Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology

Introduce basic principle, process, operation characteristics, process calculation method of the main physiochemical (waste)water treatment methods.


Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology课程:前往报名学习

Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology视频慕课课程简介:

Introduce basic principle, process, operation characteristics, process calculation method of the main physiochemical (waste)water treatment methods.


Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology课程列表:


Chapter 0 Introduction

-0-2 Water treatment process

--0-2 Water treatment process

-0-3 Wastewater treatment process

--0-3 Wastewater treatment process

-Chap 0 Homeworks

Chapter 1 Coagulation and flocculation

-1-1 Introduction

--1-1 Introduction

-1-2 Properties of colloids

-- 1-2 Properties of colloids

-1-3 Mechanisms and process of coagulation and flocculation

--1-3 Mechanisms of coagulation and flocculation

-1-4 Coagulant and coagulant aids

-- 1-4 Coagulant and coagulant aids

-1-5 Kinetics of coagulation and flocculation

--1-5 Kinetics of coagulation and flocculation


-1-6 Factors affecting the coagulation performance

--1-6 Factors affecting the coagulation performance

-1-7 Facilities for coagulation and flocculation

--1-7 Facilities for coagulation and flocculation

-Chapter 1 Homeworks

Chapter 2 Sedimentation and clarification

-2-1 Introduction

--2-1 Introduction

-2-2 Discrete particle settling

--2-2 Discrete particle settling

-2-3 Flocculent settling

--2-3 Flocculent settling

-2-4 Zone settling

--2-4 zone settling

-2-5 Rectangular settling tank

--2-5 Rectangular settling tanks

-2-6 Process calculation of rectangular settling tanks

--2-6 Process calculation of rectangular settling tanks

-2-7 Vertical Flow (up-flow ) and radial flow settling tank

--2-7 Vertical Flow (up-flow ) and radial flow settling tank

-2-8 Plated sedimentation tank

--2-8 Plated sedimentation tank

-2-9 Clarification pool

--2-9 Clarification pool

-3D interactive demonstration for settling tanks

--Method for browser setting

--Up-flow settling tank

--Clarification pool

--Circular settling tank

-Chapter 2 Homework (part 1)

-Chapter 2 Homework (part 2)

