
本课程采用理论结合实践的教学方法,利用多媒体课件结合音视频资源来丰富教学内容,采用课堂教学和课后设计相结合的方式,提高学生的自主学习能力, 对于理论教学内容采用课堂讲授、教学互动以及图片视频展示等方式,对于应用 实践能培养,本课程配套建有 2 个符合国际标准的“语音实验室”,可用于学生 进行实践学习和培训。本课程具备长期的教学基础,结合学科发展内容进行设计, 课堂上除了讲授基础和专业知识,还就目前国内外相关领域发展进行背景综述, 引导学生力争为我国在本领域科技发展做出贡献。本课程探索融合教师课堂讲 授、学生分组研讨、专家专题讲座、课后设计分析、专业实验培训等多维度立体 式的教学方法,形成有特色的教学方法与教学手段,打造研究生全英文精品课程。




本课程采用理论结合实践的教学方法,利用多媒体课件结合音视频资源来丰富教学内容,采用课堂教学和课后设计相结合的方式,提高学生的自主学习能力, 对于理论教学内容采用课堂讲授、教学互动以及图片视频展示等方式,对于应用 实践能培养,本课程配套建有 2 个符合国际标准的“语音实验室”,可用于学生 进行实践学习和培训。本课程具备长期的教学基础,结合学科发展内容进行设计, 课堂上除了讲授基础和专业知识,还就目前国内外相关领域发展进行背景综述, 引导学生力争为我国在本领域科技发展做出贡献。本课程探索融合教师课堂讲 授、学生分组研讨、专家专题讲座、课后设计分析、专业实验培训等多维度立体 式的教学方法,形成有特色的教学方法与教学手段,打造研究生全英文精品课程。




1. Introduction

-1.1 Outline

--1.1 Outline


-1.2 Application of digital speech signal processing

--1.2 Application of digital speech signal processing

-1.3 Development history of speech signal processing

--1.3 Development history of speech signal processing

-1.4 Basic Knowledge of speech signal

--1.4 Basic Knowledge of speech signal



2. Fundamentals of Speech processing

-2.1 Speech processing techniques

--2.1 Speech processing techniques

-2.2 Short-time analysis and windowing

--2.2 Short-time analysis and windowing

-2.3 Short-time parameters of speech signal

--2.3 Short-time parameters of speech signal

-2.4 Pitch estimation

--2.4 Pitch estimation



3. Speech production and perception

-3.1 Speech chain

--3.1 Speech chain

-3.2 Speech production

--Speech production

-3.3 Speech perception

--3.3 Speech perception

-3.4 Speech quality test

--3.4 Speech quality test



4. Linear predictive analysis(LPA)

-4.1 Basic concepts of LP

--4.1 Basic concepts of LP

-4.2 Estimation of LP coefficients

--4.2 Estimation of LP coefficients

-4.3 LP spectrum and basic features

--4.3 LP spectrum and basic features

-4.4 Alternative Representations of LP parameters

--4.4 Alternative Representations of LP parameters



5. Homomorphic analysis(HA)

-5.1 Homomorphic systems

--5.1 Homomorphic systems

-5.2 Cepstrum and complex cepstrum

--5.2 Cepstrum and complex cepstrum

-5.3 Homomorphic filtering

--5.3 Homomorphic filtering

-5.4 Homomorphic analysis of speech signal

--5.4 Homomorphic analysis of speech signal



6. Vector quantization(VQ)

-6.1 Basic concept of VQ

--6.1 Basic concept of VQ

-6.2 VQ system design

--6.2 VQ system design

-6.3 Codebook design algorithms

--6.3 Codebook design algorithm

-6.4 Different types of VQ

--6.4 Different types of VQ



7. Hidden Markov Models(HMM)

-7.1 Prerequisite knowledge

--7.1 Prerequisite knowledge

-7.2 Basic concept of HMM

--7.2 Basic concept of HMM

-7.3 Three basic problems of HMM

--7.3 Three basic problems of HMM

-7.4 Insights of HMM

--7.4 Insights of HMM



8. Speech Coding

-8.1 Overview of speech coding

--8.1 Overview of speech coding

-8.2 Speech coding strategies

--8.2 Speech coding strategies

-8.3 Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP)

--8.3 Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP)

-8.4 Key technologies of speech coding

--8.4 Key technologies of speech coding



9. Speech Recognition

-9.1 Overview of speech recognition

--9.1 Overview of speech recognition

-9.2 Basic speech recognition systems

--9.2 Basic speech recognition systems

-9.3 Models in speech recognition

--9.3 Models in speech recognition

-9.4 Challenges for speech recognition

--9.4 Challenges for speech recognition



10. Speech Enhancement

-10.1 Overview of speech enhancement

--10.1 Overview of speech enhancement

-10.2 Speech separation problem

--10.2 Speech separation problem

-10.3 Monaural speech denoising

--10.3 Monaural speech denoising

-10.4 Other speech enhancement techniques

--10.4 Other speech enhancement techniques



11. Speech Synthesis

-11.1 Overview of speech synthesis

--11.1 Overview of speech synthesis

-11.2 Methods of speech synthesis(PartI)

--11.2 Methods of speech synthesis(PartI)

-11.3 Methods of speech synthesis(PartII)

--11.3 Methods of speech synthesis(PartII)

-11.4 Prosody and PSOLA

--11.4 Prosody and PSOLA



12. Latest development in speech signal processing

-12.1 Background of Deep Learning

--12.1 Background of Deep Learning

-12.2 Outline of neural networks

--12.2 Outline of neural networks

-12.3 Deep learning based speech recognition

--12.3 Deep learning based speech recognition

-12.4 Deep learning based speech separation

--12.4 Deep learning based speech separation








  1. 语音信号数字处理(2021秋)

  2. 应用语言学理论与实践(2021秋)

  3. 数据库技术应用(2021秋)

  4. 思想政治教育学原理(2021秋)

  5. 概率论(2021秋)

  6. 设计素描(2021秋)

  7. 材料现代研究方法(2021秋)

  8. 现代电力电子技术(2021秋)

  9. 机械精度设计与检测技术(2021秋)

  10. 中国税制(2021秋)

  11. 市场营销学(2021秋)

  12. 内科学-心血管疾病(2021秋)

  13. 商务礼仪与沟通艺术(2021秋)

  14. 形势与政策(2021秋)

  15. 新视野大学英语(2021秋)

  16. 服装数字科技(2021秋)

  17. 家具设计与制造(2021秋)

  18. 中华茶艺呈现(2021秋)

  19. 网络安全概述(2021秋)

  20. 明·园境赏析:明代11佳园(2021秋)
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