Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Govern the world through half of the Analects; Win in business through The Art of War by Sun Tzu. This course focuses on Sun Tzu's winning thought and analyzes the contemporary values of his winning strategy. Meanwhile, it explains the innovative application of Sun Tzu's seven winning methods in modern business competition, such as winning by knowledge, moral law, and so on, which will inspire you to win in business and life.


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Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu视频慕课课程简介:

Govern the world through half of the Analects; Win in business through The Art of War by Sun Tzu. This course focuses on Sun Tzu's winning thought and analyzes the contemporary values of his winning strategy. Meanwhile, it explains the innovative application of Sun Tzu's seven winning methods in modern business competition, such as winning by knowledge, moral law, and so on, which will inspire you to win in business and life.


Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu课程列表:


Chapter 1 Introduction: Sun Tzu’s winning strategy creatively inspires business competition

-1.1 The basis for Commercial application: Sun Tzu remolded war to competition



--In-class Quiz

-1.2 Origin of business application: The business sage pioneering application of military strategy in business competition



--In-class Quiz

-1.3 The theme of this course: “Winning” comes from The Art of War by Sun Tzu



--In-class Quiz

-1.4 The connotation of winning: A victory that is complete is the soul of Sun Tzu’s



--In-class Quiz

-1.5 Teaching arrangements

--Outline of the Course



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion board (Introduction: Sun Tzu's winning strategy creatively inspires business competition)

-Unit Test

Chapter 2 “The ultimate master of war: Sun Tzu achieved success and won recognition as the teacher of immortality”

-2.1 Interpretation of the title: Sun Tzu achieved three immortal qualities



--In-class Quiz

-2.2 Understanding the man and his world



--In-class Quiz

-2.3 Man of mystery for millennium



--In-class Quiz

-2.4 Enforcing discipline, Sun Tzu kills the beauties and becomes a general



--In-class Quiz

-2.5 Sun Tzu’s old and renowned family



--In-class Quiz

-2.6 Age of rapid change



--In-class Quiz

-2.7 Life ending



--In-class Quiz

-2.8 Refining The Art of War



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion board (The first lecture: "The ultimate master of war: Sun Tzu achieved success and won recognition as the teacher of immortality"

-Unit Test

Chapter 3 The “Bible” of War: Developing tactics in accordance with the moral law; Winning in relation to the opponent

-3.1 The interpretation of the title



--In-class Quiz

-3.2 Profound influence



--In-class Quiz

-3.3 The main idea of each chapter



--In-class Quiz

-3.4 The debate between good and evil



--In-class Quiz

-3.5 The Art of War by Sun Tzu is not Thirty-Six Stratagems



--In-class Quiz

-3.6 Deception is not the same thing as fraud



--In-class Quiz

-3.7 The boundaries of the application of The Art of War by Sun Tzu



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion board (The Second Lecture: The “Bible” of War)

-Unit Test

Chapter 4 Complete Victory: Winning all competitions without fighting

-4.1 Interpretation of the title



--In-class Quiz

-4.2 Winning story



--In-class Quiz

-4.3 Overview of victory view



--In-class Quiz

-4.4 The meaning of complete victory



--In-class Quiz

-4.5 Thought system of complete victory



--In-class Quiz

-4.6 The case of a complete victory



--In-class Quiz

-4.7 Thought of complete victory in business



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion board (The Third Lecture: Complete Victory)

-Unit Test

Chapter 5 Winning by knowledge: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you will win by intelligence

-5.1 Interpretation of the title



--In-class Quiz

-5.2 The anecdote of winning by knowledge



--In-class Quiz

-5.3 Sun Tzu’s interpretation of winning by knowledge

--Video1:Sun Tzu’s interpretation of winning by knowledge(The first half part)

--Video2:Sun Tzu’s interpretation of winning by knowledge (The later half part)


--In-class Quiz

-5.4 Application of winning by knowledge in business



--In-class Quiz

-5.5 Three business cases of winning by knowledge

--Video1:How Japanese businessmen managed to locate Daqing Oilfield

--Video2:China-Australia iron ore negotiation

--Video3:Yahoo was sold at a low price due to the misunderstanding of the intelligence


