Chinese Literature

In this course,we set up nine theme-based units,select Chinese classic literary works to guide you to appreciate the essence of Chinese literature and experience the charm of Chinese culture. This course combines history with modernity, connects China with the world, and will help you understand China better.


Chinese Literature课程:前往报名学习

Chinese Literature视频慕课课程简介:

In this course,we set up nine theme-based units,select Chinese classic literary works to guide you to appreciate the essence of Chinese literature and experience the charm of Chinese culture. This course combines history with modernity, connects China with the world, and will help you understand China better.


Chinese Literature课程列表:



-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:Staying Upright and Practicing Morality All over the World

-Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:孔子论仁五则/Confucian Thought on Ren

--About the Writer:孔子/Confucius

--Literature Appreciation:老子二章/Two Chapters of Lao Zi

--About the Writer:老子/Lao Zi

--Literature Appreciation:橘颂/Ode to the Orange

--About the Writer:屈原/Qu Yuan

--Literature Appreciation:诫子书/Son of the Commandment

--About the Writer:诸葛亮/Zhuge Liang

-第一讲 孔子论仁五则/Confucian Thought on Ren


--Microlecture:Adorable Confucius

--Microlecture:Confucius Teaches You "Ren "

--Microlecture:Respect and Tolerance, Making the World a Better Place

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource (Documentary):BBC's Introduction to Confucius

--Extended Resource (Movie):Confucius' Views on the Relationship Between Humaneness and Ritual

-第二讲 老子二章/Two Chapters of Lao Zi


--Microlecture:Water in the Eyes of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism

--Microlecture:The Goodness of the World is as Good as Water

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource (Movie):Laozi Went out of Hangu Pass

--Extended Resource (Movie):Confucius Talked About "Tao" with Laozi

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment


-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:Where is the Hometown at Dusk?

-推荐阅读/Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:八声甘州/Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song by Liu Yong

--About the Writer:柳永/Liu Yong

--Literature Appreciation:满江红·登黄鹤楼有感/The River All Red · Meditations on the Yellow Crane Tower

--About the Writer:岳飞/Yue Fei

--Literature Appreciation:秋兴八首·其一/Eight Octaves on Autumnal Musings

--About the Writer:杜甫/Du Fu

--Literature Appreciation:病起书怀/Sick Book

--About the writer:陆游/ Lu You

--Literature Appreciation:雪落在中国的土地上/Snow Falls on China’s Land

--About the Writer:艾青/Ai Qing

-第一讲 八声甘州/Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song by Liu Yong


--Microlecture:The Nostalgia of Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource(Recitation): Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song

-第二讲 满江红·登黄鹤楼有感/The River All Red · Meditations on the Yellow Crane Tower


--Microlecture:The Top-notch and Famous Tower, Yellow Crane Tower

--Microlecture:The “War” in the General Yue Fei’s Poetry

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource(Beijing Opera):The Whole River Red

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment


-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:Playing the Song of Life

-推荐阅读/Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:春夜宴诸从弟桃李园序/Preface to Feast on Spring Night in Peach & Plum Garden

--About the Writer:李白/Li Bai

--Literature Appreciation:八声甘州·寄参寥子/ Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song for a Buddhist Friend

--About the Writer: 苏轼/Su Shi

--Literature Appreciation:渐/Gradualness

--About the Writer:丰子恺/Zikai Feng

--Literature Appreciation:我喜欢出发/I like to start

--About the Writer:汪国真/Wang Guozhen

--Literature Appreciation:谈生命/On Life

--About the writer:冰心/Bing Xin

-第一讲 春夜宴诸从弟桃李园序/Preface to Feast on Spring Night in Peach & Plum Garden


--Microlecture:A Dream Reture to the Tang Dynasty

--Microlecture:The Vigorous Poet Libai

--Microlecture:The Beautiful Rhythm of Preface to Feast on Spring Night in Peach & Plum Garden

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Song)Li Bai

-第二讲 八声甘州·寄参廖子/Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song For a Buddhist Friend


--Microlecture:Su Shi's Reform of the Traditional Style of Song Ci

--Microlecture:Su Shi's friends

--Microlecture:Gourmet Su Dongpo

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Calligraphy) Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song for a Buddhist Friend

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment


-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:The Ideal is Always Accompanied with Youthfulness

-推荐阅读/Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:白马篇/Song of the White Horse

