Entrepreneurial Land Redevelopment Approach: Land Readjustment

Explore land readjustment as an alternative to conventional approaches of assembling land for urbanization.


Entrepreneurial Land Redevelopment Approach: Land Readjustment课程:前往报名学习

Entrepreneurial Land Redevelopment Approach: Land Readjustment视频慕课课程简介:

Explore land readjustment as an alternative to conventional approaches of assembling land for urbanization.


Entrepreneurial Land Redevelopment Approach: Land Readjustment课程列表:


Introduction to the MIT STLx Series



Get Started

-Course Welcome

--Course Welcome

-How to Use This Course

--How to Use This Course

-Who's Teaching This Course

--Who's Teaching This Course

-Learning Objectives

--Learning Objectives

-Course Schedule

--Course Schedule

--Duplicate of 'Text'

-Grading and Completion Criteria

--Grading and Completion Criteria

Module 1: Introduction to Land Readjustment




-Defining Land Readjustment

--A Working Definition of Land Readjustment

--Introduction to Land Readjustment

-- Challenges of Rapid Urbanization in Developing Countries

--Challenges of Rapid Urbanization



-Conventional Approaches to Solving Problems of Rapid Urbanization

--Conventional Land Assembly Apporach

--Conventional Approaches



-Land Readjustment as an Alternative

--Land Readjustment as an Alternative

--Land Readjustment as an Alternative



-Course Structure

--Course Structure

--Course Structure


-Discussion and Application

--Module 1: Discussion Forum


--Application Activity


Module 2: International Experiences with Land Readjustment



--Introduction to Land Readjustment


-The Evolution of Land Readjustment


--The Early Development Stages of Land Readjustment


--The Diversity of Land Readjustment

--Diversity of Land Readjustment



-Land Readjustment Examples


--Thimphu, Bhutan


--Shahu, China




--Infill Redevelopment

--Sengki, Thailand


--Dachong, China


--Bogotá, Colombia

--Six Lessons of Conducting Land Readjustment in the Fenicia Project in Bogotá, Colombia


--Post-conflict and Post-disaster Reconstruction



--Bhuj, India





-Wrap Up

--Key Concepts Review 1

--Lessons from Global Examples




--Key Concept Review 2--General observations



-Discussion and Application

--Module 2: International Experiences with Land Readjustment


--Application Activity


Module 3: Policy Goals of Land Readjustment





-Conceptualizing Land Readjustment Goals

--Conceptualizing Land Readjustment Goals

--Policy Goals of Land Readjustment



-Myths About Adopting Land Readjustment

--Myth #1: The Need for Land Readjustment Legislation

--Myth #1


--Example: Informal Settlement Upgrading in Ethiopia


--Myth #2: Clearly Delineated Property Rights

--Myth #2


--Example: Urban Village Redevelopment in China


--Myth #3: The Existence of a Buoyant Real Estate Market

--Myth #3


--Myth #4: An Organized Community

--Myth #4

--Example: India


--Myth #5: Trust Relations Among Stakeholders

--Myth #5




-Preconditions for Adopting Land Readjustment




-Wrap Up

--Key Concepts Review

--Key Concepts Review


-Discussion and Application

--Discussion Question


--Application Activity


Module 4: Designing and Implementing Land Readjustment Projects




-Important Considerations

--Important Considerations

--Cross-cutting Matters


-Context Assessment

--Context Assessment

--Context Assessment

--Assessing Each Component of the Larger Environment


-Initiation and Preparation

--Initiation and Preparation



--Preparation and Organization


-Design and Approval

--Design and Approval


--Risk Assessments

--Calculation of Land Contribution Ratios

--Calculation of Land Contribution Ratios

--Land Valuation




-Implementation and Completion

--Implementation and Completion





-Evaluation and Scaling Up

--Evaluation and Scaling Up

--Evaluation and Scaling Up


-Wrap Up

--Key Concepts Review

--Key Concepts Review


-Discussion and Application

--Discussion Forum


--Application Activity


Module 5: Conclusions

-Main Takeaways

--Takeaways of the Entire Course

--Takeaways of The Entire Course


--No All-inlcusive Model

--No All-inclusive Model


--Building Preconditions

--Building Preconditions


-Application Activity

--Application Activity

--Thank you!

Course Evaluation


--Course Evaluation




Entrepreneurial Land Redevelopment Approach: Land Readjustment开设学校:麻省理工学院

Entrepreneurial Land Redevelopment Approach: Land Readjustment授课教师:

Yu Hung Hong--麻省理工学院-

Yu Hung Hong博士是麻省理工学院李德义房地产创业实验室的主任,也是这门课程的指导老师。康宇雄博士研究通过使用土地工具,来促进发展中国家土地资源分配的开放性以及包容性决策过程。 他在麻省理工学院教授发展中国家城市公共财政,并获得了城市研究和规划系的城市发展博士学位和城市规划硕士学位。他的研究主要针对产权和义务、公共租赁制度、土地整备和地方公共财政方面。具体而言,他感兴趣的是调查政府如何调动公共投资和社区协作产生的土地价值增量,从而提供资金来建设当地基础设施并为穷人提供持久庇护所。 自1996年以来,康宇雄博士一直在教授城市公共财政课程。并发表了与产权、公共土地租赁、土地整备和物业税制度相关的观点。


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  2. 家庭理财(2021秋)

  3. 英语电影与文化(2021秋)

  4. 高等反应工程(2021秋)

  5. 逻辑、计算和博弈(2021秋)

  6. 青少年创客与全球名校申请(2021秋)

  7. 中国现当代文学名著欣赏(2021秋)

  8. 知识产权法律及实务(2021秋)

  9. 马克思主义基本原理(2021秋)

  10. 习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述研究(2021秋)

  11. Entrepreneurial Land Redevelopment Approach: Land Readjustment(Self-Paced)

  12. Hydraulic Power(Round 1)

  13. Computational Geometry(Self-Paced)

  14. Socially-Responsible Real Estate Development(Self-Paced)

  15. Winning in Business:The Art of War by Sun Tzu(Round 1)

  16. Biopharmaceutical and Toxicological Analysis(Round 1)

  17. Great Charm of Sichuan Opera (Round 1)

  18. New Horizons in Chinese Philosophy(Self-Paced)

  19. Linear Algebra(Round1)

  20. Plant Landscape Planning and Design(Round 1)
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