Chapter 3 Air floatation

-3-1 Introduction

--3-1 Introduction

-3-2 Theoretical foundation of air floatation

--3-2 Theoretical foundation of air floatation

-3-3 Pressurized dissolved air flotation

--3-3 Pressurized dissolved air flotation

-Chapter 3 Homework

Chapter 4 Filtration

-4-1 Introduction

--4-1 Introduction

-4-2 Structure and process of conventional rapid filter

--4-2 Structure and process of conventional rapid filter

-4-3 Water head loss of filter

--4-3 Water head loss of filter

-4-4 Filtration method of filter

--4-4 Filtration method of filter

-4-5 Filter media

--4-5 Filter media

-4-6 Water distribution system

--4-6 Water distribution system

-4-7 Filter backwashing

--4-7 Filter backwashing

-4-8 Siphon filter

--4-8 Siphon filter

-4-9 Gravity valveless filter

--4-9 Gravity valveless filter

-4-10 Movable hood filter

--4-10 Movable hood filter

-3D interactive demonstration for filtration tanks

--Usage and description for 3-D demonstration

--Method for browser setting

--Conventional rapid filter

--Siphon filter

-Chapter 4 Homework

Chapter 5 Disinfection

-5-1 Introduction

--5-1 Introduction

-5-2 Influence factors of disinfection

--5-2 Influence factors of disinfection

-5-3 Chlorine disinfection

--5-3 Chlorine disinfection


-5-4 Chlorine dioxide disinfection

--5-4 Chlorine dioxide disinfection

-5-5 Ultraviolet disinfection

--5-5 Ultraviolet disinfection

-Chapter 5 Homework

Chapter 6 Ion-exchange

-6-1 Ion-exchange resin

--6-1 Ion-exchange resin

-6-2 Properties of ion-exchange reactions

--6-2 Properties of ion-exchange reactions

-6-3 Properties of cation exchange resin

--6-3 Properties of cation exchange resin

-6-4 Properties of anion exchange resin

--6-4 Properties of anion exchange resin

-6-5 Softening system using ion exchange

--6-5 Softening system using ion exchange

-6-6 Desalination system using ion exchange

--6-6 Desalination system using ion exchange

-6-7 Ion-exchange equipment

--6-7 Ion-exchange equipment

-6-8 Treatment of industrial wastewater by ion-exchange method

--6-8 Treatment of industrial wastewater by ion-exchange method

-Chapter 6 Homework

Chapter 7 Membrane separation

-7-1 Introduction

--7-1 Introduction

-7-2 Principle and characteristics of electrodialysis

--7-2 Principle and characteristics of electrodialysis

-7-3 Configuration of electrodialysis unit

--7-3 Configuration of electrodialysis unit

-7-4 Operating parameters for electrodialysis unit

--7-4 Operating parameters for electrodialysis unit

-7-5 Principle and process of reverse osmosis

--7-5 Principle and process of reverse osmosis

-7-6 Operating parameters for reverse osmosis

--7-6 Operating parameters for reverse osmosis

-7-7 Principles and characteristics of UF and MF

--7-7 Principles and characteristics of UF and MF

-7-8 Design of ultrafiltration and microfiltration process

--7-8 Design of ultrafiltration and microfiltration process

-Chapter 7 Homework

Chapter 8 Redox method

-8-1 Fundamental knowledge and classification

--8-1 Fundamental knowledge and classification

-8-2 Ozonation

--8-2 Ozonation

-8-3 Photo-catalytic oxidation

--8-3 Photo-catalytic oxidation

-8-4 Supercritical water oxidation

--8-4 Supercritical water oxidation

-8-5 Electrolysis

--8-5 Electrolysis

-Chapter 8 Homework

Chapter 9 Adsorption

-9-1 Introduction

--9-1 Introduction

-9-2 Adsorption equilibrium and adsorption isotherm

--9-2 Adsorption equilibrium and adsorption isotherm

-9-3 Adsorption breakthrough curve

--9-3 Adsorption breakthrough curve

-Chapter 9 Homework

Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology开设学校:清华大学

Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology授课教师:


黄霞,博士,清华大学环境学院教授、环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室主任,长江学者奖励计划特聘教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者。国家精品课程《水处理工程》负责人、国家精品课程《环境工程原理》主讲教师。主要从事膜法水处理技术、生物电化学水处理技术、污水资源化等方面的研究工作。主著或参编著作/教材4部。曾获宝钢优秀教师特等奖、北京市优秀教师、北京市优秀教学成果一等奖、清华大学教学成果特等奖各1次,国家科技进步二等奖2次,高等学校科技进步奖等省部级一等奖5次,国际期刊Environmental Science and Technology 2009年度十佳论文奖。


  1. 古代汉语与元典阅读(2021秋)

  2. 机械工程前沿技术(2021秋)

  3. 汉语语法与语法教学(2021秋)

  4. 催化剂设计与制备(2021秋)

  5. 电子系统体验与工艺实践(2021暑假班)

  6. 程序设计技术(基于C)-提高与应用(2021秋)

  7. 新时代大学生恋爱与婚姻(2021秋)

  8. 软件理论与工程(2021秋)

  9. 电工电子技术(2021秋)

  10. 软件开发实训--动态网站开发(2021秋)

  11. Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering: Physicochemical Technology(Self-Paced)

  12. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence(Round 1)

  13. Software Engineering(Round 1)

  14. International Finance(Spring 2021)

  15. Business Correspondence for International Trade(Round 1)

  16. 高层建筑施工(2021春)

  17. Clinical Physiology(Spring 2021)

  18. English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)(Round 1)

  19. Microbiology(Round 1)

  20. International Non-degree Students Orientation Schedule for Fall 2021(Self-Paced)
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