Culture and Tourism(International Edition)

This course mainly focuses on Cultural Heritage Tourism and provides a broad-based interdisciplinary training.Welcome to our course!


Culture and Tourism(International Edition)课程:前往报名学习

Culture and Tourism(International Edition)视频慕课课程简介:

This course mainly focuses on Cultural Heritage Tourism and provides a broad-based interdisciplinary training.Welcome to our course!


Culture and Tourism(International Edition)课程列表:


Week 1: Cultural Tourism: Definitions and Concepts

-1.1 Introduction course outline and UNESCO World Heritage Program

--1.1.1 Introduction of culture and tourism course outline

--1.1.2 Introduction of UNESCO World Heritage Program(1)

--1.1.3 Introduction of UNESCO World Heritage Program(2)

-1.2 Cultural Heritage-1

--1.2.1 The meaning of culture heritage

--1.2.2 Criterion(i): masterpiece of human creative genius

--1.2.3 Criterion(ii): exhibit important interchange of human value

--1.2.4 Criterion(iii): bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony

--How can the public understand the importance of heritage?

-1.3 Cultural Heritage-2

--1.3.1 Criterion(iv): an outstanding example in human history

--1.3.2 Criterion(v): represent a culture or human interaction with environment

--1.3.3 Criterion(vi): associated with living traditions of outstanding universal significance

-1.4 Natural Heritage

--1.4.1 Natural heritage features, formations and criterions

--1.4.2 Cases studies of natural heritage

--Cultural landscape meanings: The case of West Lake, Hangzhou, China

--Week1 quiz

--How to access heritage of your hometown?

Week 2: Mixed Heritage and Cultural Heritage Categories

-2.1 Mixed Culture and Natural Heritage

--2.1.1 Mixed heritage operational guidelines and cases (1)

--2.1.2 Mixed heritage operational guidelines and cases (2)

--2.1.3 Mixed heritage operational guidelines and cases(3)

-2.2 Authenticity, Integrity and Cultural Routes

--2.2.1 How to determine authenticity and integrity

--2.2.2 Heritage routes and heritage canals (1)

--2.2.3 Heritage routes and heritage canals (2)

--What do you think about cultural heritage categories?

-2.3 Special Heritage and Sustainable

--2.3.1 Physical remains of the history of technology and industry

--2.3.2 Transboundary Heritage, Serial Heritage, Serial/Transnational Heritage

--2.3.3 Intangible cultural heritage

--2.3.4 UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme

--Recovering the Memory of Ourselves for the Sustainable Cites

--Week 2 quiz

--What do you think about cultural heritage categories?

Week 3: Heritage System: Managing and Safeguarding World Heritage Sites

-3.1 The Australia’s Heritage System and Sydney Opera House

--3.1.1 The Australian Heritage System

--3.1.2 Case Study: The Sydney Opera House

-3.2 Role of the ISCCL and Cultural Landscape (1)

--3.2.1 Role of the ISCCL

--3.2.2 Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

--3.2.3 Honghe Hani Rice Terraces

-3.3 Role of the ISCCL and Cultural Landscape (2)

--3.3.1 West Lake cultural landscape (1)

--3.3.2 West Lake cultural landscape (2)

-3.4 Rural Landscapes as Heritage

--3.4.1 ISCCL Principles Concerning Rural Landscapes as Heritage

--Article: ICOMOS Statutes

-3.5 Case Study: Mongolian Altai

--3.5.1 Nature Culture Integration & the Mongolian Altai(1)

--3.5.2 Nature Culture Integration & the Mongolian Altai(2)

--Week 3 quiz

--Discussion: What do you think is the role of ISCCL?

Week 4: Cultural Landscapes: Meanings, Values, Assessment, Documentation

-4.1 Introduction of the Meaning of 'landscape’

--4.1.1 Brief introduction of landscape and culture

--4.1.2 The conceptual framework of cultural landscape

-4.2 Landscape Values

--4.2.1 The word “landscape” itself and differences in Western, Eastern

--4.2.2 Cultural significance for heritage source

--Discussion: What do you think the cultural landscape attracts you?

