Combinatorics and Algorithms Design

This course covers topics in Combinatorics and Algorithms Design. We comprehensively discuss basic concepts, theories, methods, and instances in Combinatorics while focusing on concepts and ideas. We also discuss basic mathematics concepts in algorithms design including growth of function, Big-O notations and recurrence relations etc., and basic strategies of algorithms design including randomized algorithms, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming etc.


Combinatorics and Algorithms Design课程:前往报名学习

Combinatorics and Algorithms Design视频慕课课程简介:

This course covers topics in Combinatorics and Algorithms Design. We comprehensively discuss basic concepts, theories, methods, and instances in Combinatorics while focusing on concepts and ideas. We also discuss basic mathematics concepts in algorithms design including growth of function, Big-O notations and recurrence relations etc., and basic strategies of algorithms design including randomized algorithms, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming etc.


Combinatorics and Algorithms Design课程列表:


Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics

-What's Combinatorial Mathematics

--What's Combinatorial Mathematics

--What's Combinatorial Mathematics--Homework

-The Most Ingenious Arrangement - Magic Square

--The Most Ingenious Arrangement - Magic Square

--The Most Ingenious Arrangement - Magic Square--Homework

-Suffering Parchment Roll

--Suffering parchment roll

--Suffering Parchment Roll--Homework

-Is Your Phone Password Safe

--Is Your Phone Password Safe

--Talking About Combinatorial Mathematics--Is Your P

-Brute-force Enumaration OR Abstract Conversion

--A problem caused by the world cup


--seven bridge problem


--Brute-force Enumaration OR Abstract Conversion--Homework

-Homework 1

--Discussion rules

--Homework 1

Combinatorial trip of a Pingpong ball

-Counting with "+" "-" "*" "/"

--Fundamental Counting Principles

-Permutation or Combination?

--Definition of Permutation and Combination

--Models of Combination and Combinatorial Identities

--Combinatorial trip of a Pingpong ball--Permutation

-Various Permutations

--Circular Permutation and Necklace Permutation

--Permutations of Multisets

--Combinatorial trip of a Pingpong ball--Various Per

-Different Kinds of Combinations

--Combinations of Multisets

--Non-adjacent Combination

--Combinatorial trip of a Pingpong ball--Different K

-Permutation In The Bell Ring

--Permutation In The Bell Ring

--Lexicographic Order

--Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter Algorithm

--Industrial Support and Stirling approximation

--Combinatorial trip of a Pingpong ball--Permutation

-Homework 2


--Homework 2

Generating Function

-Generating Function & Counting Rules

--Definition Of Generating Function

--Generating Function & Counting Rules--Homework

-Simple Application Of Generating Function

--Simple Application Of Generating Function(1)

--Simple Application Of Generating Function (2)

--Generating Function--Simple Application Of Generat

-Integer Partition

--Integer Partition (1)

--Integer Partition (2)

-Ferrers Diagram

--Ferrers Diagram

--Ferrers Diagram--Homework

-Generating Function And Recurrence Relation

--What Can We Do With Generating Function

--hanoi problem (1)

--hanoi problem (2)


-Homework 3

--Homework 3

Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relation

-Fibonacci Sequence

--Fibonacci Rabbits

--Fibonacci Sequence

--Fibonacci Sequence--Homework

-Application Of The Fibonacci Sequence

--Magic Show

--Expression of Fibonacci Numbers

--Applications in Optimization Methods

--Elliott Wave

--Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relation--Applicatio

-Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relation


--Characteristic Polynomial

--Generating Function And Characteristic Polynomial

--Getting Solution By Characteristic Polynomial (1)

--Getting Solution By Characteristic Polynomial (2)

--Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relation--Homework




-Homework Of Week 4


--Homework Of Week 4

-Behind the scenes extra

-- Behind the scenes extra

Magical Sequences

-Catalan Numbers

--Amazing World of Computers

--Catalan Numbers

--Examples of Catalan Numbers

--Magical Sequences--Catalan Numbers

-Exponential Generating Functions

--Exponential Generating Functions

--Applications of Exponential Generating Functions

--Exponential Generating Functions--Homework


--Derangements (1)

--Derangements (2)

--Magical Sequences--Derangements

-Stirling Numbers

--Stirling Numbers of The First Kind

--Stirling Numbers of The Second Kind

--Magical Sequences--Stirling Numbers

-Summary of Generating Function

--Summary of Generating Function

-Homework of Week 5

--Magical Sequences--Homework of Week 5

Inclusion-Exclusion Principle And Pigeonhole Principle

-Inclusion And Exclusion Principle

--inclusion and exclusion principle

--The Proof Of Inclusion And Exclusion Theorem

--Inclusion-Exclusion Principle And Pigeonhole Princ

-The Elegancy Of Inclusion-Exclusion Principle

--The Application of Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (1)

--The Application of Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (2)

--The Application of Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (3)

-New solutions to old problems

--The Application Of Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (4)

--The Application Of Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (5)

-Pigeonhole Principle

--pigeonhole principle

--The Application of Pigeonhole Principle (1)

--Inclusion-Exclusion Principle And Pigeonhole Princ

-Visible Pigeonholes

--The Application of Pigeonhole Principle (2)

--Hanxin counts soldiers

--Chinese Remainder Theorem

--Inclusion-Exclusion Principle And Pigeonhole Princ

-6 People And Ramsey

--6 People

--Ramsey Number


-Homework Of Week 6


--Inclusion-Exclusion Principle And Pigeonhole Princ

Introduction to Algorithms Design

-What is Algorithm?

--What is Algorithm?

