Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own

Explore the personality behind mental disorders, get to know the principles of diagnosis and treatment.


Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 课程:前往报名学习

Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 视频慕课课程简介:

Explore the personality behind mental disorders, get to know the principles of diagnosis and treatment.


Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 课程列表:


Chapter 1 Understanding Personality

-1.1 Character = Temperament = Personality? NO!

--1.1 Character = Temperament = Personality? NO!



--1.1Expand Resources 《Rorschach Ink Test and Freud》

-1.2 Characteristics of Personality

--1.2 Characteristics of Personality



-1.3 Is Personality Measurable?

--1.3 Is Personality Measurable?



-Unit 1 Test

Chapter 2 Personality Disorder

-2.1 Personality Traits and Personality Disorders

--2.1 Personality Traits and Personality Disorders



--2.1Expand Resources

-2.2 Types of Personality Disorders

--2.2 Types of Personality Disorders



--2.2Expand Resources

-2.3 Can Personality Disorders are Treated?

--2.3 Can Personality Disorders are Treated?



--2.3 Expand Resource 《What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in Psychotherapy》

-Unit 2 Test

Chapter 3 The Prelude of Mental Disorders

-3.1 Characteristics and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders

--3.1 Characteristics and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders



-3.2 Symptomatology of Mental Disorders

--3.2 Symptomatology of Mental Disorders



-3.3 Treatment Options for Patients with Mental Disorders

--3.3 Treatment Options for Patients with Mental Disorders



--3.3Expand Resources

--《Assessment of Bereavement》

-Unit 3 Test

Chapter 4 Are Hyperactivity and Twitch Diseases in Children? -- Developmental Disorders in Children

-4.1 Mental Retardation

--4.1 Mental Retardation



--4.1Expand Resources

-4.2 Autism

--4.2 Autism



--4.2Expand Resources

-4.3 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

--4.3 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder



--4.3Expand Resources

-4.4 Twitch Disorder

--4.4 Twitch Disorder



--4.4Expand Resources

--《How to Carry out Psychological Rescue in Epidemic Situation》

-Unit 4 Test

Chapter 5 I Have a Black Dog -- Depression

-5.1 Concept and Causes of Depression

--5.1 Concept and Causes of Depression



--5.1Expand Resources

-5.2 Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation of Depression

--5.2 Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Evaluation of Depression



--5.2Expand Resources

-5.3 Treatment of Depression

--5.3 Treatment of Depression



--5.3Expand Resources

-5.4 Women and Depression

--5.4 Women and Depression



-Unit 5 Test

Chapter 6 Emotion is Like Riding a Roller Coaster -- Bipolar Disorder

-6.1 Concept and Pathogenesis of Bipolar Disorder

--6.1 Concept and Pathogenesis of Bipolar Disorder



--6.1Expand Resources

-6.2 Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

--6.2 Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder



--6.2Expand Resources

-6.3 comorbidity and Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder

--6.3 comorbidity and Differential Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder



--6.3Expand Resources

-6.4 treatment of Bipolar Disorder

--6.4 treatment of Bipolar Disorder



--《Self-identification and management of bipolar disorder in epidemic situation》

-Unit 6 Test

Chapter 7 The Invisible World -- Schizophrenia

-7.1 What is Schizophrenia?

--7.1 What is Schizophrenia?



-7.2 Clinical Manifestations and Symptoms of Schizophrenia

--7.2 Clinical Manifestations and Symptoms of Schizophrenia



-7.3 Assessments of Diagnosis and Prognosis of Schizophrenia

--7.3 Assessments of Diagnosis and Prognosis of Schizophrenia



--7.3Expand Resources

-7.4 Treatment and Rehabilitation of Schizophrenia

--7.4 Treatment and Rehabilitation of Schizophrenia



--Film Analysis of《A Beautiful Mind》

-Unit 7 Test

Chapter 8 The Department of Psychiatry "Cancer" -- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

-8.1 Uncover Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

--8.1 Uncover Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder



-8.2 Diagnosis and Differentiation of OCD

--8.2 Diagnosis and Differentiation of OCD



-8.3 Treatment of OCD

--8.3 Treatment of OCD



--8.3Expand Resources 1

--8.3Expand Resources 2

-Unit 8 test

Chapter 9 Panics, Chest Tightness, Are There Something Wrong with the Heart? -- Anxiety Disorde

-9.1 What is Anxiety Disorder?

