VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation

VR has begun to take industrial scale,the key is open collaboration. The purpose of this course is to let students touch and feel VR technology as early as possible, have a clear understanding of its ecological chain, technical means, development prospects, etc. And master the basic knowledge and practical operation ability of VR content production.


VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation课程:前往报名学习

VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation视频慕课课程简介:

VR has begun to take industrial scale,the key is open collaboration. The purpose of this course is to let students touch and feel VR technology as early as possible, have a clear understanding of its ecological chain, technical means, development prospects, etc. And master the basic knowledge and practical operation ability of VR content production.


VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation课程列表:





1.VR and Panoramic video application scene

-1.1 overview

--1.1-VR and Panoramic video application scene

--1.1-VR and Panoramic video application scene

--1.1-VR and Panoramic video application scene choice questions

-1.2 VR technology and Panoramic news

--1.2.1-VR technology and Panoramic News-part 1

--1.2.2-VR technology and Panoramic News-part 2

--1.2VR technology and Panoramic news

--The theme of VR panoramic news

--1.2 VR technology and Panoramic news choice questions

-1.3 VR technology and Sports broadcast

--1.3-VR technology and Sports Broadcast

--1.3VR technology and Sports broadcast

--1.3VR technology and Sports broadcast choice questions

-1.4 VR technology and panoramic display and guide system of Library

--1.4-VR technology and Panoramic Display & Guide System of Library

--1.4VR technology and panoramic display and guide system of Library

--1.4 VR technology and panoramic display and guide system of Library choice questions

-1.5-VR technology and Physical Education

--1.5-VR technology and Physical Education

--1.5VR technology and physical education practice

--1.5-VR technology and Physical Education choice questions

-1.6VR technology and inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage

--1.6-VR technology and Inheritance & Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage

--1.6VR technology and inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage

--1.6VR technology and inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage choice questions

-1.7VR technology and documentary

--1.7.1-VR technology and Documentary-part 1

--1.7.2-VR technology and Documentary-part 2

--1.7VR technology and documentary

--China's first VR panoramic aerial documentary

--1.7VR technology and documentary choice questions

2.Characteristics of Panoramic Video

-2.1Characteristics of panoramic video

--2.1-Characteristics of Panoramic Video

--2.1Characteristics of panoramic video

--2.1Characteristics of panoramic video choice questions

-2.2Narrative characteristics of panoramic video

--2.2-Narrative Characteristics of Panoramic Video

--2.2Narrative characteristics of panoramic video

--VR panoramic video`s authenticity and presence

-2.3The narrative strategy of panoramic video

--2.3-The Narrative Strategy of Panoramic Video

--2.3The narrative strategy of panoramic video

-2.4Application of montage

--2.4-Application of Montage

--2.4Application of montage

--VR panoramic video`s field

--2.2-2.4 choice questions

-2.5A new timeline for panoramic video

--2.5.1-A New Timeline for Panoramic Video

--2.5.2-A New Timeline for Panoramic Video

--2.5A new timeline for panoramic video

--2.5A new timeline for panoramic video

--2.5A new timeline for panoramic video choice questions

3.Panoramic video shooting and equipment introduction

-3.1 Presentation form of panoramic video

--3.1.1-Presentation Form of Panoramic Video part 1

--3.1.2-Presentation Form of Panoramic Video part 2

--3.1Presentation form of panoramic video

--The immersion ofVR panoramic video

--3.1 Presentation form of panoramic video choice questions

-3.2 Shooting process of panoramic video

--3.2.1-Shooting Process of Panoramic Video part 1

--3.2.2-Shooting Process of Panoramic Video part 2

--3.2Shooting process of panoramic video

--3.2 Shooting process of panoramic video choice questions

-3.3 Panoramic video shooting equipment introduction

--3.3.1-Shooting Equipment for Panoramic Video part 1

--3.3.2-Shooting Equipment for Panoramic Video part 2

--3.3Panoramic video shooting equipment introduction

--3.3 Panoramic video shooting equipment introduction choice questions

-3.4 Integrated panoramic camera operation

--3.4.1-Insta 360 Pro Operation

--3.4.2-Insta 360 Pro APP Operation

--3.4.3-Nokia OZO Operation

--Selection of integrated panoramic camera

-3.5 Accessories of panoramic camera

--3.5.1-Shooting Panoramic Video with Drone

--3.5.2-Shooting Panoramic Video with Remote Control Car

4.Post production of panoramic video

-4.1-Collection and Arrangement of Video Materials

-4.2 Stitching of Panoramic Video

--4.2.1-Stitching of Panoramic Video part 1

--4.2.2-Stitching of Panoramic Video part 2

-4.3-Editing and Color Matching


-Post production of VR panoramic video

-Post editing and production choice questions

5.Panoramic Video Display

-5.1-Panoramic Video Display with Mobile APP

-5.2-Panoramic Video Display on Computer Monitor

-5.3-Display with HMD

-VR panoramic video In daily life

VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation开设学校:南开大学

VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation授课教师:


冯欢,博士,南开大学文学国家级实验教学示范中心,实验师 APPLE认证数码视频剪辑师 NUKE认证讲师


  1. VR Experience and Panoramic Video Creation(Round 2)

  2. 走近徐志摩(2021秋)

  3. MySQL Database Programming(Round 2)

  4. 急诊医学(2021秋)

  5. 走进中国传统造物的审美世界(2021秋)

  6. 消防救援技术训练(2021秋)

  7. 大学物理(一)(2021暑假班)

  8. 塑料模具设计与制造(2021秋)

  9. Communication of Chinese Costume Art(Round 2)

  10. 有机化学(上)(2021暑假班)

  11. 管理沟通(2021秋)

  12. 西方现代派文学(2021秋)

  13. 普通逻辑学(2021秋)

  14. 会计学基础(2021秋)

  15. 中国教育史(2021秋)

  16. 项目成本管理(2021秋)

  17. 数字电子技术(2021秋)

  18. 玩转计算机二级—office高级修炼(2021秋)

  19. 游戏分析与评测(2021秋)

  20. 项目采购与合同管理(2021秋)
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