Introduction To Hospitality

Did you ever wonder who will never be replaced in the world? People working in the Hospitality industry! Did you ever wonder which job allows you to build friendship all over the world? Jobs in Hospitality! Hospitality is a multi-billion-dollar industry and the fastest-growing business. It is full of vitality, innovation and challenges. If you’re interested, please join us. This course is designed right for you to truly understand this industry and become part of it. It introduces the hospitality hist


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Introduction To Hospitality视频慕课课程简介:

Did you ever wonder who will never be replaced in the world? People working in the Hospitality industry! Did you ever wonder which job allows you to build friendship all over the world? Jobs in Hospitality! Hospitality is a multi-billion-dollar industry and the fastest-growing business. It is full of vitality, innovation and challenges. If you’re interested, please join us. This course is designed right for you to truly understand this industry and become part of it. It introduces the hospitality hist


Introduction To Hospitality课程列表:


Chap1. Introducing Hospitality

-1.1 Introducing Hospitality

--Introducing Hospitality

-1.2 The History of Hospitality Industry

--The History of Hospitality Industry

-1.3 The Interrelated Nature of Hospitality and Tourism

--The Interrelated Nature of Hospitality and Tourism

-1.4 The Characteristics and Philosophy of Hospitality Industry

--The Characteristics and Philosophy of Hospitality Industry

-1.5 Trends in Hospitality and Tourism

--Trends in Hospitality and Tourism

-Chap.1 Excercise

Chap2. Hotel Classification and Organization Structure

-2.1 City Center Hotels and Resort Hotels

--City Center Hotels and Resort Hotels

-2.2 Airport Hotels, Convention Hotels and Motels

--Airport Hotels, Convention Hotels and Motels

-2.3 Full Service Hotels, Budget Hotels and B&B

--Full Service Hotels, Budget Hotels and B&B

-2.4 Departments Contacting with Guests

--Departments Contacting with Guests

-2.5 Departments Behind the Scenes

--Departments Behind the Scenes

-Chap.2 Excercise

Chap3. Rooms Division Operations

-3.1 Front Office:Duties and Responsibilities

--Front Office:Duties and Responsibilities

-3.2 Night Auditor and the Daily Report

--Night Auditor and the Daily Report

-3.3 PMS and Revenue Management

--PMS and Revenue Management

-3.4 Housekeeping:Duties and Responsibilities

--Housekeeping:Duties and Responsibilities

-3.5 Security and Loss Prevention

--Security and Loss Prevention

-Chap.3 Excercise

Chap4. Restaurants Operations

-4.1 Front of the House

--Front of the House

-4.2 Back of the House

--Back of the House

-4.3 Food Service Operations

--Food Service Operations

-4.4 Food Service Organization

--Food Service Organization

-4.5 Making a Profit in Food Service Operations

--Making a Profit in Food Service Operations

-Chap.4 Excercise

Chap 5. Quality of Service

-5.1 The Importance of Quality Service in Lodging Industry

--The Importance of Quality Service in Lodging Industry

-5.2 Avoid the commoditization of lodging products and services

--Avoid the commoditization of lodging products and services

-5.3 Ingredients in a Quality Service System

--Ingredients in a Quality Service System

-5.4 Service and “Moments of Truth”

--Service and “Moments of Truth”

-5.5 Service Delivery by Employees

--Service Delivery by Employees

-5.6 Management Tactics for Superior Guest Service

--Management Tactics for Superior Guest Service

-Chap.5 Excercise

Chap 6. Hotel Operation and Management

-6.1 The Management in Hospitality

--The Management in Hospitality

-6.2 Hotel Market Segment

--Hotel Market Segment

-6.3 Human Resource Management Issues

--Human Resource Management Issues

-6.4 Hotel Analytical Foundation

--Hotel Analytical Foundation

- 6.5 Hotel Industry Performance Reports

--Hotel Industry Performance Reports

-Chap.6 Excercise

Chap 7. The Hotel Operation Sustainability & Environmental Issues

-7.1 Green Hotel

--Green Hotel

-7.2 Hotel Operation Sustainability

--Hotel Operation Sustainability

-7.3 Hotel Operation Environmental Issues

--Hotel Operation Environmental Issues

-7.4 Hotel Technology

--Hotel Technology

-Chap.7 Excercise

Chap 8. Hospitality and Food Industry

-8.1 Market and Market Segment

--Market and Market Segment

-8.2 Concept


-8.3 Different Kinds of Food Service

--Different Kinds of Food Service

-8.4 Quality of Food Service

--Quality of Food Service

-8.5 Institutional Food Service

--Institutional Food Service

-Chap.8 Excercise

Chap9. Specialized Segments of the Hospitality Industry

-9.1 Meetings, Conventions, and Special Events

--Meetings, Conventions, and Special Events

-9.2 Why Meeting Industry Has Grown?

--Why Meeting Industry Has Grown?

