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Digital RMB pilot programs expand 数字人民币试点再扩容

Digital RMB pilot programs expand



From April 10 to April 23, Shenzhen, China's southern tech hub takes another trial run of digital currency launched by the central bank of China. It enlarged its test population by 500,000. The trial aims to cultivate user habits as China is set to use the technology to benefit more people in the long term.

Among the world's biggest economies, China has become the front runner in developing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). It will be issued by the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country's central bank, to designated commercial banks which will then distribute the currency to the public.

The Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DC/EP) is a digital version of the yuan – China's national currency. The DC/EP is backed by yuan deposits held by China's central bank and has been under development for more than five years. Under the current arrangement, banks are required to convert a part of their yuan holdings into digital form and distribute them to businesses and citizens via mobile technology. China completed a trial of the DC/EP, as its digital currency is known, in September last year and April this year.

Unlike non-bank payment platforms that require users to link their bank accounts, a digital wallet can be opened with more personal identification options such as a driver's license or a mobile phone number. That means China's unbanked population and foreign visitors will be included to benefit from the new currency.


     The users can open an anonymous digital wallet by registering a mobile phone number, and telecom operators should not disclose customer information to the central bank or any third-party institutions. In other words, the users' privacy protection is at the highest level among all the existing payment tools, according to Mu Changchun, head of the People's Bank of China's Digital Currency Research Institute.

China's six major commercial banks have started to promote the use of digital yuan wallets. Tencent-backed WeBank and Alibaba-supported MyBank, both of which are online-only private banks, are also getting ready to test the digital wallet.


         The digital currency is also rolling it out on major e-commerce platforms within the country. In early December last year, JD became the first online retailer in the country to accept digital yuan payments.

By far, the testing scenarios have included living payment, catering service, transportation, shopping and government services, and the central bank will step up testing to improve the security and stability of the digital RMB system, according to Li Bin, a senior central bank official.

The digital RMB is still in the testing stage, and there is no timetable for the official launch.


1. Digital yuan efforts gather more speed

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202103/25/WS605bf9fca31024ad0bab18c6.html Updated: 2021-03-25

2. Digital yuan trial heralds inclusive tech future

https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202104/13/WS6074fa2da31024ad0bab51be.html Updated: 2021-04-13

3. Digital RMB pilot programs expand, launch date not set

https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202104/12/WS60743b2fa31024ad0bab4fbf.html Updated: 2021-04-12



第一章 Globalization 全球化

-1.1 What is Globalization 什么是全球化?

--1.1 What is Globalization 什么是全球化?

-1.2 Glibalization of Markets 市场全球化

--1.2.1 market 市场

--1.2.2 Consumers and products 消费者和产品

--1.2.3 Competitors 竞争者

-1.3 Globalization of Production 生产全球化

--1.3 Globalization of production 生产全球化

-1.4 Drivers of Globalization 全球化的驱动者

--1.4.1 Declining barriers 降低壁垒

--1.4.2 Technological change 技术变革

-1.5 The Changing Demographics of the Global Economy 全球经济变化中的统计数据

--1.5.1 Output and trade 生产总值和贸易

--1.5.2 FDI 外国直接投资

--1.5.3 Multinational enterprises 跨国企业

-1.6 The globalization debate 对全球化的争议

--1.6.1 jobs and income 工作和收入

--1.6.2 labor policies and the environment 劳工政策和环境

--1.6.3 national sovereignty 国家主权

--1.6.4 the world’s poor 世界贫困人口

--Chapter 1 Globalization definitions

--Chapter 1 PPT Globalization

-第一章 Globalization 全球化--章末测试

-Chapter 1: Discussion 1.1 easy to compete?

-Chapter 1: Discussion 1.2 Technology and globalization

-Business Focus 商务聚焦

--A glance at the global economy under COVID-19 pandemic 新冠疫情下的全球经济略览

第二章 National Differences in Political Economy 国家间的政治经济差异

-2.1 Political system 政治体制

--2.1.1 What is a political system? 什么是政治体制?

--2.1.2 Collectivism and individualism 集体主义和个人主义

--2.1.3 Democracy and totalitarianism 民主与专制

-2.2 Economic System 经济体制

--2.2.1 Market economy 市场经济

--2.2.2 Command economy 指令经济

--2.2.3 Mixed economy 混合经济

-2.3 Legal System 法律体制

--2.3.1 What is a legal system? 什么是法律体系

--2.3.2 Types of laws 法律种类

--2.3.3 Protection of intellectual property 保护知识产权

-2.4 The Determinants of Economic Development 经济发展的决定因素

--2.4.1 Differences in economic development 经济发展差异

--2.4.2 Political economy and economic progress 政治经济与经济发展

--2.4.3 Cases in China 中国案例

--2.4.4 A TED speech 一个TED 演讲

--Chapter 2 Differences in PE definitions

--Chapter 2 PPT Differences in PE


-Chapter 2: Discussion 2.1 Why invest in China?

