Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy

Why do babies have poor appetites and recurrent colds and coughs? What is the fundamental cause? Bad night's sleep, loose bowels, Eczema, otitis media, adenoid hypertrophy, Why do babies get them so often? How can they be healthier? How to do food therapy according to the circumstance of the babies? If you also have these questions, please join me to the class of Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy!


Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy课程:前往报名学习

Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy视频慕课课程简介:

Why do babies have poor appetites and recurrent colds and coughs? What is the fundamental cause? Bad night's sleep, loose bowels, Eczema, otitis media, adenoid hypertrophy, Why do babies get them so often? How can they be healthier? How to do food therapy according to the circumstance of the babies? If you also have these questions, please join me to the class of Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy!


Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy课程列表:


Chapter 1 Basic knowledge of pediatric massage 1

-1.1 History of Pediatrc Tuina



-1.2 The indications, Contraindications and precautions of pediatric tuina




-1.3 Is a baby a miniature version of an adult?



-1.4 How to judge the baby's illness? (Ⅰ)



-1.5 How to judge the baby's illness? (Ⅱ)


-1.6 How to judge the baby's illness? (Ⅲ)


-discuss 1

-discuss 2

-discuss 3

-Test 1

Chapter 2 Basic knowledge of pediatric massage 2 and manipulations

-2.1 Do you know the principles of treatment of pediatric diseases?



-2.2 What is the attention to the manipulation of children's tuina?



-2.3 Single manipulations(Ⅰ)



-2.4 Single manipulations (Ⅱ)


-2.5 Combined manipulations



-discuss 1

-Test 2

Chapter 3 Points of pediatric tuina 1

-3.1 Specific acupoints



-3.2 The specific acupoints in the head and face



-3.3 The specific acupoints in chest and abdomen




-3.4 The specific acupoints on the back



-discuss 1

-discuss 2

-discuss 3

-Test 3

Chapter 4 Points of pediatric tuina 2

-4.1 The specific points in the upper limb(Ⅰ)



-4.2 The specific points in the upper limb (Ⅱ)


-4.3 The specific points in the upper limb (Ⅲ)


-4.4 The specific points in the lower limb



-discuss 1

-discuss 2

-Test 4

Chapter 5 Common pediatric diseases associated with "lung"

-5.1 Lung, the protective umbrella of the human body


-5.2 Common cold caused by wind-cold



-5.3 Common cold caused by wind-heat


-5.4 Cough



-5.5 Other diseases




-discuss 1

-discuss 2

-Test 5

Chapter 6 Common pediatric diseases associated with "spleen"

-6.1 Spleen is the acquired foundation


-6.2 Anorexia



-6.3 Constipation



-6.4 Diarrhea



-6.5 Other diseases





-discuss 1

-discuss 2

-discuss 3

-Test 6

Chapter 7 Common pediatric diseases associated with "liver" and "heart"

-7.1 Liver is the general of all organs


-7.2 Jaundice



-7.3 Heart is the master of the zang-fu organs


-7.4 Children's sweat syndrome



-7.5 Night crying



-7.6 Other diseases







-discuss 1

-discuss 2

-test 7

Chapter 8 Common pediatric diseases associater with "kidney" and children's facial features

-8.1 Kidney is the origin of congenital constitution


-8.2 Enuresis



-8.3 Myopia



-8.4 Otitis media


-8.5 Adenoid hypertrophy


-8.6 Other diseases










-discuss 1

-discuss 2

-discuss 3

-test 8

Chapter 9 Other Common Problems and daily health care tuina methods

-9.1 The pulled elbow




-9.2 Eczema



-9.3 Health care tuina


-9.4 Other diseases




-discuss 1

-discuss 2

-test 9

The final exam

-The final exam

Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy开设学校:暨南大学

Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy授课教师:




  1. Pediatric Tuina and Children’s diet therapy(Round 1)

  2. 分子生物学(2021秋)

  3. 创新思维:基础、方法与应用(2021秋)

  4. 书法鉴赏与创作(2021秋)

  5. College Physics II(Round 1)

  6. Introduction to Political Philosophy(Round 1)

  7. 石文化与宝玉石鉴赏(2021秋)

  8. The Secrets of Medicine(Round 1)

  9. 管理沟通(2021秋)

  10. 中国文化英文谈(2021秋)

  11. 微观经济学(2021秋)

  12. 原来姹紫嫣红开遍——昆曲艺术欣赏(2021秋)

  13. 走近中华优秀传统文化(2021秋)

  14. 国际贸易(2021秋)

  15. C语言程序设计(上)(2021秋)

  16. 钢筋混凝土耐久性导论(2021秋)

  17. 《道德经》的智慧启示(2021秋)

  18. 运动与体能提升(2021秋)

  19. 大学物理——近代物理(2021秋)

  20. 工程热力学(上)(2021秋)
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