当前课程知识点:创新土地再开发:土地整备 >  Module 4: Designing and Implementing Land Readjustment Projects 第四单元:土地整备项目设计和实施 >  Context Assessment 环境评估 >  Assessing Each Component of the Larger Environment


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Assessing Each Component of the Larger Environment

Assessing Each Component of The Larger Environment


A context assessment for land readjustment includes three aspects.   First, initiators will need to examine the historical, cultural, political-ideological, and constitutional opportunities for and constraints on adopting land readjustment.  For instance, as mentioned earlier, many Latin American countries have provisions in their constitutions stating explicitly that there are social functions of land, and any increases in its value should not be totally retained by private landowners.  This kind of political ideology and constitutional order will help the implementation of land readjustment projects to share the land value increments among involved stakeholders. 


In contrast, other countries may believe that private property protection has very special meaning in ensuring the freedom and liberty of its citizens.  This might require more efforts on the part of the initiators to explain to landowners their responsibility to share their land value increase with the public for local infrastructure construction and financing.  Knowing these differences within the macro legal and ideological environments will have significant bearings on the promotion of the idea of land readjustment. 

相比之下,其他国家可能认为,私人财产保护在确保公民的自由和解放方面具有非常特殊的意义。发起人可能需要更多的努力,向土地所有者解释与公众分享土地增值的责任,以便当地的基础设施建设和融资。 了解宏观法治思想环境中的这些差异,将对促进土地调整思想具有重要意义。

Second, based on a review of the larger institutional context, initiators need to acquire a preliminary understanding of the legal, social, and economic implications of different forms of property ownership and their inter-relation.   This can be achieved by studying the existing formal land management system and related laws, informal property relationships, the demand for land, and the buoyancy of the land market. Policy questions could include, but are not limited to:


·      What are the types of buildings that the local government allows developers to build in the neighborhood?


·      What are the floor area ratio (FAR) and site coverage ratio?


·      What types of taxes will be imposed on normal land transactions and registration?


·      What types of property tax, if any, will be imposed on landowners, and in what amounts?


·      Are there any exemptions granted for special transactions or types of property development?


In some situations, it is also important to understand the role and weight of any powerful, formal, or informal leadership groups.  At this stage, when a specific site has not been chosen, a review of secondary information such as laws, government documents, and existing research reports will suffice.


Third, with the knowledge acquired in the first two steps, initiators need to acquaint themselves with societal relationships that reflect the interactions and relationships between four key sectors: the government, market, communities, and non-governmental organizations.


In terms of the government, the factors for investigation will include the level of social trust in the government, fiscal structures and inter-relationships among all levels of government, and inter-jurisdictional coordination mechanisms.  If the project is related to informal settlements, an investigation will also have to be done to assess the national, regional, and local policies with regard to illegal housing and their implications for the design of land readjustment.  This combined knowledge will ultimately be used to evaluate all land redevelopment options at the conceptual level to determine the best possible plan for the neighborhood.


The initiators also need to analyze residential, commercial, and industrial demands for land.  This will allow them to assess the extent to which land readjustment could be self-financing by selling surplus land plots made available by re-plotting.  Land market information will also be useful for future negotiations with landowners and other interested parties.


Communities are unique, and each has its own multi-dimensional nature and complexity.  At this stage, an understanding of the general formats and meanings of community engagement, participation, and communication in the country and different regions is useful.  It is important to know how past public outreach strategies have shaped the relationship between the government and citizens.


We also need to know the general demands and desires of the population.  All this information could be obtained by interviewing selected community leaders, policymakers, and analysts.  More detailed information about a specific community should be gathered through a household survey once a neighborhood is chosen for the implementation of the land readjustment project.


Local and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can be very active in neighborhood organizing and local service provision to residents.  Yet, their involvement can also vary from one area to another.  Thus, it is important to find out their roles in various neighborhoods and their overall relationships with communities and the government.  This information will help initiators evaluate if their presence may help promote land readjustment to a specific neighborhood.  Again, more detailed information about some NGOs is needed when a site for implementing land readjustment is identified.

地方和国际非政府组织可以非常积极地向居民提供所在街区组织和当地服务。 然而,他们的参与也可能因地区而异。因此,重要的是找出他们在各个区域职能与社区和政府的整体关系。这些信息将有助于倡导者评估其存在是否有助于促进特定区域的土地整备。再次,当确定实施土地整备的地点时,需要更多关于非政府组织的详细信息。

Government agencies play critical roles in urban planning, economic development, and infrastructure financing and construction.  They are the key public goods and social service providers.  More importantly, connections to international aid agencies are normally done through national and regional governments. If the project initiators are local agencies, possible requests for financial and technical supports will be submitted to the central and regional governments for their consideration and approval.  The central government may then contact the World Bank, UN-Habitat and other agencies for further assistance with the local project.