-Chapter 2: Discussion 2.2 The engine of economic growth

第三章 Differences in Culture 文化差异

-3.1 What is Culture? 什么是文化?

--3.1.1 Why learn about culture? 为什么要学习文化

--3.1.2 Culture: Value 文化: 价值观

--3.1.3 Culture: Norms 文化:规范

--3.1.4 Culture quotient 文化智商

-3.2 Social Structure 社会结构

--3.2.1 Individuals and groups 个人和集体

--3.2.2 social stratification 社会分层

--3.2.3 social stratification:Li Zhao’s story 社会分层: 李钊的故事

-3.3 Language and Education 语言与教育

--3.3.1 Language 语言

--3.3.2 Unspoken language 非口头语言

--3.3.3 Education 教育

-3.4 Culture and the Workplace 文化与工作场所

--3.4.1 Culture expert: Geert Hofstede 文化专家:吉尔特·霍夫斯塔德

--3.4.2 Four dimensions: 1-2 四个维度:1-2

--3.4.3 Four dimensions: 3-4 四个维度:3-4

--Chapter 3 Culture Difference definitions

--Chapter 3 PPT Differences in Culture


-Chapter 3: Dicussion 3.1 Culture and business

-Chapter 3: Discussion 3.2 An example of culture difference

第四章 International Trade Theory 国际贸易理论

-4.1 Mercantilism 重商主义

--4.1.1 An overview of trade theory 贸易理论综述

--4.1.2 A zero-sum game零和博弈

-4.2 Absolute Advantage 绝对优势

--4.2.1 Challenging the mercantilist philosophy 挑战重商主义

--4.2.2 An example 一个示例

-4.3 Comparative Advantage 比较优势

--4.3.1 A positive sum gain 正和博弈

--4.3.2 An example 一个示例

--4.3.3 Qualifications and assumptions 理论假定

-4.4 Heckscher-Ohlin Theory 赫克歇尔-俄林理论

--4.4.1 Factor endowments 要素禀赋

--4.4.2 the Leontief Paradox 里昂惕夫之谜

-4.5 The Product Life Cycle Theory 产品生命周期理论

--4.5.1 Product life cycle 产品生命周期

--4.5.2 An example 一个示例

--4.5.3 Evaluating the product life cycle theory评价产品生命周期理论

-4.6 New Trade Theory 新贸易理论

--4.6.1 Economies of scale and first mover advantages规模经济和第一进入者优势

--4.6.2 Implications of new trade theory 新贸易理论应用

-4.7 National Competitive Advantage 国家竞争优势

--4.7.1 Porter's Diamond 波特的钻石模型

--4.7.2 Evaluating Porter's theory 评价波特的理论

--4.7.3 Implications for managers 对经理人的启示

--Chapter 4 Trade theory definitions

--Chapter 4 PPT Trade theory


-Chapter 4: Discussion 4.1 Why engage in international trade?

-Chapter 4: Discussion 4.2 Porter’s diamond

-Business focus 商务聚焦

--China-Zealand trade ties on the up thanks to FTA boost 自贸协定推动中国-新西兰经贸关系进一步发展

第五章 The Political Economy of International Trade 国际贸易中的政治经济

-5.1 Introduction 总体介绍

--5.1 Introduction 总体介绍

-5.2 Instrument of Trade Policy 1 贸易政策工具1

--5.2.1 tariff 关税

--5.2.2 subsidy 补贴

-5.3 Instrument of Trade Policy 2 贸易政策工具2

--5.3.1 import quotas 进口配额

--5.3.2 voluntary export restraint 自愿出口限制

--5.3.3 antidumping duties 反倾销税

-5.4 Instrument of Trade Policy 3 贸易政策工具3

--5.4.1 local content requirements 国产化规定

--5.4.2 administrative policies 行政管理政策

-5.5 Political Arguments for Government Intervention 政府干预的政治理由

--5.5.1 protecting jobs and industries 保护就业和产业

--5.5.2 national security 国家安全

--5.5.3 retaliation 报复

--5.5.4 protecting consumers 保护消费者

--5.5.5 furthering foreign policy objectives 推动对外政策目标

--5.5.6 protecting human rights 保护人权

-5.6 Economic Arguments for Government Intervention 政府干预的经济理由

--5.6.1 infant industry argument 幼稚产业论

--5.6.2 strategic trade policy 战略性贸易政策

-5.7 Managerial Implication 管理者启示

--5.7 Managerial Implication 管理者启示

--Chapter 5 Political Economy in IT definitions

--Chapter 5 PPT Political Economy of IT


-Chaper 5: Discussion 5.1 Government intervention

-Chapter 5: Discussion 5.2 Trade barriers

-Business focus 商务聚焦

--China imposes anti-dumping duties on imports of wine from Australia 中国对从澳大利亚进口的葡萄酒征收反倾销税