-Example: Majority Element

--Majority Element

--Q: Majority Element

-Algorihtm Complexity

--Algorihtm Complexity

--Q:Algorithm Complexity

-Asymptotic Analysis

--Asymptotic Analysis

--Q:Asymptotic Analysis

-Homework of Week 7

--Homework of Week 7

Incremental Algorithms

-Elements of Incremental Algorithms

--Elements of Incremental Algorithms

-Loop Invariant

--Loop Invariant

--Q:Loop Invariant

-Example: Insertion Sort

--Insertion Sort

--Q:Insertion Sort

-Example: 2-Color Dutch National Flag Problem

--2-Color Dutch National Flag Problem

--Q:2-Color Dutch National Flag Problem

-Homework of Week 8

--Homework of Week 8

Divide and Conquer

-Design Paradigm

--Design Paradigm

-Example: Merge Sort

--Merge Sort

--Q: Merge Sort

-Example: Order Statistics: Select: Partition

--Order Statistics: Select: Partition

--Q: Select: Partition

-Example: Order Statistics: Select: Linear Time

--Order Statistics: Select: Linear Time

--Q:Select: Linear Time

-Substitution Method

--Substitution Method

--Q:Substitution Method

-Recursion Tree Method

--Recursion Tree Method

--Q:Recursion Tree Method

-The Master Method

--The Master Method

--Q: The Master Method

-Homework of Week 9

--Homework of Week 9

Randomized Algorithms

-Indicator Random Variable

--Indicator Random Variable

--Q: Indicator Random Variable

-Hiring Problem

--Hiring Problem

--Q:Hiring Problem

-On-line Hiring Problem

--On-line Hiring Problem

-Randomized Algorihtm

--Randomized Algorihtm

--Q:Randomized Algorihtm

-Example: Randomized Select

--Randomized Select

-Example: Randomized Select Analysis

--Randomized Select Analysis

--Q:Randomized Select

-Homework of Week 10

--Homework of Week 10

Dynamic Programming

-Maximum Subarray: D&C solution

--Maximum Subarray: D&C solution

--Q:Maximum Subarray

-Maximum Subarray: Dynamic Programming Solution

--Maximum Subarray: Dynamic Programming Solution

--Q:Maximum Subarray DP solution

-Optimization Problems: Knapsack and Matrix Chain Multiplication

--Optimization Problems

--Q: Optimization Problems

-Steps of Dynamic Programming (1&2 Recursively Define Optimal Solutions)

--Steps 1&2 of Dynamic Programming

--Q:Steps of Dynamic Programming (1&2)

-Steps of Dynamic Programming (3&4 Compute Optimal Solutions)

--Steps 3&4 of Dynamic Programming

--Q:Steps of Dynamic Programming (3&4)



-Homework of Week 11

--Homework of Week 11

Combinatorics and Algorithms Design开设学校:清华大学

Combinatorics and Algorithms Design授课教师:


博士,清华大学计算机科学与技术系副教授,2004年毕业于清华大学计算机系,获清华大学优秀毕业生称号,2005年-2006年赴美国加州大学洛杉矶分校访问,主要从事微处理器系统设计以及芯片自动化设计研究,参与多项国家重点科研项目,在国际一流期刊和学术会议上发表论文60余篇,其中SCI检索15篇,多次获得国际会议的最佳论文奖以及最佳论文候选。教学方面成果突出,其负责的《组合数学》课程连续被评为清华大学研究生精品课,2013年获得北京高校第八届青年教师教学基本功比赛理工组一等奖,2014年获得清华大学青年教师教学优秀奖。目前其讲授的《组合数学》MOOC课程在学堂在线和edx平台上中英文两个版本同时开课,注册学习人数超过6万人。该课程自2014年上线以来就以其精巧的设计,清晰的讲授,极具特色的诠释方法受到学习者的喜爱,网上学习者评价该课程“堪称MOOC必选课之一”。课程的运营中充分体现以学习者为中心的理念,让一门传统意义上枯燥晦涩的计算机专业基础理论课变得生动而富有活力,备受国内外学习者好评, 2015年在果壳网全球MOOC排行榜中位列全球1800余门课中第20(并列)。2017年被评为首批国家级精品在线开放课程。


赵颖,清华大学计算机系副教授,主要研究领域为数据挖掘、机器学习与自主计算。来华留学品牌课程“组合数学与算法设计”主讲教师。担任或曾担任KDD、WWW、ICDM、CIKM、SDM、IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering、Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery等国际会议或者学术期刊的程序委员会委员或审稿人;在ICDE、CIKM、SDM、Machine Learning、DAMI等著名国际会议和期刊上发表论文50余篇。获2007年国家留学基金委IBM奖研金、2011年深圳市海外高层次人才创新创业专项资金。


  1. 轻松学好统计学(2021秋)

  2. 神经解剖学--周围神经系统(2021秋)

  3. 广告不疯狂——中外优秀广告赏析(2021秋)

  4. 多元微积分(2021秋)

  5. 文化差异与跨文化交际(2021秋)

  6. 爆炸气体动力学(2021秋)

  7. 马克思主义基本原理概论(2021秋)

  8. 大数据算法(2021秋)

  9. 武术(2021秋)

  10. 民族居住环境与传续设计(2021秋)

  11. Combinatorics and Algorithms Design(Self-Paced)

  12. History of Chinese Architecture Part II(Self-Paced)

  13. Pharmacology(Round 1)

  14. Signal and Linear System(Round 1)

  15. Materials for Road Engineering(Round 1)

  16. China’s Perspective on Climate Change(Self-Paced)

  17. Strategies of Becoming a Dessert Master(Round 1)

  18. Learning Erhu From Scratch(Round 1)

  19. Building Community Resilience and Development(Self-Paced)

  20. Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Biochemical Technolo(Self-Paced)
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