-4.3 Reading the Landscape: Identification and Assessment

--4.3.1 Planning model for heritage conservation management policy

--4.3.2 Cultural landscape resources evaluation steps

--Article: Cultural mapping: Intangible values and engaging with communities with some reference to As

-4.4 Case Study: Wingecarribee Historic Landscape

--4.4.1 Case study:Wingecarribee historic landscape study(1)

--4.4.2 Case study:Wingecarribee historic landscape study(2)

--Week 4 quiz

--Discussion: What should we do to strengthen the protection of cultural landscape?

Week 5: Sustainable Indigenous Tourism

-5.1 Indigenous Tourism

--5.1.1 Indigenous tourism background

--5.1.2 World heritage and indigenous peoples

--5.1.3 Tourism issues at Canadian indigenous world heritage sites

--Discussion: What challenges indigenous World Heritage faces?

--Article: State conceptions of indigenous tourism in Chile

-5.2 Case Study and Conclusion: Great Expectations for Tourism

--5.2.1 Case study Pimachiowin Aki

--5.2.2 Conclusions:Great Expectations for Tourism

--Disussion: Do you have any experience of indigenous tourism?

--Week 5 quiz

Week 6: Affect and Emotion in Heritage Tourism

-6.1 The Definition of Heritage in Heritage Performance Study

--6.1.1 The definition of heritage in heritage performance study

--6.1.2 Heritage performance and meaning making

--6.1.3 Two key issues emerging from qualitative study

-6.2 Heritage Performance - Evidence from Australia, England and USA

--6.2.1 Heritage performance - reinforcement

--6.2.2 Heritage Performance - inter-generational communication and social values

--6.2.3 Heritage performance - recognition and respect

--6.2.4 Heritage performance - education

--Article:Theorizing museum and heritage visiting

-6.3 The Conclusion of Heritage Performance

--6.3 The conclusion of heritage performance

--Week 6 quiz

--Discussion: What kinds of heritage performances have you learned in this week?

--Final test

--Final discussion and reflection

Culture and Tourism(International Edition)开设学校:南开大学

Culture and Tourism(International Edition)授课教师:


张柔然,南开大学旅游与服务学院讲师,澳大利亚国立大学博士,天津市131创新型人才培养工程培养对象。研究方向为世界遗产规划管理、遗产旅游。他担任国际古迹遗址理事会—国际风景园林师联合会文化景观科学委员会青年委员,国际古迹遗址理事会文化旅游科学委员会青年委员。他作为中国代表参与国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)与世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)合作项目“文化-自然之旅”项目,并参与制定两份国际文件。他在权威SSCI期刊发表论文三篇,中文核心期刊论文数十篇,多次主持和参与国际会议并发表学术演讲。主持国家自然基金青年项目、天津市哲学社科项目各一项。2017年起受联合国教科文组织委托翻译并出版《历史城镇管理》等四本专著。他的英文专著《Chinese Heritage and Their Audiences:the Power of the Past》即将在2020年由英国著名出版社Routledge出版。


  1. Culture and Tourism(国际版)(Round 2)

  2. 无机化学(2021秋)

  3. 临床免疫学检验(2021秋)

  4. 书法鉴赏(2021秋)

  5. Acupuncture and moxibustion(Round 2)

  6. Clinical Physiology(Round 2)

  7. 教育管理学(2021秋)

  8. Introduction to C++: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(Round 2)

  9. Business Correspondence for International Trade(Round 2)

  10. 有机化学(2021秋)

  11. 国际金融(2021秋)

  12. 房屋建筑学(2021秋)

  13. 制药设备与车间设计(2021秋)

  14. 中国近现代史纲要人物专题(2021秋)

  15. 热力发电厂(2021秋)

  16. 物流管理(2021秋)

  17. 口腔组织病理学(2021秋)

  18. 高等生物化学(2021秋)

  19. 马克思主义基本原理概论(2021秋)

  20. University English for Academic Purposes(Round 2)
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