Aimin Zhang:教师个人介绍

Aimin Zhang-教授-西安交通大学-


Aimin Zhang讲授课程:Principles of Automatic Control


Zhigang Ren
Jingjing Huang
Yong Wang
Xiaodong Ren
Xuetao Zhang
Sibo Ge


  1. 设计艺术史论(2021秋)

  2. 基础医学概论(2021秋)

  3. Inorganic Chemistry(Round 2)

  4. 材料物理性能(2021秋)

  5. Tourism Policy and Planning(国际版)(Round 2)

  6. 构造地质学(2021年秋)

  7. Basic Principles of Steel Structures(Round 2)

  8. Life on Mathematics(Round 2)

  9. 复变函数(2021秋)

  10. Small Acupoints Help Your Health Better on(Round 2)

  11. Principles of Automatic Control(Round 2)

  12. Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management(Round 2)

  13. 建筑制图及阴影透视(2021秋)

  14. Zhuangzi's Fables and Their Wisdom(Round 2)

  15. Transportation Engineering(Round 2)

  16. 与小小孩共谱幸福的乐章(2021秋)

  17. Calculus Ⅱ(Round 2)

  18. Internal medicine - cardiovascular disease(Round 2)

  19. 护理伦理学Nursine Ethics(2021秋)

  20. 国际营销(英文)(2021秋)
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