15. 大学英文写作(上)(2021秋)

  16. 实验针灸学(2021秋)

  17. 计算思维导论(2021秋)

  18. 国际医学会议交际英语(2021秋)

  19. 测井综合解释方法(2021秋)

  20. 石油加工工程(2021秋)
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