--About the Writer: 曹植/Cao Zhi

--Literature Appreciation:命若琴弦/Strings of Life

--About the Writer:史铁生/ Shi Tiesheng

--Literature Appreciation:相信未来/Believe in the Future

--About the Writer:食指/Index Finger

--Literature Appreciation:报任安书/The translation of Ren an's book

--About the Writer:司马迁/Sima Qian

-第一讲 白马篇/Song of the White Horse


--Microlecture:The Artistic Style of Song of the White Horse

--Microlecture:A Brave Youth ——An Analysis of the Character in Song of White Horse

--Microlecture:Cao Zhi's Guiding Effect on the Aesthetics of Knight-errant Poems

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Movie clip) Sword Dance-Song of the White Horse

-第二讲 命若琴弦/Strings of Life


--Microlecture:An disabled Chinese writer-Shi Tiesheng

--Microlecture:Real-life Novel and Ideographic Novel

--Microlecture:Hope is the Fulcrum of Life

--Microlecture:How Symbolism Are Used in Strings of Life

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Movie)Strings of Life

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment


-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:Eyes of the Mind

-推荐阅读/Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:任公子钓鱼/Angling

--About the Writer: 庄子/Zhuang Zi

--Literature Appreciation:一个偏见/A Prejudice

--About the Writer:钱钟书/Qian Zhongshu

--Literature Appreciation:杂诗十二首·其一Twelve Miscellaneous Poems

--About the Writer:陶渊明/Tao Yuanming

--Literature Appreciation:偶然/Chance

--About the Writer:徐志摩/Xu Zhimo

--Literature Appreciation:从前慢/The Slow Pace of Life

--About the Writer:木心/Mu Xin

-第一讲 任公子钓鱼/Angling


--Microlecture:Chuang Tzu and Fish

--Microlecture:The Art of Hyperbole in Chuang Tzu's Fables

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Cartoon) Chuang Tzu Speaks

-第二讲 一个偏见/A Prejudice


--Microlecture:Learn Metaphor with Qian Zhongshu

--Microlecture:The Sharp Edge behind Prejudice

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource: A Letter from Qian Zhongshu to His Friend

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment


-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:Where the emotion rises, the poem arises

-推荐阅读/Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:你是人间四月天/You Are the April of This World

--About the Writer:林徽因/Lin Huiyin

--Literature Appreciation:多年父子成兄弟/Brotherhood between Father and Son for Many Years

--About the Writer: 汪曾祺/Wang Zengqi

--Literature Appreciation:鹊踏枝/Magpie on the Branch

--About the Writer:冯延巳/Feng Yansi

--Literature Appreciation: 我们仨(节选)/We Three(Extracts)

--About the Writer:杨绛/Yang Jiang

--Literature Appreciation:写给母亲/Written for My Mother

--About the Writer:贾平凹/Jia Pingwa

-第一讲 你是人间四月天/You Are the April of This World


--Microlecture:The “Three Beauties” of Lin Whei-yin’s Poetry

--Microlecture:The Color in Poem You Are the April of This World

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Recitation)You Are the April of This World

--Extended Resource:(Song)You Are the April of This World

-第二讲 多年父子成兄弟/Brotherhood between Father and Son for Many Years



--Microlecture:The Art of Leaving Blanks in "Brotherhood between Father and Son for Many Years"

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Cartoon) Father and Son

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment


-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:Mountains and Rivers Are Always Bestowed with Emotions

-推荐阅读/Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:秋登万山寄张五/To Zhang Wu from the Top of Mountain Wanshan on an Autumn Day

--About the Writer:孟浩然/ Meng Haoran

--Literature Appreciation:春江花月夜/A Moonlit Night on the Spring River

--About the Writer: 张若虚/Zhang Ruoxu

--Literature Appreciation:春之怀古/A Meditation on Spring

--About the Writer: 张晓风/Zhang Xiaofeng

--Literature Appreciation:我们站在高高的山巅/We Are Standing High on the Summit of a Mountain

--About the Writer:冯至/ Feng Zhi

-第一讲 秋登万山寄张五/To Zhang Wu from the Top of Mountain Wanshan on an Autumn Day


--Microlecture:Comparison of Wang Wei’s and Meng Haoran’s Poems

--Microlecture:Wanshan—The Most Romantic Mountain

--Microlecture:Carefree and Leisurely Life Feelings

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Scenic Film) Xiangyang--The Hometown of Meng Haoran

