The Hardware/Software Systems and Fundamentals of Programming

Computer has become an indispensable part of human life. If you want to be an excellent programmer or computer control system designer, you need to clearly understand the internal mechanism of a computer. As an introductory course, this course will open the door to computers for you, to show you the mysterious organizations inside computers that you may not have seen and how they work. It will lay the foundation for you to further master the basic ideas and methods of using computers to solve problems.


The Hardware/Software Systems and Fundamentals of Programming课程:前往报名学习

The Hardware/Software Systems and Fundamentals of Programming视频慕课课程简介:

Computer has become an indispensable part of human life. If you want to be an excellent programmer or computer control system designer, you need to clearly understand the internal mechanism of a computer. As an introductory course, this course will open the door to computers for you, to show you the mysterious organizations inside computers that you may not have seen and how they work. It will lay the foundation for you to further master the basic ideas and methods of using computers to solve problems.


The Hardware/Software Systems and Fundamentals of Programming课程列表:


Week 1 Introduction

-1.1 About the Course

--Course Introduction and Objectives

-1.2 Motherboard

--02 Motherboard

-1.3 Turing Model and Computability

--3-1 TM & Computing

--3-2 TM & Computing

--The PPT IN 1.3 (About TM & Computing)

-1.4 Computer Hardware Composition

--4-1 Host_1

--4-2 Host_2

--The PPT in 1.3

-1.5 About Big Data

--5-1 The age of big data

--5-2 What is Big data

-1.6 Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Artificial Intelligence

--1.6 Big data,Cloud Computing, AI

-1.7 Summary of Week 1

--1.7 Summary of week 1

-Quiz in week 1

Week 2 Presentation of Information in Computers

-2.1 Computer and the Binary System

--2.1 Computer and the Binary System

-2.2 Presentation of Character Information

--2.2 Presentation of Character Information

-2.3 Presentation of Sound and Graphics Information

--2.3-1 Presentation of Sound and Graphics Information 01

--2.3-2 Presentation of Sound and Graphics Information 02

--PPT in 2.3

-2.4 Numeral System in Computer

--2.4 Numeral System in Computer

-2.5 Arithmetic Operation of Binary Numbers

--2.5 Arithmetic Operation of Binary Numbers

-2.6 Representation of binary numbers in computer

--2.6-1 Representation of binary numbers in computer 01

--2.6-2 Representation of binary numbers in computer 02

--2.6 PPT Representation and Operation of Machine Numbers

-2.7 Summary of Week 2

--2.7 Summary of Week 2

-Quiz in week 2

Week 3 Principle of Computer Hardware Composition

-3.1 Basic Logic Operation and Logic Gate

--3.1 Logic Gates

-3.2 Complex Logic Operation and Its Logical Circuits

--3.2 Complex Logic Operation

-3.3 Flip-flop and Adder

--17-1 Flip-up & Addr

--17-2 Filp-flop & Adder

--PPT in 3.3

-3.4 From Logic Gate to Arithmetic Unit----Structure of Hardware System

--3.4 From Logic Gate to

-3.5 Instruction and Program

--3.5 Instruction & Program

-3.6 Von Neumann Architecture

--20-1 Von Nuemann

--20-2 Von Nuemann

--PPT in 3.6

-3.7 Summary of Week 3

--3.7 Summary of week 3

-Quiz in week 3

Week 4 Fundamentals of Operating System

-4.1 What Is Operating System?

--4.1 What is OS

-4.2 Processor Management

--4.2 Processor Management

-4.3 Storage Management

--4.3 Storage Management

-4.4 Storage System in Microcomputer

--4.4 Storage System

-4.5 File Management

--4.5 File Management

-4.6 Summary of Week 4

--4.6 Summary of Week 4

-Quiz in week 4

Week 5 Computer Network Technology and Application

-5.1 What is Computer Network?

--5.1 What is Computer Network

-5.2 Protocols and Network Architecture

--5.2 Protocols and Archiecture

-5.3 Internet

--5.3 Internet

-5.4 Internet Address

--5.4-1 Internet Address

--5.4-2 Internet Address02

-5.5 Internet Application

--5.5 Internet Application

-5.6 Summary of Week 5

--5.6 Summary of Week 5

-Quiz in week 5

Week 6 To Know About Computer Programs

-6.1 What is Programming?

--6.1 What is Programming

-6.2 Language Processing Program

--6.2 How to run a computer program

-6.3 Programming Languages in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

--6.3 Programming Language

-6.4 Structured Programming

--6.4 structure_programming

-6.5 Object-oriented programming

--6.5 Object-oriented programming

-6.6 What is A Good Program?

--6.6 Write a good program

-6.7 The overview of software development process

--6.7 Problem Solving by a Computer

-6.8 Conclusion

--6.8 Closing remark

-Quiz in week 6

Final exam

-The final exam

The Hardware/Software Systems and Fundamentals of Programming开设学校:西安交通大学

The Hardware/Software Systems and Fundamentals of Programming授课教师:


吴宁 教授 硕士生导师。“微机原理与接口技术”课程主讲教师。已先后建有“大学计算机”、“微机原理与接口技术”MOOC,并在Coursera平台主持建设了“.Net平台下的软件开发技术”系列MOOC。主要研究方向为学习大数据分析与文本挖掘。








  1. The Hardware/Software Systems and Fundamentals of Programming(Round 2)

  2. Analog Circuit Design(Round 2)

  3. Music makes one healthy(Round 2)

  4. A Bite of Chinese Materia Medica(Round 2)

  5. 经济法(2021秋)

  6. Chinese Folk Motif Arts(Round 2)

  7. Dynamical Simulation of Construction Machinery(Round 2)

  8. Advanced Driving Assistance System(Round 2)

  9. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence(Round 2)

  10. 生理学(2021秋)

  11. 塑料模具设计与制造(2021秋)

  12. Communication of Chinese Costume Art(Round 2)

  13. 有机化学(上)(2021暑假班)

  14. 艺术设计创新与创业(2021秋)

  15. Wisdom of Life from Confucius(Round 2)

  16. 刑侦视频图像处理(2021秋)

  17. 中国当代音乐欣赏(2021秋)

  18. 家具美学(2021秋)

  19. 测量学基础(2021秋)

  20. 机械制图(2021秋)
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