第六章 Foreign Direct Investment 外国直接投资

-6.1 Introduction 引言

--6.1 Introduction引言

-6.2 FDI in the World Economy 世界经济中的外国直接投资

--6.2.1 Trends in FDI 外国直接投资的趋势

--6.2.2 The Direction of FDI 外国直接投资的流向

-6.3 Theories of Foreign Direct Investment 外国直接投资理论

-- Why FDI 为什么会进行外国直接投资

--The Pattern of FDI 外国直接投资的模式

-6.4 Benefits and Costs of FDI 外国直接投资所带来的收益和成本

-- Host-Country Benefits 东道国收益

--Host-Country Costs 东道国成本

--Home-Country Benefits 母国收益

-- Home-Country Costs 母国成本

-6.5 Government Policy Instruments and FDI 政府政策工具与外国直接投资

-- Home-Country Policies 母国政策

--Host-Country Policies 东道国政策

-6.6 Implications for Managers 对企业经营者的启示

-- The Theory and Government Policy 投资理论和政府政策

--Chapter 6 FDI definitions

--Chapter 6 PPT FDI


-Chapter 6: Dicussion 6.1 FDI for host

-Chapter 6: Dicussion 6.2 FDI for home

第七章 The Strategy of International Business 国际商务战略

-7.1 Introduction介绍

--7.1 Introduction 本章简介

-7.2 Value Creation价值创造

--7.2 Value Creation 价值创造

-7.3 Strategy and Strategic Positioning战略和战略定位

--7.3 Strategy and Strategic Positioning 战略与定位

-7.4 Operations运作

--7.4 Operations 运作

-7.5 Organization and Strategic Fit组织和战略匹配

--7.5 Organization and Strategic Fit 组织与战略匹配

-7.6 Pressures and International Strategy 压力与国际战略

--7.6 Pressures and International Strategy 压力与国际化战略

--Chapter 7 Business Strategy definitions

--Chapter 7 PPT Business Strategy


-Chapter 7: Discussion 7.1 Primary strategies

-Chapter 7: Discussion 7.2 Four strategies

第八章 The Foreign Exchange Market 外汇市场

-8.1 The Functions of Foreign Exchange Market 外汇市场的功能

--8.1 The Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market 外汇市场的功能

-8.2 Prices and exchange rates 价格和汇率

--8.2 Price and Exchange Rates 价格和汇率

-8.3 Exchange rate determination 汇率决定因素

--8.3 Exchange rate determination 汇率决定因素

-8.4 Exchange rate forecasting 汇率预测

--8.4 Exchange rate forecasting 汇率预测

--Chapter 8 FX Market definitions

--Chapter 8 PPT Foreign Exchange Market


-Chapter 8: Discussion 8.1 Hedge and forward

-Chapter 8: Discussion 8.2 Inflation

第九章 Accounting and Finance in the International Business 国际商务会计和财务管理

-9.1 Introduction of accounting? 会计简介

--9.1.1 What is accounting? 什么是会计

--9.1.2 Income Statement 利润表

--9.1.3 The Statement of Retained Earnings 留存收益表

--9.1.4 Balance Sheet 资产负债表

--9.1.5 Statement of Cash Flows 现金流量表

--9.1.6 The relationships among statements 报表间关系

--9.1.7 Functions of financial statements 财务报表的作用

-9.2 Accounting Standards会计准则

--9.2.1 National Standards国家准则

--9.2.2 International Standards国际准则

-9.3 Accounting systems and multinational enterprises 会计体系与跨国企业

--9.3.1 Accounting and control systems会计和控制体系

--9.3.2 Subsidiary performance evaluation子公司业绩评价

-9.4 Financial Management 财务管理

--9.4.1 Investment decisions 投资决策

--9.4.2 Financing decisions 筹资决策

--Chapter 9 Accounting & Finance definitions


Business News 商务新闻

-The blockage of the Suez Canal has disrupted global trade 苏伊士运河堵塞影响全球贸易

-Hainan FTP: greater opening-up, greater achievement 海南自贸港: 更大的开放,更多的成就

-China's Q1 foreign trade hits highs 中国一季度外贸创历史新高

-Global pharma giants step up alliances in Chinese market 全球制药巨头在中国市场加强联盟

-Digital RMB pilot programs expand 数字人民币试点再扩容

-The General Administration of Customs has suspended imports of Taiwan pineapples into the mainland 海关总署暂停台湾凤梨输入大陆

-A shares continue to attract foreign interest A股继续吸引外资关注

-Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021 博鳌亚洲论坛2021年年会

-China’s backlash against the western boycott of Xinjiang Cotton 中国对西方抵制新疆棉花的回击

-RCEP: world's largest trade deal RCEP: 世界最大的贸易协定

Digital RMB pilot programs expand 数字人民币试点再扩容笔记与讨论


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