--9.1 What is Anxiety Disorder?



-9.2 Diagnosis and Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders

--9.2 Diagnosis and Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorders



--9.2Expand Resources

-9.3 Treatment of Anxiety Disorder

--9.3 Treatment of Anxiety Disorder



--9.3Expand Resources 1

--9.3Expand Resources 2

--《Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders》

-Unit 9 Test

Chapter10 Are Cowards Born? -- Phobia

-10.1 Classification and Causes of Phobias

--10.1 Classification and Causes of Phobias



-10.2 Diagnosis and Differentiation of Panic Attacks

--10.2 Diagnosis and Differentiation of Panic Attacks



--10.2Expand Resources

-10.3 Treatments of Panic Attacks

--10.3 Treatments of Panic Attacks



-Unit 10 Test

Chapter 11 The Struggle of the Skinny and the Fat -- Eating Disorders

-11.1 Concepts and Clinical Manifestations of Eating Disorders

--11.1 Concepts and Clinical Manifestations of Eating Disorders



-11.2 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Eating Disorders

--11.2 Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Eating Disorders



-11.3 Treatments of Eating Disorders

--11.3 Treatments of Eating Disorders



-Unit 11 Test

Chapter 12 Bring Your Own Smoky Eyes Every Day -- Sleep-Related Disorders

-12.1 Insomnia Disorder

--12.1 Insomnia Disorder



--12.1Expand Resources

-12.2 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

--12.2 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome



-12.3 Other Sleep-Wake Disorders

--12.3 Other Sleep-Wake Disorders



-Unit 12 Test

Chapter 13 The Survivor's Misfortune -- Stress Disorder

-13.1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

--13.1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder



-13.2 Stress Disorder

--13.2 Stress Disorder



-13.3 Treatments of Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders

--13.3 Treatments of Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders



-Unit 13 Test

Chapter 14 Is Bad Memory a Disease? -- Alzheimer’s Disease

-14.1 Etiology and Clinical Manifestations of Alzheimer’s Disease

--14.1 Etiology and Clinical Manifestations of Alzheimer’s Disease



-14.2 Diagnoses and Differential Diagnosis of Senile Dementia

--14.2 Diagnoses and Differential Diagnosis of Senile Dementia



-14.3 Prevention and Treatment of Senile Dementia

--14.3 Prevention and Treatment of Senile Dementia



-Unit 14 Test

Chapter 15 Summary and Discussion

-Summary and Discussion

Final Exam

-Final Exam

Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 开设学校:暨南大学

Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own 授课教师:


贾艳滨教授是暨南大学临床心理学硕导,精神医学科博导,博士后合作导师。 2002-2005年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院进行博士后研究,师从认知心理治疗之父Beck教授。曾出版专著《强迫症心理认知评估与治疗》,译著《自我催眠术-激活你的大脑》。2016年度“羊城好医生”;2019年度“岭南名医”。中国大学MOOC《人格与精神障碍—学做自己的心理医生》主讲人。2019年教育部研究生教材《精神病学》《医患沟通》编委及副主编。擅长各类心境障碍的临床治疗与认知行为心理治疗。


  1. Personality and Mental Disorders—Be a Therapist of Your Own (Round 2)

  2. 现代流体力学数值模拟方法(2021秋)

  3. Petrophysics(Round 3)

  4. Semiconductor Physics(Round 1)

  5. Traditional Chinese Medicine(Round 2)

  6. 流体包裹体地质(2021秋)

  7. Thermal Physics(Round 2)

  8. 可编程控制器(2021秋)

  9. 线性代数(2021暑假班)

  10. 建材化学分析技术(2021秋)

  11. 思维创新与创造力开发(2021秋)

  12. 化工原理(2021秋)

  13. 专业学位研究生英语(2021秋)

  14. 汽车是怎么造出来的(2021秋)

  15. 人体解剖学(2021秋)

  16. 车辆动力学(2021秋)

  17. 高分子合成材料学(2021秋)

  18. 工程电磁场(2021秋)

  19. 微电子器件原理(2021秋)

  20. 汽车底盘构造与维修(2021秋)
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