
Do you want to explore the cause of disease? Are you interested in what happened behind those clinical manifestations? If so, you have come to the right course, Pathophysiology. We will help you to bridges science, basic medicine and clinical practice. All the students in Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental Medicine, Nursing, Public health, Preventive Medicine and Medical Management are welcome!




Do you want to explore the cause of disease? Are you interested in what happened behind those clinical manifestations? If so, you have come to the right course, Pathophysiology. We will help you to bridges science, basic medicine and clinical practice. All the students in Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental Medicine, Nursing, Public health, Preventive Medicine and Medical Management are welcome!




1 Introduction

-1.1 Nature and Development of Pathophysiology

--Nature and Development of Pathophysiology

-1.2 Main teaching contents of Pathophysiology

--Main teaching contents of Pathophysiology

-1.3 Learning Methods of Pathophysiology

--Learning Methods of Pathophysiology



2 Overview of diseases

-2.1 The relevant concepts of disease

-- The relevant concepts of disease

-2.2 Etiology


-2.3 Pathogenesis of disease

--Pathogenesis of disease

-2.4 Outcome of disease

--Outcome of disease



3 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance and Imbalance

-3.1 Definition of fluid and electrolyte imbalance

--Definition of fluid and electrolyte imbalance

-3.2 Regulation of water and sodium balance

--Regulation of water and sodium balance

-3.3 Hypertonic dehydration

--Hypertonic dehydration

-3.4 Hypotonic dehydration

--Hypotonic dehydration

-3.5 Isotonic dehydration

--Isotonic dehydration

-3.6 Water intoxication

--Water intoxication



4 Potassium balance and imbalance

-4.1 Potassium function, metabolism and regulation

--Potassium function, metabolism and regulation

-4.2 Definition and biology of hypokalemia

--Definition and biology of hypokalemia

-4.3 Effects of hypokalemia on the body

--Effects of hypokalemia on the body

-4.4 Prevention and treatment of hypokalemia

--Prevention and treatment of hypokalemia

-4.5 Definition and biology of hyperkalemia

--Definition and biology of hyperkalemia

-4.6 Effects of hyperkalemia on the body

--Effects of hyperkalemia on the body

-4.7 Diagnosis and treatment of hyperkalemia

--Diagnosis and treatment of hyperkalemia


5 Acid- base imbalance

-5.1 What is acid-base balance?

--What is acid-base balance?

-5.2 Regulation of acid-base balance

--Regulation of acid-base balance

-5.3 Acid-base parameters

--Acid-base parameters

-5.4 Metabolic acidosis I

--Metabolic acidosis I

-5.5 Metabolic acidosis II

--Metabolic acidosis II

-5.6 Metabolic acidosis III

--Metabolic acidosis III

-5.7 Respiratory acidosis

--Respiratory acidosis

-5.8 Metabolic alkalosis

--Metabolic alkalosis

-5.9 Respiratory alkalosis

--Respiratory alkalosis

-5.10 Diagnosis of acid-base imbalance

--Diagnosis of acid-base imbalance


6 Hypoxia

-6.1 Conception of hypoxia and blood gas

--Conception of hypoxia and blood gas

-6.2 Classification of hypoxia

--Classification of hypoxia

-6.3 Hypotonic hypoxia

--Hypotonic hypoxia

-6.4 Hemic hypoxia

--Hemic hypoxia

-6.5 Circulatory hypoxia

--Circulatory hypoxia

-6.6 Histogenous hypoxia

--Histogenous hypoxia

-6.7 Effects of hypoxia on body I

--Effects of hypoxia on body I

-6.8 Effects of hypoxia on body II

--Effects of hypoxia on body II

















  1. Pathophysiology(Round 2)

  2. 《学记》导读(2021秋)

  3. 高分子化学(2021秋)

  4. 有机化学实验(2021秋)

  5. Approaching the Mysterious Traditional Chinese Medicine(Round 2)

  6. 国际商法(2021秋)

  7. 传统健身功法(2021秋)

  8. Accountant in Business(Round 2)

  9. 铸钢件铸造技术(2021秋)

  10. Tour around Britain and America(Round 2)

  11. 手把手教你心理咨询:谈话的艺术(2021秋)

  12. 比较宪法(2021秋)

  13. 高等数学精讲(下)(2021秋)

  14. 体内药物与毒物分析(2021秋)

  15. 质性研究方法(2021秋)

  16. 商务形象设计(2021秋)

  17. 中医英语进阶(2021秋)

  18. 巴蜀文化(2021秋)

  19. 数字超大规模集成电路设计(2021秋)

  20. 大学计算机(2021秋)
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