Applications of Calculus(I)

Today, calculus and its extensions in mathematical analysis are far-reaching indeed, and the students would see what a profusion of problem it solves and what a range of fields now use it in the mathematical models that bring understanding about the universe and the world around us. Hope you enjoy learning and when you have finished the course, we hope you to say: “Learning math is AWESOME!”. So, let’s explore!


Applications of Calculus(I)课程:前往报名学习

Applications of Calculus(I)视频慕课课程简介:

Today, calculus and its extensions in mathematical analysis are far-reaching indeed, and the students would see what a profusion of problem it solves and what a range of fields now use it in the mathematical models that bring understanding about the universe and the world around us. Hope you enjoy learning and when you have finished the course, we hope you to say: “Learning math is AWESOME!”. So, let’s explore!


Applications of Calculus(I)课程列表:


Ch0 The history of Newton and Leibniz

-Newton and Leibniz Get Started

-Ch0 homework

Ch1 The applications of differential calculus

-1.1 The applications of derivative:space traveler

--The definition of derivative

--The space traveler

--1.1 homework

-1.2 The applications of chain rule:the clock

--The chain rule

--The applications of chain rule:the clock

--1.2 homework

-1.3 The applications of related rates:telescope

--The application of related rates-the telescope and the airplane

--1.3 homework

-1.4 The application of differential: linear approximation

--The application of differentials:approximation

--1.4 homework

-1.5 The applications of differential: Poiseuille's Law and Relative theory

--Law for blood flow and the theory of relativity

--1.5 homework

-1.6 The least squares

--The least squares

-1.7 The cost, profit and revenue functions

--The cost, profit and revenue functions

-1.8 The economic applications of derivative: the marginal idea

--The economic applications of derivative: the marginal idea

--1.8 homework

-1.9 The applications of the Mean Value Theorem: velocity

--the Mean Value Theorem: velocity

--1.9 homework

-1.10 Solving the equation: Newton's Method

--Newton's Method

Ch2 The applications of optimazition

-2.1 How to minimize the energy

--To minimize the energy

-2.2 The moving sofa problem

--The moving sofa problem

-2.3 The fastest path of driving

--The fastest path of driving

-2.4 The brachistochrone problem

--The brachistochrone problem

-2.5 The interesting cycloid

--The cycloid

--2.5 homework

Ch3 The applications of Integral calculus

-3.1 The applications of definite integral: the area of a plane region

--The definition of definite integral

--The area of a plane region

--3.1 homework

-3.2 The applications of definite integral: the volume of solid of revolution

--The method of disks

--The method of washers

-3.3 The volume of cross section: Mouhefanggai

--The volume of mouhefanggai with double integral

--The volume of mouhefanggai by Chinese ancient mathematician

--The volume of sphere

--3.3 homework

-3.4 The applications of definite integral: moments

--The moments

--3.4 homework

-3.5 continuous mass distribution

--Continuous mass distribution

-3.6 The applications of definite integral: expectation

--The expectation

-3.7 Probability Density Function

--Probability Density Function

-3.8 Cumulative Distribution Function

--Cumulative Distribution Function

--3.8 homework

-3.9 The applications of definite integral-springs

--The work

--3.9 homework

-3.10 The economic applications : present value and future value

--The future value and present value(1)

--future value and present value(2)

--3.10 homework

-3.11 The applications of improper integral-space capsule

--The space capsule

--3.11 homework

-3.12 The applications of improper integral-Torricelli’s trumpet

--Torricelli’s trumpet

--3.12 homework

--Your own applications of calculus

Applications of Calculus(I)开设学校:浙江理工大学

Applications of Calculus(I)授课教师:




博士、数学教授、统计学博士生导师;全国优秀教师,省级教学名师。先后三届担任教育部高校数学类专业教学指导委员会委员。曾任学院院长、教务处长、研究生部主任;曾任中国计算数学学会第六届、第七届理事。围绕可计算数据建模及参数优化反问题领域,开展应用与计算数学研究,近十年主持国家基金面上项目3项、承担国家基金重大研究计划培育项目1项;出版专著和译著3部。研究成果在Inverse Problems和《数学年刊》等重要期刊发表,担任国际期刊Applicable Analysis编委。国家一流专业建设点“数学与应用数学”负责人、浙江省优势专业负责人。数字化课程建设、拔尖人才培养模式教学成果获2014年国家级教学成果二等奖两项,出版教材2部。在中国大学数学报告论坛多次次作专题报告,在《中国高等教育》、《中国大学教学》、《高等工程教育》等刊物上发表了系列教育研究论文。




浙江理工大学副教授, 理学博士。1997年考入山东大学计算数学系,2001年到中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所攻读博士。校“521人才培养计划”中青年骨干人才, 曾获三育人先进工作者。一直从事数学相关课程的教学工作,有多年高等数学的全英文教学经验。


浙江理工大学数学系副教授,博士。曾获浙江理工大学第二十一届青年教师讲课比赛优秀奖,第五届全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛华东赛区一等奖;浙江理工大学 2019 届“百篇优秀学士论文”指导教师,获2018浙江理工大学教学成果奖二等奖(6/6),主持校级教改项目2项,发表教学科研论文10余篇。


博士,2009年7月毕业于江西师范大学数学与应用数学专业,获理学学士学位;2012年6月毕业于南京财经大学应用数学专业,获理学硕士学位;2015年1月至2016年4月获国家留学基金资助,赴美国俄亥俄州绍尼州立大学(Shawnee State University, USA)留学;2018年4月毕业于南京理工大学控制科学与工程专业,获工学博士学位。2019年2月进入浙江理工大学数学科学系工作,具备良好的英语交流能力,能娴熟讲授英文高等数学及其他数学专业课程。




  1. Applications of Calculus(I)(Round 3)

  2. 艺术经纬:面料设计与织造工艺(2021秋)

  3. 医学微生物学(2021秋)

  4. 精准肿瘤学病例分析(2021秋)

  5. 学校体育学(2021秋)

  6. 固体物理(2021秋)

  7. Dental Anatomy and Physiology(Round 2)

  8. Economic law(Round 2)

  9. A Learning Course Thesis Research and Writing(Round 2)

  10. 新型染整设备(2021秋)

  11. 工程材料及机械制造基础(2021秋)

  12. 政府会计(2021秋)

  13. 电气工程专业认识实践(2021秋)

  14. 急诊医学的基础与前沿(2021秋)

  15. 植物造景(2021秋)

  16. 设计符号学(2021秋)

  17. 婚礼文化(2021秋)

  18. 儿科学(2021秋)

  19. 安塞腰鼓(2021秋)

  20. 自然语言处理(2021秋)
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