--In-class Quiz

-5.6 Enlightenment from winning by knowledge



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion forum (session 4: Winning by knowledge)

-Unit Test

Chapter 6 Winning by the moral law: If you cultivate the moral law and strictly adhere to its method and discipline, you will win people’s hearts

-6.1 Interpretation of the title



--In-class Quiz

-6.2 A historical story of winning by the moral law



--In-class Quiz

-6.3 Sun Tzu’s interpretation of winning by the moral law



--In-class Quiz

-6.4 Moral law in business solution



--In-class Quiz

-6.5 Business cases of winning by the moral law

--Video1:SAIC Volkswagen: producing cars of reliable quality

--Video2:Could you use Baidu search engine?

--Video3:“Digging In and Widening Out” strategy helps Huawei achieve what it is now


--In-class Quiz

-6.6 Insights from winning by the moral law



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion forum (session 5: Winning by moral law)

-Unit Test

Chapter 7 Winning by Stratagem: To balk the enemy’s plans and conquer their minds

-7.1 The interpretation of the title



--In-class Quiz

-7.2 The allusion of winning by stratagem



--In-class Quiz

-7.3 Sun Tzu’s interpretation of winning by stratagem

--Video1: Sun Tzu’s explanation of winning by stratagem (The first half part)

--Video2:Sun Tzu’s explanation of winning by stratagem (The latter half part)


--In-class Quiz

-7.4 The interpretation of winning by stratagem in business competition



--In-class Quiz

-7.5 Business cases of winning by stratagem

--Video1:Windows product release press

--Video2:Bristol-Myers was facing a lot of difficulties

--Video3:Haier mini refrigerator hit the college student market in US


--In-class Quiz

-7.6 Reviews of winning by stratagem.



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion for lesson Six: Winning by Stratagem

-Unite Test

Chapter 8 Winning by diplomacy: Seeking diplomatic strategies for mutual benefit

-8.1 The title interpretation



--In-class Quiz

-8.2 The allusion of winning by diplomacy



--In-class Quiz

-8.3 Sun Tzu’s interpretation of winning by diplomacy

--Video1:Sun Tzu’s explanation of winning by diplomacy (The first half part)

--Video2:Sun Tzu’s explanation of winning by diplomacy (The latter half part)


--In-class Quiz

-8.4 The interpretation of winning by diplomacy in business competition



--In-class Quiz

-8.5 Business cases of winning by stratagem

--Video1:Many parties tried to bid for Sogou but Tencent finally made it

--Video2:Channel Gate triggers Nokia crisis

--Video3:Didi Chuxing achieved victory for its flexible strategies


--In-class Quiz

-8.6 The reviews of winning by diplomacy



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion for Lesson Seven: Winning by Diplomacy

-Unit Test

Chapter 9 Winning by energy:seeking energy and creating synergy

-9.1 Interpretation of the title



--In-class Quiz

-9.2 Allusions of winning by energy



--In-class Quiz

-9.3 Sun Tzu’s idea of winning by energy

--Video1:Analysis of Sun Tzu’s idea of winning by energy (The first half part one)

--Video2: Analysis of Sun Tzu’s idea of winning by energy (The latter half part two)


--In-class Quiz

-9.4 Application of winning by energy in business



--In-class Quiz

-9.5 Winning by energy in business: three cases

--Video1:Geely uses Volvo to promote internationalization

--Video2:Xiang’eqing, a high-end restaurant collapsed in its strategic transformation

--Video3:Jia Duo Bao lost the lawsuit but won the market


--In-class Quiz

-9.6 The review of winning by energy



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion (Lecture 8: Winning by Energy)

-Unit Test

Chapter 10 Winning by the indirect method: Maintain the direct method but use the indirect method to win

-10.1 Interpretation of the title



--In-class Quiz

-10.2 A story about winning by the indirect method



--In-class Quiz

-10.3 Sun Tzu’s interpretation of winning by the indirect method



--In-class Quiz

-10.4 Winning by the indirect method in business competition



--In-class Quiz

-10.5 Business cases of winning by the indirect method: three cases in business competition

