-1.分子影像学概念concept and feature of molecular imaging
--1.1 concept and feature of molecular imaging
-2.分子识别理论 Molecular Recognition Theory
--1.2 Molecular Recognition Theory
-3.分子探针 Molecular probes
-4.分子影像种类Classification of Molecular Imaging
--1.4 Classification of Molecular Imaging
-5.分子影像发展及应用 Development and application of of MI
--1.5 Development and application of of MI
-第1章 章节作业
-1.核医学分子影像基础知识The Basis of Molecular Nuclear Medicine
--1.The Basis of Molecular Nuclear Medicine
-2.放射性衰变类型The Mode of Radioactive Decay
--2.The Mode of Radioactive Decay
-3.带电粒子与物质的相互作用Interaction of charged particles -with matter
--3.Interaction of charged particles -with matter
-第2章 章节作业
-1.核医学测量仪器Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation
--1.Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation and Radiopharmaceuticals
-2.核医学测量仪器的分类The classificaton of NM devices
--2.The classificaton of NM devices
-第3章 章节作业
-1.放射性核素示踪技术Radionuclide tracing techinique
--1.Radionuclide tracing techinique
-2.体内示踪技术In vivo tracing techniques
--2.In vivo tracing techniques
-3.受体放射显像Receptor radioimaging
-4.神经系统受体显像应用Application of receptor imaging -in nerve system
--4.Application of receptor imaging -in nerve system
-第4章 章节作业
-1.核医学分子影像研究进展Advancing nuclear molecular Imagine
--1.Advancing nuclear molecular Imagine
-3.凋亡显像Apoptosis Imaging
-4.代谢显像Metabolism imaging
-第5章 章节作业
-1.PET简介The introduction of PET
--Part 1. The introduction of PET
-2.PET在肿瘤诊断及分期中的应用The Oncological Applications of PET/CT in diagnose and staging
--Part 2. The Oncological Applications -of PET-CT in diagnose and staging
-3.PET、CT在肿瘤再分期及预后中的应用The Oncological Applications of PET/CT in restaging and recurrence
--Part 3. The Oncological Applications -of PET-CT in restaging and recurrence-
-4.PETCT在心脏和神经系统的应用The application of PET/CT in cardiac and nervous system
--Part 4. The application of PET-CT -in cardiac and nervous system
-第6章 章节作业
-1.Optical Molecular Imaging
-2.Optical imaging method
-3.Bioluminescence Imaging and -Fluorescence imaging
--3.Bioluminescence Imaging and -Fluorescence imaging
-4.Biomedical Imaging by Near Infrared Light
--4.Biomedical Imaging by Near Infrared Light
-第7章 章节作业
-1. Concept
-2. Imaging characteristics
-3. Suitable magnetic materials
--3. Suitable magnetic materials
-4. Types and characteristics of carriers
--4. Types and characteristics of carriers
-第8章 章节作业
-1.Nervous system
-2.Cardiovascular system
-第9章 章节作业
-1.Concept and Properties
-2.Ultrasound Contrast Agents
--2.Ultrasound Contrast Agents
-3.Ultrasound Imaging System
-4.Advancing Ultrasound MI
-第10章 章节作业
课程负责人 山东大学齐鲁医学院教授,博士生导师,长期从事核医学及分子影像学教学与科研。开设中文及英文分子影像学线下课程多年,具有丰富的教学经验。主讲非在线课程:“辐射与防护”在 智慧树和中国大学MOOC上线,2018年被认定为被教育部认定为国家级精品在线课程。本课程中负责课程内容设计,及视频完善,主讲绪论,核分子影像学进展两大部分内容的主讲。