-第二讲 春江花月夜/A Moonlit Night on the Spring River


--Microlecture:Appreciation of the Best Ever Poem "A Moonlit Night on the Spring River "

--Microlecture:Transcendental Beauty of " A Moonlit Night on the Spring River "

--Microlecture:The Artistic Beauty of Scenery, Reason and Love in " A Moonlit Night on the Spring River "

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource: (Music) Concert of "A Moonlit Night on the Spring River" in the Golden Hall of Vienna

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment


-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:Love Is the Combination of Two Semicircles

-推荐阅读/Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:汉广/A Woodcutter’s Love

--Relevant Material: 诗经/The Book of Songs

--Literature Appreciation:西洲曲/Song of West Isle

--Relevant Material:南北朝民歌/Folk Songs of the Northern and Southern Dynasties

--Literature Appreciation:爱/Love

--About the Writer:张爱玲/ Zhang Ailing

--Literature Appreciation:神雕侠侣(节选)/ The Return of the Condor Heroes(Extracts)

--About the Writer: 金庸/Jin Yong

--Literature Appreciation: 红楼梦(节选)/The Dream of the Red Chamber(Extracts)

--About the Writer: 曹雪芹/Cao Xueqin

-第一讲 汉广/A Woodcutter’s Love


--Microlecture:"A Woodcutter’s Love" Is Enjoyed for a Thousand Years

--Microlecture:Love Is Always Young

--Microlecture:Near the End of the World —— the Situation of Admiration in A Woodcutter’s Love

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Cartoon) Confucius Institute's Evaluation of the Book of Songs

-第二讲 西洲曲/Song of West Isle


--Microlecture:The Ingenious Use of Pun in “Song of West Isle”

--Microlecture:A Comparative Analysis of Love Poems in the Northern and Southern Dynasties

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Ink Wash Painting) Lotus Picking

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment


-单元导学/Unit Guidance

--Microlecture:Humanity Is the Eternal River of Light

-推荐阅读/Recommended Reading

--Literature Appreciation:示众/A Public Example

--About the Writer: 鲁迅/Lu Xun

--Literature Appreciation:鸭窠围的夜/A Night at Mallard-Nest Village

--About the Writer: 沈从文/Shen Congwen

--Literature Appreciation:百合花/Lilies

--About he Writer: 茹志鹃/Ru Zhijuan

--Literature Appreciation:受戒/The Love Story of a Young Monk

--About the Writer:汪曾祺 Wang Zengqi

-第一讲 示众/A Public Example


--Microlecture:Lu Xun’s Humor and Profundity

--Microlecture:The Ingenious Use of the Technique of "Display" in A Public Example

--Microlecture:To See and Be Seen

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource: (Movie clip) Lu Xun's Speech

-第二讲 鸭窠围的夜/A Night at Mallard-Nest Village


--Microlecture:The Compassion of the Eternal Night.

--Microlecture:Listening to the Narration of the Eternal Night

--Microlecture Test

--Extended Resource:(Scenic Film) Fenghuang--The Hometown of Shen Congwen

-单元讨论/Unit Discussion

-单元作业/Unit Assignment

期末考试/Final Exam

-Final Exam

Chinese Literature开设学校:襄阳职业技术学院

Chinese Literature授课教师:
















  1. Chinese Literature(Round 2)

  2. Watercolor Painting Hall(Round 2)

  3. Geology and Geomorphology(Round 2)

  4. 微积分应用(Applications of Calculus I )(2021秋)

  5. 消化系统疾病(2021秋)

  6. Introduction to Natural Science(Round 2)

  7. 工程制图(上)(2021秋)

  8. Functional Experiments(Round 2)

  9. Energy-oriented Business Administration(Round 3)

  10. Concise Circuits(Round 2)

  11. 妇产科学(2021秋)

  12. 当代社会中的科学与技术(2021秋)

  13. 心理·生活·人生(2021秋)

  14. 英语漫谈海上新丝路(2021秋)

  15. 互换性与测量技术基础(2021秋)

  16. 初级汉语口语(2021秋)

  17. 高等数学(上)(2021秋)

  18. 中医正骨学(2021秋)

  19. 机械制图与计算机绘图(2021秋)

  20. 植物检疫学(2021秋)
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