--Video1:Taobao’s free business model beats eBay

--Video2:Kodak’s bankruptcy: it failed to keep up with the innovation trend

--Video3:Cheetah’s struggling growth in the shadow of the giant 360


--In-class Quiz

-10.6 The reviews of winning by the indirect method



--In-class Quiz

-Discussion (Lecture 9 Winning by the indirect method)

-Unit Test

Chapter 11 Winning by focused strength: Pursuing a victory with strength and power of concentration

-11.1 Explanation of the title



--In-class Quiz

-11.2 An ancient Chinese story: Tian Ji’s horse racing



--In-class Quiz

-11.3 Sun Tzu’s elaboration of winning by focusing strength



--In-class Quiz

-11.4 Interpretation of winning by strength in business



--In-class Quiz

-11.5 Case study of winning by focused strength:four business cases

--Video1:Competition between Microsoft and Netscape

--Video2:Chunlan Group’s failure in diversification

--Video3:Vanke’s subtraction strategy

--Video4:Southwest Airlines’ exploration of virgin market


--In-class Quiz

-11.6 A further probe into Sun Tzu’s thought of winning by focused strength



--In-class Quiz

-Lesson 10 Wining by Strength.

-Unit Test

Chapter 12 Conclusion: There should be no sequelae to victory

-12.1 Review of the course



--In-class Quiz

-12.2 The secret to winning in business



--In-class Quiz

-12.3 Business case: Huawei won’t be Genghis Khan



--In-class Quiz

-12.4 Vision of complete victory: Embracing a new era of harmonious competition



--In-class Quiz

-Topic for discussion

Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu开设学校:江西财经大学

Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu授课教师:


刘爱军,男,江西财经大学中国管理思想研究院执行院长、博士、教授、EMBA主讲教师,曾挂职某上市公司经营层成员三年,协理集团人力资源事务,国家精品视频公开课《商解孙子制胜韬略》(网易公开课”最意趣课程”,全国仅5门)主讲人。专攻孙子兵法、人力资源管理、领导力开发,曾获全国首届微课大赛二等奖,江西省高校优秀共产党员、师德先进个人,及江西财经大学教学十佳 、金牌教师、师德标兵、优秀教学成果一等奖等荣誉






江西财经大学海外教育学院院长,博士,教授。美国纽约理工学院管理学院高级访问学者。历任江西财经大学外国语学院院长、国际合作与交流处处长、中美合作MBA项目协调人。江西财经大学EMBA项目、中美合作MBA项目、商务部 “国际商务硕士专业” 援外项目(全英文教学)等主讲教师。任教课程包括管理学、管理沟通、商务管理、商务翻译等。慕课《制胜:一部孙子傲商海》主译者。有着丰富的企业培训经验,受邀于多个知名企业或政府部门授课,包括南昌高新投资集团, OPPO 江西,中国瑞林,南昌高新管委会,黑猫集团,江西水利投资集团等。


陈亮亮,男,现服务于上汽大众供应链管理部,同济大学企业管理硕士,讲师,曾服务于IBM GBS。专攻领域:孙子兵法、跨国公司商务谈判、企业创新管理,倡导理论与实践紧密结合,师从江西财经大学刘爱军老师研习孙子兵法。


  1. Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu(Round 2)

  2. English for Professional Graduates(Round 2)

  3. Dermatovenereology(Round 2)

  4. 病理学(2021秋)

  5. 高等数学(上)(2021暑假班)

  6. Python技术应用(2021秋)

  7. 西方社会工作理论(2021秋)

  8. 试验统计学(2021秋)

  9. 西方文论原典导读(2021秋)

  10. 机器人制作与创客综合能力实训(2021秋)

  11. 电子系统体验与工艺实践(2021暑假班)

  12. 程序设计技术(基于C)-提高与应用(2021秋)

  13. 新时代大学生恋爱与婚姻(2021秋)

  14. 软件理论与工程(2021秋)

  15. 电工电子技术(2021秋)

  16. 软件开发实训--动态网站开发(2021秋)

  17. 农产品加工学-粮油加工(2021暑假班)

  18. 常见肿瘤的诊断和综合治疗(2021秋)

  19. 最优化方法(2021秋)

  20. 工业企业消防安全(2021秋)
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