Wonderful Botany

Hello, every college student. This is Wonderful Botany, a public basic selective course for you. Some basic knowledge, principles and interest biological phenomena of Botany will introduce to you in the class. This course will reveal some mysteries of plants, will accompany you listening to the life rhythm, and let you sense the time conversion. This course will expand your knowledge field widely, activate your scientific thinking, improve your comprehensive quality.


Wonderful Botany课程:前往报名学习

Wonderful Botany视频慕课课程简介:

Hello, every college student. This is Wonderful Botany, a public basic selective course for you. Some basic knowledge, principles and interest biological phenomena of Botany will introduce to you in the class. This course will reveal some mysteries of plants, will accompany you listening to the life rhythm, and let you sense the time conversion. This course will expand your knowledge field widely, activate your scientific thinking, improve your comprehensive quality.


Wonderful Botany课程列表:


1. Abundant plant resources

-1.0 Introduction

-1.1 Grain plants

-1.2 Energy plants

-1.3 Aromatic plants

-1.4 Medicinal plants

-1.5 Drug plants

-1.6 Industrial plants and enviromrntal protection palnts

-1.7 Invasion of alien species

-1.0 Introduction

-1.1 Grain plants

-1.2 Energy plants

-1.3 Aromatic plants

-1.4 Medicinal plants

-1.5 Drug plants

-1.6 Industrial plants and enviromrntal protection palnts

-1.7 Invasion of alien species

-Excercise 1

-Examination 1

2. The Movement of plants

-2.0 The Movement of plants

-2.0 The Movement of plants

-Excercise 2

-Examintaion 2

3. Nomenclature and taxonomic hierarchy of plants and plants on campus

-3.1 Nomenclature and taxonomic hierarchy of plants

-3.2 Gymnosperms on campus

-3.3 Angiosperms- Herbs on campus

-3.4 Angiosperm - Shrubs and lianas on campus

-3.5 Angiosperms - Trees on compus(I)

-3.6 Angiosperms - Trees on compus(II)

-3.1 Nomenclature and taxonomic hierarchy of plants

-3.2 Gymnosperms on campus

-3.3 Angiosperms-Herbs on campus

-3.4 Angiosperm-Shrubs and lianas on campus

-3.5 Angiosperms-Trees on compus(I)

-3.6 Angiosperms-Trees on compus(II)

-Excercise 3

-Examination 3

4. The vegetable organs and their metamorphosis

-4.1 Root and its metamorphosis

-4.2 Stem and its metamorphosis

-4.3 Leaf and its metamorphosismetamorphosis

-4.1 Root and its metamorphosis

-4.2 Stem and its metamorphosis

-4.3 Leaf and its metamorphosismetamorphosis

-Excercise 4

-Examination 4

5. Ten famous flowers in China

-5.0 Ten famous flowers in China

-5.0 Ten famous flowers in China

-Excercise 5

-Examination 5

6. Living fossiles of Plants

-6.0 Living fossiles of Plants

-6.0 Living fossiles of Plants

-Excercise 6

-Examination 6

7. Symbiosis of plants—Coordination and harmonious evolution among organisms

-7.0 Symbiosis of plants-Coordination and harmonious evolution among organisms

-7.0 Symbiosis of plants—Coordination and harmonious evolution among organisms

-Exercise 7

-Examination 7

8. Dried flower technology and the making of leaf vein bookmark

-8.0 Dried flower technology and the making of leaf vein bookmark

-8.0 Dried flower technology and the making of leaf vein bookmark

-Excercise 8

-Examination 8

9. Microstructures of plants and their identification significances

-9.0 Microstructures of plants and their identification significances

-9.0 Microstructures of plants and their identification significances

-Excercise 9

-Examination 9

10. Decipherment of plant fruiting phenomenon

-10.1The basic composition of flowers

-10.2 The flower sex-inflorescene-floret

-10.3 Flowering, pollination and fertilization

-10.4 Fruit formation and structure

-10.5 The transmitting of fruits and seeds

-10.1 The basic composition of flowers

-10.2 The flower sex-inflorescene-floret

-10.3 Flowering, pollination and fertilization

-10.4 Fruit formation and structure

-10.5 The transmitting of fruits and seeds

-Exercise 10

-Examination 10

Wonderful Botany开设学校:西南大学

Wonderful Botany授课教师:


杨晓红,女,1963年生,四川省岳池县人。博士,西南大学植物学教授,博士研究生导师。分别在云南大学、西南农业大学从事植物学本科、硕士研究生和博士研究生学习,曾经在日本爱媛大学学习工作,在华中农业大学园艺学博士后流动站开展过合作科研。主要从事《植物学》公共基础课、《奥妙植物学》公选课及其相关学科的教学和科研工作。从2003年首次开设特色大学公选课《奥妙植物学》至今已17年,上课效果和质量受到学生的好评。近年来已完成的教育教学研究成果主要如下: 主编《奥妙植物学》和《植物学》教材,主要完成过国家自然科学基金、国家科学技术支撑项目等多项科学项目,发表学术论文150余篇,获得过授权专利5项,分别获得过国家教育部和农业部颁发的科学技术进步奖。


  1. Wonderful Botany(Round 2)

  2. Basis and Frontier in Medical Molecular Biology(Round 2)

  3. Analytical Chemistry for Engineering(Round 2)

  4. Hospitality English(2021秋)

  5. Analog Electronic Technology(Round 2)

  6. Oriental Wisdom—Caigentan(Round 2)

  7. 职业卫生与职业医学(2021秋)

  8. Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery(Round 2)

  9. java程序设计(2021秋)

  10. 广告设计(2021秋)

  11. 教育心理学(2021秋)

  12. 高级俄语实践语法(2021暑假班)

  13. 《机械制图习题集》典型习题解答(2021秋)

  14. 笔译技巧与实践(2021秋)

  15. 结构素描(2021秋)

  16. 毒品预防与治理(2021暑假班)

  17. 汽车机械基础(2021秋)

  18. 集装箱运输与多式联运(2021暑假班)

  19. 数据结构与算法(2021秋)

  20. 巴蜀旅游文化(2021秋)
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