当前课程知识点:创新土地再开发:土地整备 >  Module 3: Policy Goals of Land Readjustment 第三单元:土地整备的政策目标 >  Myths About Adopting Land Readjustment 关于土地整备的谬见 >  Text




If a well-organized community is not a prerequisite for adopting land readjustment, are preexisting trust relations among stakeholders important?  This is the topic of the next session. 

如果一个有组织的社区不是土地整备的前提,那么利益相关者之间原有的信任关系是否重要呢? 这是下一节课的议题。

下一节:Myth #5: Trust Relations Among Stakeholders



Introduction to the MIT STLx Series 欢迎参加李德义麻省理工学院实验室系列课程学习

-Welcome 欢迎辞


Get Started 课程伊始

-Course Welcome 课程欢迎辞

--Course Welcome

-How to Use This Course 如何学习本课程

--How to Use This Course

-Who's Teaching This Course 教师信息

--Who's Teaching This Course

-Learning Objectives 学习目标

--Learning Objectives

-Course Schedule 课程安排

--Course Schedule

-Grading and Completion Criteria 评分与结业标准

--Grading and Completion Criteria

Module 1: Introduction to Land Readjustment 第一单元:土地整备介绍

-Introduction 介绍



-Defining Land Readjustment 土地整备定义

--A Working Definition of Land Readjustment

--Introduction to Land Readjustment



--Challenges of Rapid Urbanization in Developing Countries

--Challenges of Rapid Urbanization



-Conventional Approaches to Solving Problems of Rapid Urbanization 解决快速城市化问题的传统方法

--Conventional Land Assembly Apporach

--Conventional Approaches



-Land Readjustment as an Alternative 土地整备作为一种替代方法

--Land Readjustment as an Alternative

--Land Readjustment as an Alternative



-Course Structure 课程结构


--Course Structure

-Discussion and Application 讨论和应用

--Module 1: Discussion Forum


--Application Activity


Module 2: International Experiences with Land Readjustment 第二单元:土地整备的国际实践案例

-Introduction 简介


--Introduction to Land Readjustment


-The Evolution of Land Readjustment 土地整备的发展历程

--The Early Development Stages of Land Readjustment

--The Early Development Stages of Land Readjustment



--The Diversity of Land Readjustment

--Diversity of Land Readjustment



-Land Readjustment Examples 土地整备的案例


--Thimphu, Bhutan


--Shahu, China





--Infill Redevelopment

--Sengki, Thailand


--Dachong, China


--Bogotá, Colombia




--Post-conflict and Post-disaster Reconstruction



--Bhuj, India





-Wrap Up 结语

--Key Concept Review 1

--Lessons from Global Examples



--Key Concept Review 2

--Key Concept Review 2--General observations



-Discussion and Application 讨论和应用

--Module 2: International Experiences with Land Readjustment


--Application Activity


Module 3: Policy Goals of Land Readjustment 第三单元:土地整备的政策目标

-Introduction 简介




-Conceptualizing Land Readjustment Goals 概念化土地整备目标

--Conceptualizing Land Readjustment Goals

--Policy Goals of Land Readjustment



-Myths About Adopting Land Readjustment 关于土地整备的谬见

--Myth #1: The Need for Land Readjustment Legislation

--Myth #1


--Example: Informal Settlement Upgrading in Ethiopia



--Myth #2: Clearly Delineated Property Rights

--Myth #2


--Example: Urban Village Redevelopment in China



--Myth #3: The Existence of a Buoyant Real Estate Market

--Myth #3




--Myth #4: An Organized Community

--Myth #4


--Example: India



--Myth #5: Trust Relations Among Stakeholders

--Myth #5




-Preconditions for Adopting Land Readjustment 采纳土地整备的前提





-Wrap Up 结语

--Key Concept Review

--Key Concepts Review



Module 4: Designing and Implementing Land Readjustment Projects 第四单元:土地整备项目设计和实施

-Introduction 简介




-Important Considerations 重要考量因素

--Important Considerations

--Cross-cutting Matters



-Context Assessment 环境评估

--Context Assessment

--Context Assessment

--Assessing Each Component of the Larger Environment



-Initiation and Preparation 发起和准备

--Initiation and Preparation



--Preparation and Organization



-Design and Approval 设计与审批

--Design and Approval


--Three Types of Risks


--Calculation of Land Contribution Ratios

--Land Valuation





-Implementation and Completion 实施与完工

--Implementation and Completion






-Evaluation and Scaling Up 评估与扩展

--Evaluation and Scaling Up

--Evaluation and Scaling Up



-Wrap Up 总结

--Key Concept Review

--Key Concepts Review



Module 5: Conclusions 总结

-Main Takeaways 知识要点

--Takeaways of the Entire Course

--Takeaways of The Entire Course



--No All-inlcusive Model

--No All-inclusive Model



--Building Preconditions

--Building Preconditions



-Application Activity 应用练习

--Application Activity


Course Evaluation 课程评估

-Evaluation 评估

--Course Evaluation

Acknowledgments 致谢

-Acknowledgements 致谢




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