Accountant in Business

Learn what to expect on your ACCA journey! Just start with Accountant in Business (F1). I will support you on that path. Let us work together! YES,WE CAN!


Accountant in Business课程:前往报名学习

Accountant in Business视频慕课课程简介:

Learn what to expect on your ACCA journey! Just start with Accountant in Business (F1). I will support you on that path. Let us work together! YES,WE CAN!


Accountant in Business课程列表:


Ch1 Business Organizations and Their Stakeholders

-1.1 Organization







-1.2 Stakeholders




-Ch1 Business Organizations and Their Stakeholders-

-Ch1 Discussion

Ch 2 The business environment

-2.1 Introduction of environment


-2.2 PEST analysis











-Ch 2 The business environment

-Ch2 Discussion

Ch3 The macro-economic environment

-3.1 Some key terms






-3.2 Macroeconomics policy











-Ch3 The macro-economic environment--Ch3 作业

-Ch3 Discussion

Ch4 Micro-economic factors

-4.1 Introduction of microenvironment



-4.2 Market equilibrium












-4.3 Government intervention





-Ch4 Micro-economic factors

-Ch4 Discussion

Ch5 Business organization, structure and strategy

-5.1 The informal organization



-5.2 Organizational structure












-5.3 Levels of strategy in the organization


-5.4 Centralization and decentralization


-Ch5 Business organization, structure and strategy-

-Ch5 Discusssion

Ch6 Organizational culture and committees

-6.1 Organizational departments and functions









-6.2 Culture











-6.3 Committees



-Ch6 Practice

-Ch6 Discussion

Ch7 CG and SR

-7.1 CG














-7.2 Corporate social responsibility




-Ch 7 Practice

-Ch7 Discussion

Ch9 Control, security and audit

-9.1. Internal control






-9.2. Audit





-9.3 Security




-Ch9 Control, security and audit--Ch 9 作业


Ch10 Identifying and preventing fraud

-10.1 Fraud







-10.2 Systems for detecting and preventing fraud





-Ch10 Practice

-Ch 10

Ch11 Leading and managing people

-11.1 The purpose and process of management


-11.2 Writers on management





-11.3 Management and supervision


-11.4 What is leadership?







-Ch11 Practice

-Ch 11 Discussion

Ch13 Diversity and equal opportunities

-13.1 Discrimination at work


-13.2 Equal opportunities



-13.3 Practical implications


-13.4 Diversity


-Ch13 Practice

-Ch13 Discussion

Ch14 Individual, groups and teams




-14.2 Groups


-14.3 Teams





-Ch14 Practice

-Ch 14 Discussion

Ch15 Motivating individuals and groups

-15.1 Motivation


-15.2 Key theoretical approaches




-15.3 Choosing suitable rewards and incentives


-15.4 Using pay as a motivator


-Ch15 Practice

--Ch15 Practice

--Ch 15 Discussion

Ch18 Personal effectiveness and communication

-18.1 Personal development plans



-18.2 Time management


-18.3 Role of information technology


-18.4 Coaching, mentoring and counselling


-18.5 Communication in the workplace


-18.6 Formal communication processes


-18.7 Informal communication channels


-18.8 Barriers to communication


-18.9 Communication methods


-Ch18 Practice

-CH18 Discussion

Accountant in Business开设学校:西安交通大学

Accountant in Business授课教师:


管理学博士,西安交通大学管理学院副教授,硕士生导师。香港科技大学、英国诺丁汉伦特大学以及美国新泽西州立大学访问学者。 热爱教育事业,2007年获得西安交通大学双语授课竞赛二等奖;2014年、2017年、2018年以及2019年多次获得西安交通大学学生评教优秀教师;2019年获西安交通大学第五届教学卓越奖。积极参加特色专业和MOOC课程建设,2009年获得国家级教学成果奖一等奖。主讲课程《Accountant in Business,F1》在中国大学慕课和学堂在线同时上线,该课程在2020年在国际在线平台上线。 主持各级课题25项,其中主持国家自然科学基金1项,教育部人文社科基金2项,陕西省社会科学基金3项,陕西省软科学2项。以第1作者或通讯作者发表期刊论文50余篇,其中5篇被SSCI收录,4篇发表在国家自然基金委管理科学部认定的权威期刊。2015年获陕西省第十二次哲学社会科学优秀成果论文类一等奖。2007年获“李秀恒管理基金发展基金”二等奖,2014年获“齐鲁思源奖励基金”二等奖,2019年获“汪应洛管理教育基金”二等奖。出版专著一本。 指导博士生一名,指导包括学术型、会计专硕、MBA在内的各类硕士生百余名。2019年获得西安交通大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师。


  1. Accountant in Business(Round 2)

  2. 铸钢件铸造技术(2021秋)

  3. Tour around Britain and America(Round 2)

  4. Medical Humanities(Round 2)

  5. Selected Classical Chinese Paintings and Chinese Culture(Round 2)

  6. Java Object Oriented Programming(Round 2)

  7. Embedded Software Design(Round 2)

  8. Logic and Techniques of Financial Statement Analysis(Round 2)

  9. Foundation of Draping for Fashion Design(Round 2)

  10. Gerontological Nursing(Round 2)

  11. 交通系统仿真技术(2021暑假班)

  12. 固定消防设施(2021秋)

  13. 产品设计理念与实务(2021秋)

  14. 英语科技文献阅读(2021秋)

  15. 大学体育(1)(2021秋)

  16. 体育与健康-篮球(2021秋)

  17. 中国古典舞扇韵(2021秋)

  18. 生物化学与分子生物学(2021秋)

  19. 材料科学基础(2021秋)

  20. 病理学(2021秋)
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