
Environmental problems are global in nature. Understanding the fundamental principles that describe how the earth’s systems work is necessary knowledge for everyone. In this course, we use many examples to illustrate environmental interrelationships, environmental risk and economics, environmental science and ecology,biodiversity issues and species extinction, human impacts towards environment and ecosystems. We try to discuss how to use economical and ecological ways to resolve environmental problems.




Environmental problems are global in nature. Understanding the fundamental principles that describe how the earth’s systems work is necessary knowledge for everyone. In this course, we use many examples to illustrate environmental interrelationships, environmental risk and economics, environmental science and ecology,biodiversity issues and species extinction, human impacts towards environment and ecosystems. We try to discuss how to use economical and ecological ways to resolve environmental problems.




1 Environmental Interrelationships(环境交叉关系)

-1.1 Course Introduction (课程介绍)

--Course Introduction

-1.2 The Nature of Environmental Science (环境科学的性质)

--The Nature of Environmental Science

--Unit 1-2 作业

-1.3 Human Well-Being and Environment (人类福祉和环境)

--Human Well-Being and Environment

--Unit 1-3 作业

-1.4 Emerging Global Issues(新兴环境问题)

--Emerging Global Issues

--Unit 1-4 作业

2 Risk, Economics, and Environmental Concerns(风险、经济学与环境问题)

-2.1 Characterizing Risk(风险的特征)

--Characterizing Risk

--Unit 2-1 作业

-2.2 Environmental Economics(环境经济学)

--Environmental Economics

--Unit 2-2 作业

-2.3 Using Economic Tools to Address Environmental Issues(使用经济手段解决环境问题)

--Using Economic Tools to Address Environmental Issues

--Unit 2-3 作业

-2.4 Economics and Sustainable Development(经济和可持续发展)

--Economics and Sustainable Development

--Unit 2-4 作业

3 Environments, Organisms and Ecosystems (环境,生物体和生态系统)

-3.1 Interactions of Environments and Organisms(环境和生物体的相互作用关系)

--Interactions of Environments and Organisms

--Unit 3-1 作业

-3.2 Interactions of Organisms, Communities and Ecosystems(生物、群落、生态系统的作用关系)

--Interactions of Organisms, Communities and Ecosystems

--Unit 3-2 作业

-3.3 Succession and Climax Community (Biomes) (演替和顶级群落(生物圈))

--Succession and Climax Community (Biomes)

--Unit 3-3 作业

-3.4 Major Aquatic Ecosystem(主要的水生生态系统)

--Major Aquatic Ecosystem

--Unit 3-4 作业

4 Populations Characteristics and Human population Issues (种群特征和人口问题)

-4.1 Populations Characteristics(种群特征)

--Populations Characteristics

--Unit 4-1 作业

-4.2 Population Growth Curve and Reproductive Strategies(种群增长曲线和繁殖策略)

--Population Growth Curve and Reproductive Strategies

--Unit 4-2 作业

-4.3 Human Population Growth Issue(人口增长问题)

--Human Population Growth Issue

5 Biodiversity Issues (生物多样性问题)

-5.1 Biodiversity Loss and the Values of Biodiversity(生物多样性丧失和价值)

--Biodiversity Loss and the Values of Biodiversity

--Unit 5-1 作业

-5.2 Threats to Biodiversity (生物多样性威胁)

--Threats to Biodiversity

--Unit 5-2 作业

-5.3 What is Been Done to Preserve Biodiversity(生物多样性保护)

--What is Been Done to Preserve Biodiversity

--Unit 5-3 作业




王晓昌,男,四川成都人,生于1953年12月。西安建筑科技大学教授、博士生导师,教育部西北水资源与环境生态重点实验室主任、陕西省省环境工程重点实验室主任、环境工程国家重点学科带头人,西安建筑科技大学副校长,中国矿业大学兼职教授。长期在国内外从事水处理领域的科研教学工作,先后主持国家水专项项目、课题各1项,国家自然科学基金重点项目2项、重大国际合作项目2项、面上项目3项,国家科技攻关西部重大专项科研项目、863计划项目各1项,省部级科研项目十余项,国际合作项目4项。发表的200余篇论文中有50多篇被SCI收录。出版著作5部,获4项国家专利。获国家科技进步二等奖1项 [1] 、国家教学成果二等奖1项,省科学技术一等奖1项、二等奖1项,陕西高校科学技术一等奖1项,陕西省高等教育教学成果二等奖1项。 先后获得全国优秀教师、全国师德先进个人、省优秀留学回国人员、省先进工作者、省建设科技先进个人、省师德标兵、中国环境科学学会优秀环境科技工作者、省教学名师等荣誉。




  1. Environmentology(Round 2)

  2. 告诉你不知道的中国(2021秋)

  3. 创新创业理论与实践(Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice)(2021秋)

  4. 网络操作系统(Linux)(2021秋)

  5. Organic Spectroscopic Analysis(Round 2)

  6. 外科手术学(2021秋)

  7. 中国民歌(2021秋)

  8. 商务俄语(二)(2021秋)

  9. Experimental Acupuncture and Moxibustion(Round 2)

  10. C语言程序设计精髓(2021秋)

  11. 教育学原理(2021秋)

  12. 信号与系统分析(2021秋)

  13. 物理化学实验(2021秋)

  14. 人工智能(2021秋)

  15. 计算机网络(2021秋)

  16. 重点传染病防治(2021秋)

  17. 材料成形技术基础(2021秋)

  18. 气象与飞行(2021秋)

  19. 工程财务管理(2021秋)

  20. 断层解剖学(2021秋)
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