政府机构在城市规划,经济发展,基础设施融资建设中发挥关键作用。它们是关键的公共品和社会服务提供者。 更重要的是,与国际援助机构的联系通常是通过国家和地区政府来实现的。 如果项目发起者是当地机构,可以向中央和地方政府提交财务和技术支持的申请,供其审议和批准。然后,中央政府可以联系世界银行,人居署和其他机构进一步协助当地的项目。

The main task is to identify the proper roles for each of these actors and design specific responsibilities for them so that they can work with each other to move the project forward.





Introduction to the MIT STLx Series 欢迎参加李德义麻省理工学院实验室系列课程学习

-Welcome 欢迎辞


Get Started 课程伊始

-Course Welcome 课程欢迎辞

--Course Welcome

-How to Use This Course 如何学习本课程

--How to Use This Course

-Who's Teaching This Course 教师信息

--Who's Teaching This Course

-Learning Objectives 学习目标

--Learning Objectives

-Course Schedule 课程安排

--Course Schedule

-Grading and Completion Criteria 评分与结业标准

--Grading and Completion Criteria

Module 1: Introduction to Land Readjustment 第一单元:土地整备介绍

-Introduction 介绍



-Defining Land Readjustment 土地整备定义

--A Working Definition of Land Readjustment

--Introduction to Land Readjustment



--Challenges of Rapid Urbanization in Developing Countries

--Challenges of Rapid Urbanization



-Conventional Approaches to Solving Problems of Rapid Urbanization 解决快速城市化问题的传统方法

--Conventional Land Assembly Apporach

--Conventional Approaches



-Land Readjustment as an Alternative 土地整备作为一种替代方法

--Land Readjustment as an Alternative

--Land Readjustment as an Alternative



-Course Structure 课程结构


--Course Structure

-Discussion and Application 讨论和应用

--Module 1: Discussion Forum


--Application Activity


Module 2: International Experiences with Land Readjustment 第二单元:土地整备的国际实践案例

-Introduction 简介


--Introduction to Land Readjustment


-The Evolution of Land Readjustment 土地整备的发展历程

--The Early Development Stages of Land Readjustment

--The Early Development Stages of Land Readjustment



--The Diversity of Land Readjustment

--Diversity of Land Readjustment



-Land Readjustment Examples 土地整备的案例


--Thimphu, Bhutan


--Shahu, China





--Infill Redevelopment

--Sengki, Thailand


--Dachong, China


--Bogotá, Colombia




--Post-conflict and Post-disaster Reconstruction



--Bhuj, India





-Wrap Up 结语

--Key Concept Review 1

--Lessons from Global Examples



--Key Concept Review 2

--Key Concept Review 2--General observations



-Discussion and Application 讨论和应用

--Module 2: International Experiences with Land Readjustment


--Application Activity


Module 3: Policy Goals of Land Readjustment 第三单元:土地整备的政策目标

-Introduction 简介




-Conceptualizing Land Readjustment Goals 概念化土地整备目标

--Conceptualizing Land Readjustment Goals

--Policy Goals of Land Readjustment



-Myths About Adopting Land Readjustment 关于土地整备的谬见

--Myth #1: The Need for Land Readjustment Legislation

--Myth #1


--Example: Informal Settlement Upgrading in Ethiopia



--Myth #2: Clearly Delineated Property Rights

--Myth #2


--Example: Urban Village Redevelopment in China



--Myth #3: The Existence of a Buoyant Real Estate Market

--Myth #3




--Myth #4: An Organized Community

--Myth #4


--Example: India



--Myth #5: Trust Relations Among Stakeholders

--Myth #5




-Preconditions for Adopting Land Readjustment 采纳土地整备的前提





-Wrap Up 结语

--Key Concept Review

--Key Concepts Review



Module 4: Designing and Implementing Land Readjustment Projects 第四单元:土地整备项目设计和实施

-Introduction 简介




-Important Considerations 重要考量因素

--Important Considerations

--Cross-cutting Matters



-Context Assessment 环境评估

--Context Assessment

--Context Assessment

--Assessing Each Component of the Larger Environment



-Initiation and Preparation 发起和准备

--Initiation and Preparation



--Preparation and Organization



-Design and Approval 设计与审批

--Design and Approval


--Three Types of Risks


--Calculation of Land Contribution Ratios

--Land Valuation





-Implementation and Completion 实施与完工

--Implementation and Completion






-Evaluation and Scaling Up 评估与扩展

--Evaluation and Scaling Up

--Evaluation and Scaling Up



-Wrap Up 总结

--Key Concept Review

--Key Concepts Review



Module 5: Conclusions 总结

-Main Takeaways 知识要点

--Takeaways of the Entire Course

--Takeaways of The Entire Course



--No All-inlcusive Model

--No All-inclusive Model



--Building Preconditions

--Building Preconditions



-Application Activity 应用练习

--Application Activity


Course Evaluation 课程评估

-Evaluation 评估

--Course Evaluation

Acknowledgments 致谢

-Acknowledgements 致谢


Assessing Each Component of the Larger Environment笔记与讨论


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