-9.3 Opportunity in the Meetings Industry

--Opportunity in the Meetings Industry

-9.4 Hospitality and Long-term Residential Health Care

--Hospitality and Long-term Residential Health Care

-9.5 Resorts and Cruise

--Resorts and Cruise

-Chap.9 Excercise

Introduction To Hospitality开设学校:湖南师范大学

Introduction To Hospitality授课教师:


夏赞才,博士,教授,博士生导师。2004-2008 年中国社会科学院哲学研究所博士后流动站 工作。教育部高等学校旅游管理类专业教学指导委员会委员(2013-2018,2018-2022)、全国旅 游职业教育教学指导委员会委员、教育部本科教学工作审核评估、合格评估、师范类专业认证专 家,俄罗斯国家公共认证中心(NCPA)旅游专业认证专家。中国高等教育学会教学研究分会常 务理事。湖南师范大学“世承人才计划”(学术带头人),旅游管理硕士学位点负责人。曾任湖 南师范大学旅游学院院长、湖南省旅游研究院院长、湖南师范大学教务处处长、评建办主任。 (1)留学经历:2012-2013 年,美国 Purdue University 访问学者。 (2)行业影响力:旅游伦理研究成果在国内外有较大影响,曾参与世界旅游组织“世界旅游伦理委 员会(WCTE)的“负责任的旅游者 (The Responsible Tourist and Traveler)”项目研究,承担世界旅游组织委托的《全球旅游伦理规范》中文本翻译工作。 (3)科研成果:在《自然辩证法研究》《哲学动态》《旅游学刊》《道德与文明》《统计与决策》 《经济地理》等重要学术期刊发表系列论文,出版《张家界现代旅游发展史研究》,相关成果被 《中国人民大学报刊复印资料》、《中国旅游年鉴》等转载评论。近年主持完成国家社科基金项目、湖南省社科基金重大委托项目、教改项目多项。主要从事旅游基础理论、旅游地和旅游企业 管理研究。 (4)教学经历:长期承担《旅游学概论》《旅游产业概论》《旅游研究方法》等多门本科、研究生 专业课程教学;2013 年全面负责课程《Introduction to Hospitality》,并获评教育部来华留学英语授 课品牌课程。




刘芳,副教授,硕士生导师,中山大学旅游管理博士,美国Oklahoma State University博士后,荷兰Technology University of Eindhoven访问学者,湖南省旅游饭店协会教育专业委员会执委会主任,湖南省旅游饭店协会顾问、湖南省旅游饭店行业服务技能竞赛评委。主持教育部社科课题1项,湖南省社科课题1项,出版40万字的酒店管理专著1部,在SSCI、EI、CSSCI收录期刊和国际会议上发表酒店管理类论文20余篇。参与教育部来华留学生全英文授课在线精品课程《Introduction to Hospitality》(主讲教师),主讲留学生课程《Introduction to Tourism》、《Human Resource Management of Hospitality Industry》、《Hotel Investment》、《Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality》等。


刘颖洁,博士,湖南师范大学旅游学院副教授,硕士生导师,湖南省中外文化传播研究基地研究员,湖南省旅游饭店协会教育专业委员会常务执委,入选湖南省普通高等学校青年骨干教师培养对象。近年在《经济地理》、《湖南社会科学》、《大学教育科学》等学术期刊发表CSSCI论文数篇,主持和参与省级、厅局级及企业横向课题多项,出版专著《契约文化与高等教育》。主持完成线上开放课程《沟通的艺术》(中国大学生MOOC第二轮),参与国家在线精品课程《从创意到创业》(主讲教师), 参与来华留学生全英授课在线精品开放课程《Introduction to Hospitality》(主讲教师)。主讲留学生课程《Communication Management》《Culinary Culture》。




程慧,管理学博士,湖南师范大学旅游学院酒店管理系,讲师,硕士生导师。 承担旅游管理和酒店管理专业《经济学原理》、《应用统计学》等专业课程教学;2019年参与来华留学生全英授课在线精品开放课程《Introduction to Hospitality》;2019年通过万豪(国际酒店)集团万礼豪程项目资深讲师认证。近年在《Resources Policy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《资源科学》、《经济地理》、《管理评论》等国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇,主持国家社会科学青年基金、教育部人文社会科学青年基金、湖南省社会科学基金、湖南省教育厅科学研究基金等课题多项。


  1. Introduction To Hospitality(Round 2)

  2. 普通化学(2021秋)

  3. 水能与水资源利用(2021秋)

  4. Computer Fundamentals: Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking(Round 2)

  5. 物理性污染控制工程(2021秋)

  6. 国际贸易理论与实务(2021秋)

  7. 管理学(2021秋)

  8. 水质工程学(2021秋)

  9. 疫苗与健康(2021秋)

  10. 医学图像处理(2021秋)

  11. 园林植物景观学原理与方法(2021秋)

  12. 客户关系管理(2021秋)

  13. 中华传统文化与人生修养(2021秋)

  14. 移动通信技术(2021秋)

  15. 中国少数民族神话赏析(2021秋)

  16. 思维与逻辑——应该如何讲理(2021秋)

  17. 采油工程(2021秋)

  18. 分数域信号与信息处理及其应用(2021秋)

  19. 工程热力学(下)(2021秋)

  20. 数学实验(2021秋)
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