Let's find out more about the past and present, myth and legend of these countries.
Let's find out more about the past and present, myth and legend of these countries.
-Unit 1 Glossary
-1.1 UK:Geography features and major cities
--1.1 UK:Geography features and major cities
-1.1 Quiz
-1.2 US:Geography features and major cities
--1.2 US:Geography features and major cities
-1.2 Quiz
-1.3 Ethnic Groups
-1.3 Quiz
-1.4 Language
-1.4 Quiz
-1.5 British English v.s. American English
--1.5 British English v.s. American English
-1.5 Quiz
-Unit 1 Test
-Topic for discussion: How much do you know about Britain?
-Unit 2 Glossary
-2.1 People
-2.1 Quiz
-2.2 The Thrones
-2.2 Quiz
-2.3 U.K.: The Empire
-2.3 Quiz
-2.4 U.S.: The Discovery and Colonies
--2.4 U.S.: The Discovery and Colonies
-2.4 Quiz
-2.5 U.S.:the Independence
-2.5 Quiz
-2.6 U.S.:The Civil War
-2.6 Quiz
-Unit 2 Test
-Topic for Discussion: Kings and queens
-Unit 3 Glossary
-3.1 U.K.: The monarchy, the government and political parties
--3.1 U.K.: The monarchy, the government and political parties
-3.1 Quiz
-3.2 American Political System
--3.2 American Political System
-3.2 Quiz
-3.3 American Democracy
-3.3 Quiz
-3.4 Exciting Campaigns, Electrifying Speeches
--Exciting Campaigns, Electrifying Speeches:Part A
--Exciting Campaigns, Electrifying Speeches: Part B
-3.4 Quiz
-Unit 3 Test
-Topic for discussion: President, President!
-Unit 4 Glossary
-4.1 The U.K.: Economy
-4.1 Quiz
-4.2 the U.S.: Economy
-4.2 Quiz
-4.3 The U.S.: Technology
-4.3 Quiz
-Unit 4 Test
-Topic for discussion: The greatest invention in the history
-Unit 5 Glossary
-5.1 The History of Education, Educational Policy and Educational System
--5.1 The History of Education, Educational Policy and Educational System
-5.1 Quiz
-5.2 Higher Education and Famous Universities
--5.2 Higher Education and Famous Universities
-5.2 Quiz
-5.3 Go to British and American Universities: A Conversation
--5.3 Go to British and American Universities: A Conversation
-5.3 Quiz
-Unit 5 Test
-Topic for discussion: Which country would you like to go for further study?
-Unit 6 Glossary
-6.1 Hollywood
-6.1 Quiz
-6.2 British and American Televisions
--6.2 British and American Televisions
-6.2 Quiz
-6.3 Press and Social Media
-6.3 Quiz
-6.4 Popular Music
-6.4 Popular Music
-6.4 Quiz
-Unit 7 Glossary
-7.1 Life and Customs
-7.1 Quiz
-7.2 Religions
-7.2 Quiz
-7.3 British Holidays
-7.3 Quiz
-7.4 American Holidays
-7.4 Quiz
-Unit 7 Test
-Topic for discussion: Other traditions and customs
-Unit 8 Glossary
-8.1 Sports
-8.1 Quiz
-8.2 British Pubs and American Bars
--8.2 British Pubs and American Bars
-8.2 Quiz
-8.3 Entertainment and Recreation
--8.3 Entertainment and Recreation
-8.3 Quiz
-8.4 Travel
-8.4 Quiz
-Unit 8 Test
-Topic for discussion: Disneyland
-9.1 Geography and History
--9.1 Quiz
-9.2 Government and Economy
--9.2 Quiz
-9.3 Society and Culture
--9.3 Quiz
-Unit 9 Test
-Topic for discussion: the Canadian English
-10.1 Geography and History
--10.1 Quiz
-10.2 Government, Economy and Culture
--10.2 Government, Economy and Culture
--10.2 Quiz
-Unit 10 Test
-Topic for discussion: Irish culture
-11.1 Geography and History
--11.1 Quiz
-11.2 Government, Economy and Culture
--11.2 Government, Economy and Culture
--11.2 Quiz
-Topic for discussion: Australian Style
-12 Quiz
-Unit 11&12 Test
陈穗珊(1979-),女,讲师,英国利兹大学传播学及应用翻译硕士、华南师范大学博士研究生,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校访问学者,主要研究方向为翻译及语言教育政策。2003年至今在暨南大学外语学院大学英语部任教,主讲课程包括大学综合英语、剑桥商务英语、英美概况等。参与编译2010 国家社科基金后期资助项目《Encarta英语大词典》。主持2015年广东省高等教育教学研究和改革项目:《课语整合教学模式的探索与实践——以英语授课文化类通识教育课程为例》,微课《澳大利亚概况》在中央电教馆主办的的2018全国教育信息化交流展示活动中获得一等奖。
邹红英,主要从事应用语言学方向的研究,担任国际剑桥商务英语,大学英语及研究生英语课程。在《外语界》,《山东外语教学》,《大学英语》,《暨南大学学报》等刊物上发表“大学英语四级后口语教学初探”,“大学英语测试新思路——论交际测试的介入”,“几组易混词辨析”,“试论大学英语词汇教与学的问题与对策”等论文近十篇。撰写《实战商务英语会话》,《实战面试英语》等专著数册,参与编写《大学英语四级词汇精解词典》,《剑桥商务英语词汇初、中级手册》,《广东省成人大学英语二级模拟试题集》,广东省成人高等教育专科教材《大学英语》等。 2015年获暨南大学本科教学校长奖。主持省级课题两项。